Since October 7, 2023, Israel has been slaughtering civilians in Gaza while claiming to be avoiding civilian casualties to the degree possible in their alleged effort to utterly eliminate Hamas. It is documented that Hamas was created by Israel, has been funded extravagantly since then by Israel, and that Hamas has been strongly supported politically by the Likud and Benjamin Netanyahu, the IDF, and Israel, and I will not detail that evidence here, expecting my readers to be - or be able to get - familiar with that evidence. While my usual practice is to pepper my posts with links, I will post only one link here, to enable as much brevity as possible in treating this topic.
It has been shown that Israel facilitated the attack Hamas committed on October 7, being fully apprised of the transgression of the border wall by Israeli civilians, IDF forces, and it's comprehensive detection infrastructure at that wall. Israel also constantly lied about Hamas actions and it's own during that attack, claiming Hamas committed every atrocity Israel itself undertook, and this included systematically raping Israeli women and children as a matter of military policy. Every such claim Israel has made about Hamas has been disproved by factual evidence, and Israel itself has been shown to be committing every atrocity it accused it's victims of, and to do so as a matter of policy.
As part of that policy to commit atrocities against it's victims, IDF soldiers committed brutal rapes of Palestinians in their custody and under their control, so violent and brutal that at least one of their victims was unable to walk as a result of the injuries the soldiers inflicted during the rapes he suffered. The soldiers were subsequently detained and charged with these war crimes against humanity, and this caused outrage amongst some Israeli civilians.
Not the slaughter of as many as 200k innocent women, children, and Gazan men. Not even the slaughter of Israeli civilians Israel has been proved to have committed and attempted to blame on Hamas. Not the sadistic rapes of helpless captives, but the enforcement of just law against the rapists. That is what the violent Israeli protestors are seeking to prevent, because they state that IDF soldiers have the right to torture, rape, and murder their victims.
While mentally healthy people are rightfully shocked that Israeli civilians are so deranged that significant numbers of them have violently attacked their own military forces to extract the accused IDF soldiers from the custody of military law enforcement facilities, this shock is a result of corporate disinformation, misinformation, and fake news that has been purposely designed to prevent people from knowing how Israeli and other Zionist Jews have been trained to dehumanize all other people from birth, and of that deliberate dehumanization Zionists train children to commit.
This training to dehumanize non-Jews isn't just book learning. Children are physically tortured from birth in order to create the psychological dysfunction necessary to such inhuman hatred. The torture of Zionist children includes the mutilation of their genitals as infants and the consumption of their blood through the injury during SRA rituals by oral suction. Some children die from this practice, being infected by disease by their abusers using their mouths to feast on the bloody wounded genitalia of infants suffering indescribable agony.
Various sects of Judaism are reported to have extremely high rates of child sexual abuse, violent physical abuse, and to buy and sell children, including their own, for such abuse. It has been shown that committing such violent abuse to children causes children to break psychologically, in the event they survive, and this appears to be the purpose of these evil crimes, intended to create a new generation of sadistic, inhuman, psychopaths to torture the next generation of Zionist children.
The horrific religion of Talmudic Rabbinism advocates torture and murder of children in religious sacrifices to their demonic gods, a practice undertaken from time immemorial in the worship of Baal, Moloch, and similar evil constructs whose religions enable political purposes of Zionist leaders. Zionist leaders use atrocities to oppress and control not only their own subjects, but victim peoples they seek to destroy and eradicate so that the Zionists can take their lands and possessions to increase their own wealth and power.
Not only are these deranged cultists in Israel, but the participation of corporate media such as CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and social media companies such as Goolag, Twatter, and Fakebook has long supported Talmudic cultists around the world. It is because of these policies and the crimes Zionists have committed in countries other than Israel, millennia before it was created in 1948, that Jewish people have been repeatedly expelled and pogrommed by their outraged host nations.
This evil, sadistic SRA abuse is the fundamental nature of Zionism, of Talmudic Rabbinism, and it's deranged adherents claim falsely is Judaism, deceptively concealing the nature of the hatred fostered against humanity and the violent sacrifices of children of non-Zionists that is mortally fatal to non-Zionist victims. The demonstrated participation of media corporations, of government agencies, and politicians in countries around the world, and particularly the United States of America, in concealing such crimes and promoting Zionism proves that such entities are part of the Talmudic Rabbinic cult that is intent on conquering the world and torturing humanity to death in a global SRA genocide and religious ritual that has been being plotted for millennia.
This is the historical background to the riots of Israeli civilians against the enforcement of laws criminalizing atrocities like sadistic, violent rape used as a military weapon by the IDF and the state of Israel. This demonstrates that Israel, the United States, and media corporations are infiltrated and controlled by evil Satanists that have been tortured from birth to commit such atrocities. In order to facilitate their success against good people and high trust societies, such evil cultists and their victims are trained to deceive and lie. Only because of certain religious rules are snippets of factual truth revealed, and that usually extremely cryptically.
Sometimes, however, the truth is as plain as the nose on your face, and the fear and horror this causes is relished by the sadistic villains that enjoy the destruction of innocence, goodness, and the felicity of humanity. It is not an accident. It is not by mistake that American government is supporting and funding the genocidal murder of hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children in Gaza, nor elsewhere across the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, S. America, or Asia. Talmudic Zionist cultists have existed since prior to the Roman Republic, and have purposed to conquer the world via their demented evil religion.
