Karen Kingston has posted regarding Pfizer's tests of it's modRNA medical device BNT162b2 on children as young as 6 months. It is horrifying.
Pfizer reported on November 20, 2020, that the risk-benefit ratio of mRNA vaccines was not favorable (unfavorable) for children based on data from 100 children 12 to 15 years old from the Phase-3 trial. In June 2021 the FDA stated that it would be infeasible (impossible) to conduct a clinical trial that would could clinically and statistically prove a vaccine could safely prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 disease in children (specifically younger pediatric patients, such as infants and toddlers) because pediatric populations rarely became infected with SARS-CoV-2 or presented with COVID-19 symptoms.
Nonetheless, Pfizer proceeded with the experiments.
"Per Pfizer’s June 15, 2022 data submission to the FDA, Pfizer enlisted 4,526 babies and toddlers to conduct criminal human experimentation on. Completion of the clinical trial was defined as a 2-month follow-up visit post the 3rd dose of BNT162b2."
"Of the originally enlisted 4,526 babies and toddlers enlisted, only 1,424 (31%) made it to their 2-month post mRNA dose-3 doctor’s visit.
"Throughout the body of this Pfizer document, there are horrifyingly detailed descriptions of the disabling and painful harms done to the babies and toddlers after receiving the mRNA nanoparticle injections, including; anaphylaxis, appendicitis, fevers of greater than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, seizures (with eye rolling), convulsions, and status epilepticus (seizures lasting more than 5 minutes and multiple seizures a day -sometimes a dozen or more- that can lead to permanent brain damage).
"Pfizer also documented epilepsy, exanthema subitum (herpes induced fever and seizures), permanent brain damage confirmed by an EEG, hypotonia (limp ‘lifeless-like’ baby), and lissencephaly (genetic-induced brain malformation characterized by the absence of convolutions/folds) in babies and toddlers injected with mRNA nanoparticles."
IMG source - KarenKingston.substack.com
There were no placebo groups that were not unblinded and dosed.
"The clinical trial design submitted by Pfizer to the FDA in the IND (initial new drug application) was not in compliance with laws that regulate the biologics industry (21 USC) and therefore were criminal experimentations on human adults and children. I just described 690 babies and infants who never made it to their 2-month follow-up visit with the investigational doctor. There was a total of 3,102 babies and toddlers who never made it to their 2-month follow-up visit."
"The American people are being deceived and deeply betrayed."
I do not agree with Karen Kingston on everything. But I sure do agree about that. Unblinding all placebo groups eliminated the ability to contrast the dosed with the undosed, and any scientific utility to the studies. I believe that was done to enable Pfizer and the FDA to deny the Pfizer medical products were the cause of the grievous harms done those children - that Pfizer and the FDA knew, or should have known, would be done them during the study.
All of the parties that designed and carried out these crimes against humanity need to be prosecuted to the extent of just law for these vile acts. There are no lawful, just shields that prevent such inhumane crimes from being prosecuted and capital punishments for the guilty executed. Many parties that aided and abetted the government officials and corporate officers in the commission of these crimes also bear the guilt of the lies that enabled the criminals to harm the victims that participated in the studies, and those that have been harmed by the fraudulent Emergency Use Authorization granted by the FDA for these bioweapons.
People I love have been killed, grievously harmed, and endangered. I know many of you have been impacted just as severely, and worse. We need to enforce just laws against genocidal crimes against humanity to protect ourselves, our surviving children, and all who come after us from inhuman fiends that would commit such atrocities for profit.