US Right To Know FOIA Plan of EcoHealth Alliance to Manufacture SARS-CoV-2 in WIV

in #lifelast year

Emily Kopp of the NGO US Right To Know has published a PDF responsive to their FOIA request submitted to the US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, in Albequerque, New Mexico regarding records maintained by Tonie Rocke, an epidemiologist at the National Wildlife Health Center.

"1. We request communications between Dr. Rocke and email addresses from the
following domains:,

"2. We request communications that include the key term “Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
We also request communications that include the terms “PREEMPT” and “DEFUSE,”
but only those communications where all of the letters in each of these terms is

"The time period for this request is March 24, 2017 to the present. Please narrow the
search results to exclude any published papers, organizational newsletters or other widely available published materials."

The US Department of the Interior produced 1,412 pages of information in the PDF linked above.

"American scientists planned to work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology to engineer novel coronaviruses with the features of SARS-CoV-2 the year before the virus emerged from that city...

"...the scientists sought to insert furin cleavage sites at the S1/S2 junction of the spike protein; to assemble synthetic viruses in six segments; to identify coronaviruses up to 25 percent different from SARS; and to select for receptor binding domains adept at infecting human receptors."

WIV had been collecting bat coronaviruses for years. Dr. Shi Zhengli was known as 'the Bat Lady' for her work there. Dr. Ralph Baric, of the University of North Carolina, had patented ways to insert such sites undetectably, and went to work at the WIV in the effort to achieve the planned work.

"The documents reveal for the first time that a virologist working with the Wuhan lab planned to engineer new spike proteins – in contrast with the collaboration’s public work to insert whole spike proteins into viral backbones. Language in the proposal indicates this work may have involved unpublished viruses, generating unpublished engineered spike proteins.

"...Baric, was set to engineer twenty or more “chimeric” SARS-related viral spike proteins per year of the proposal, and two to five full-length engineered SARS-related viruses.

"The documents describe the SARS-related viruses to be studied in the grant as posing “a clear-and-present danger of a new SARS-like pandemic.”

It is obvious that SARS2 was created in WIV through the collaboration between Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli, funded through the cutout Peter Daszak ran, EcoHealth Alliance, by a grant from NIAID approved by Anthony Fauci. This cutout was necessary because the US had a moratorium on gain of function research, which weaponizing bat viruses to cause a human pandemic certainly is.

This is the way that the pandemic and the subsequent imposition of lockdowns, economic destruction, and the variety of mandatory health measures, including the experimental genetic therapies falsely called vaccines that have killed an estimated 17M people and injured ~2B worldwide, was caused.

This is a horrific genocidal crime against humanity, and the principals in this scheme have not yet been charged with any crimes, retain the full proceeds of their criminal conspiracy and biological attack on humanity, and are walking around free.

Instead, soccer moms that don't want their children sexualized and trained to have perverse sex with adults by federally funded public school groomers..., er, teachers, are labeled by the US Department of Homeland Security as domestic terrorists.

This is coterminous with the demand of the World Health Organization (WHO) that the national governments of the world sign on to the Pandemic Agreement that enables the WHO to mandate any medical treatment it sees fit as a response to anything it decides is a public health emergency, at it's sole option, by May 2024.

By the public furor over the introduction of SARS2 in Wuhan, dramatically framed as an epidemic of a plague pathogen with an IFR of 3.4 by the WHO, and the fact that the IFR of the SARS2 pathogen is orders of magnitude lower, a tiny fraction of 1%, the WHO has proven willing and able to declare pandemic, advocate for novel and deadly medical interventions without scientific basis for pathogens manufactured for the purpose, and cause iatrogenic genocide with malice aforethought.

It is obvious that this pandemic agreement is a Malthusian genocidal weapon that is intended to eradicate humanity at the whim of the WHO and it's management, overt and covert. It is notable that Bill Gates has provided so much funding to the WHO that he is treated as a member nation.

It is difficult to conceive of a more devastating weapon than this vector for existential harm and genocide, but it is not the only hazard we face today, with war ongoing in multiple countries from Europe to N. Africa, and new fronts opening constantly. All the countries of Europe are warning their people to prepare for war. The US is already funding or fighting all of them.

IMG source - this is not an official government poster, but a sarcastic meme produced by an anonymous party

WWIII has already started, and we are losing because we aren't fighting the war that is being waged against us. Our communications are surveilled and censored. We are told lies by our enemies, our governments, the corporations of the WEF, and the medical institutions that we pay to keep us healthy and save our lives. Instead, they're going to kill us all.


This livestream is ongoing. The URL will probably change after the livestream. There are few sources of ongoing conflicts and genocide today better than this. Check it out and see.

I wish she would have asked for data on biolaboratories in Ukraine. There were many US-funded facilities there before the war, too, to which none of the UА inspecting or controlling bodies had access.
The Russians even published a lot of documents to prove it. But who believes Russia?

There were more than 2 dozen biolabs in the Ukraine, and many of them were working on Covid stuff. Some of them were working on Covid stuff back in 2018, IIRC. At least, I recall seeing shipping labels for test kits for Covid19 coming out of the Ukraine dated to that time.

Edit: it may have been shipping manifests, not labels. It's been a few years.