As part and parcel of their horrific religious practices, deception and duplicity are used to enable blackmail to control political and economic power, and then to use that power to create the State of Israel, and ultimately to use that power to conquer the world. When the publicly available information is examined and understood, it becomes apparent that this Talmudic Rabbinism is behind the most horrific events in history, including WWI and WWII, organ and sex trafficking of children, and every horror imaginable.
This is the state of the world today, and these are the forces that control the global economy, transnational corporations, NGOs, and international governance institutions like the UN, the WHO, and the BIS. Centuries of fanatic zealotry by evil Satanists who have been tortured from birth has infiltrated and corrupted institutions at all scales, and their plans have been enabled to reach this ripe point of fruition that threatens to achieve the conquest of the world and the torturous genocide their demonic gods command.
The fantasy that good people are running the world, that democratic elections choose our political leaders, that reason and understanding underlie our scientific institutions, our economic and commercial corporations, and the media has been created and fostered through deception and duplicity for many generations. While it is an IQ test that separates those competent to understand the nature of the deception, it is more realistically a test of moral fiber, where only the most strong and powerfully founded on sound principles are able to accept the horrific facts without shrinking from the terrible reality extant.
The majority of people are unable to meet that bar, to understand that it isn't merely incompetence and stupidity that is behind the evil policies of invasive immigration, but Machiavellian purpose to destabilize society. That ritual SRA religious torture and murder is driving the millions of children globally that disappear each year. That the censorship and propaganda committed by spooks and media corporations is coordinated with the economic and financial crimes of the thieves stealing the wealth of the world, and designing the enslavement of free people. It is real and evil conspiracy that is concealed by accusations and projections of corrupt traitors infiltrated in positions in law enforcement, national intelligence agencies, and positions of power and influence globally and historically. From Abraham Lincoln to Winston Churchill, the heroes of the deceived who have been proclaimed to have done great and good things, are shown to have been vile criminals bent on genocide and destruction of all that is good and holy.
We are deceived, and it is provable. If you have the moral fiber to withstand the burden of the facts, the solutions to the problems this poses free people are potential. But in order to solve the problems that we face we first much have that strength of principle on which to firmly base our understanding. The affliction of indoctrination has created many without sound principles, who flip flop all over the political map, incapable of standing against evil, and thus facilitating the corruption and deception they cannot withstand. There is a war by deception ongoing, with localized eruptions of overt warfare, such as in Israel, the Ukraine, and soon in the Balkans, S. America, and elsewhere in the world. Good people of sound moral fiber and understanding of fundamental principles are scarce, and not one of them is perfect or has perfect understanding.
This creates an enormously fractured defense against evil that is burgeoning globally today. Obviously a fractured and incomprehensive defense against violent assault is less able to resist and defend against such assault. However, that fractionation also enables diversity of defenses, and this creates a form of security from monolithic, centralized assault that legacy institutions have as a basis for their mechanisms of political power. Trawlers use one net to scoop up a whole school of fish, but lesser schools and individuals that roam outside the main school avoid being harvested with that school. The illimitable diversity of defenses, methods of production, and sites in which good, free people today exist as a result of the imperfect and individualized understanding of the world is an inherent defense against totalitarian oppression.
Let the wise and good people use this fractionation as a factor in their defense of themselves, their families, and their communities - since they cannot overcome that diversity. Let such unity as can be achieved also contribute strength to that defense of good society and people. Above all, do not succumb to despair, demoralization, and defeat, because it is a fact that the evil machinations of deranged psychopaths have been ongoing for millennia, and have continually been defeated over and over again. Throughout history, and long into prehistory, such evil religious cult has purposed the singular purpose to conquer the world, and serially during it's existence it has been detected, foiled, and destroyed by good people of every possible ethnic, racial, cultural, and political form. While many people and cultures have been destroyed in that time, the survivors have always prevailed and ended the conquest being attempted, enabling the survival of humanity in all it's diversity, and the advance of civilization and the felicity of society to increase.
It is a known biological reality that catastrophes weed out the unfit from populations that spike, or are plunged into desperate conditions by cataclysmic events, such as volcanic eruptions, extraterrestrial impactors, plagues, solar fluctuations and famines they cause, and every kind of political and cultural upheaval ecology and biology have devised. Evolution occurs through death, with weak, stupid, and incompetent individuals being removed from the gene pool in every extant species through repeated and various catastrophes continually since life arose on Earth. We today are the sons and daughters of the people that were smart enough, strong enough, and good enough to survive every cataclysm in the history of the world to breed and raise children successfully. Do not despair. We are the saviours we need. Our forefathers have proved they were strong and smart enough to achieve victory over evil over and over again, and we are their children, better and smarter than they were, with technology and resources they could only dream of to use to create the blessings of civilization.
We will surmount our exigency and create civilization unimaginable to the fevered dreams of ancient prophets. Every miraculous power that has ever been predicted will be surpassed by us and our posterity. It is impossible to foresee all the good and wonderful events, powers, and achievements that will come in the future, and we are the foundation on which all that amazing and unimaginable goodness will be built on. Take heart, and stand firm on sound principles right now, regardless of whether or not you feel able or competent to do so.
We are what we are, and we are all we have. We are all we need, and we will succeed. The deranged evil cultists claiming a right to rape and murder us will be defeated and destroyed, and their own derangement will be a fundamental way that comes about. Reality and those that understand the power of good people to bless each other is unbeatable. Evil and destruction is simply utterly incompetent to create anything better than the civilization that blesses society with felicity, prosperity, and liberty.