Even before the war, our hospitals were voluntarily taking blood for analysis from the population.
What kind of analysis was not reported!
But for a few ml of Slavic blood they paid 1 average statistical salary!
(it was necessary to make a kickback to the doctor and the one who brought in this scheme).
This is unprecedented!
A friend of mine started a business on the interest from the people he brought in to donate blood.

I suspect that only the US could afford to pay that kind of money for Slavic dna research.

"American scientists planned to work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology to engineer novel coronaviruses with the features of SARS-CoV-2 the year before the virus emerged from that city...

"...the scientists sought to insert furin cleavage sites at the S1/S2 junction of the spike protein; to assemble synthetic viruses in six segments; to identify coronaviruses up to 25 percent different from SARS; and to select for receptor binding domains adept at infecting human receptors."

Dear @valued-customer !

Are you saying that American companies created the coronavirus as a bioweapon in China?😨

The NGO EcoHealth Alliance brought in Ralph Baric from the UNC with funding from the NIAID, an agency of the USG, to produce the SARS2 virus. There seems to be no accusations that private companies participated in the process.


Are you saying that an American government agency developed a virus weapon in China?😯

Yes. That is the undeniable conclusion drawn from the FOIA'd discussions undertaken by those that did it. Shi Zhengli and Ralph Baric at WIV were paid by Anthony Fauci of NIAID through Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance to make SARS2, the virus that caused Covid19 and enabled the pernicious jabs to be tested on billions of victims, killing tens of millions.

Dear @valued-customer !

Your argument will cause a court in my world to sentence you to five years in prison!😨

Sad that courts of justice are criminals that foist crimes on the people depending on them for justice. The words criminal justice take on a new meaning for me in that context. They must know, mustn't they, that in due time their charade of justice, and the parade of criminality, must come to an end, and a true and just court sentence them for their crimes, surely?

Tell them, if you dare, I said so: they are criminals. They are the ruffians beating people on the street, stealing the bread of the hungry, defiling the daughters of the dead, and decimating their widows. They, that should be the upright, are down low, worthless scum, and less than worthless, malevolent, cruel, evil, and, some day, they will be dead, and unable to make amends, or peace, or gain forgiveness for their black sins.

Edit: No, don't tell them anything. Do not suffer for my audacity. Let the burden lay on them that bear it, for a judge does not sell justice unknowing of what they do. They do not throw millions into graves that should have life left them, that gift of God, nescient they steal it from God, Himself.

They do not take from God his truth and life he gives His people without knowing what they do. Leave the words I bear to me, and live your life you are given. Let me shoulder the burdens of the truth I speak. Let them come and get me, these judges robed in black, black as the spreading stains of their sins on their souls that will mark them forever. My burden will be light, and I will bear it with a spring in my step, for but a little while, until I am free of burdens, and cast my soul into eternity, unblemished by the curse they will bear in perpetuity.

Dear @valued-customer !

I think you remember that East Asian religions and laws exist for the honor and benefit of East Asian overlords!

In the Christian world, overlords are servants of God, but in the East Asian world, overlords are gods!

I believe that the dictatorial power of overlords will disappear only when the entire world is evangelized as the Bible says!

I hope your health and longlife!

Seems like a nice job title, overlord. Are they hiring? LOL That's silly, I know. The only way to become an overlord is to kill the old one and take their place.

Well, that can be arranged.

Maybe not "us all". The quoted researchers may want to take a look at the research being done by George Webb and Mark Kulacz, who discovered much the same activities over two years ago. Mr Webb has already written at least one short book about it.

Mr Kulacz has an interesting theory in that the proles, rather than being killed, are being set up to become "lab monkeys" or "lab mice" for experimentation by those in power. After all, lab monkeys aren't cheap and although animal testing is useful, no animal corresponds exactly with the human genome. This push toward homogenizing our food by eliminating local food sources and restricting movement via "green" directives like ULEZ and "15-minute cities" as well as various attempts to control human breeding, makes it seem like those in power plan to put the proles in "cages" and feed the proles all the same food in an attempt to eliminate variance and make experimental data more accurate. Of course, those in power may feel that 8 billion lab monkeys aren't necessary and pose a problem for the push toward homogeneity, and thus kill off those not useful for experimentation.

I agree that this is only definitive proof from the mouths of the plotters themselves, and was known to most capable of connecting the dots much earlier. I also agree, and believe I have previously stated, that the wide variability of the formulations of the jabs indicate that the jabdemic was a massive test of experimental medical devices, not a ubiquitous murder tool intended to genocide humanity.

As to Kulacz's thoughts on standardizing our habitat and fare, it is not without merit, and something I had not previously considered. It certainly makes sense.

I have pointed out that the plandemic tested many different formulations on many different populations and that whatever has been discovered via those tests will likely be applied in the next plandemic. I don't think merely killing everyone off is a reasonable goal, as there are quite a few mechanisms less complex, difficult, and expensive that would facilitate ubiquitous mortality. I think there are multiple outcomes the conspirators (and a variety of plots and plotters) desire to achieve, and the low mortality suggest that is merely an acceptable failure rate.

I very much appreciate your bringing these facts to my attention. It was George Webb's reporting that initially brought Steemit to my awareness, and I only stopped following him when he undertook to speak for Mossad, which I found unpalatable.


Edit: given the impossibility of completely securing humanity in 15 minute prisons, or any of the proposed hazards to universally succeed, there will be populations that will surmount all of them and survive. However, all of us, individually, are going to die. No exceptions.