Battle Mage Secrets: Lost Magic - Swords And Bows Will Do

in #hive-133233 months ago


Hi all, hope all is well for you and it is time for another Battle Mage Secrets. Last week, we looked a ruleset that had been here for long and it is one that caused us to restrict one rarity of card from being used. Today, we look at another long standing ruleset that which

Ruleset Spotlight


Lost Magic


  • Use Thorns and Demoralize to counter melee attacks.
  • Use Headwinds and Return Fire to counter ranged attacks.
  • Units with 2 types of attack (which include magic) cannot be used.

What thrives with this ruleset?
Ok, this ruleset is quite straightforward. There are three attack types in the game. This ruleset shut down one of them, which is Magic attackers, so you will be expecting to face more of the other two. So quite naturally you need to guard against the remaining two kinds of attack. And yes, you cannot use Quora because she has both Magic and Melee attack. With the ruleset, as long there is magic attack on the card, it cannot be used.

Common to Both
Protect and Shield are 2 good abilities that you should keep in your lineup. This is because one gives you additional armour and the other reduces damage that comes from melee or range. One more that comes in handy will be Dodge to avoid getting hit. If possible, please use cards with these abilities. And if you're able to, choose Summoners that give armour buffs and subsequently add something that repairs these armour that have been taken out. And on the reverse, Shatter will be good to consider because opponents will likely load up their armour since armour is a key stat for such a ruleset.

Handling Melee
Thorns is the best for this where you return the damage back to the attacker. If you have retaliate also good. Another thing to add in will be the Demoralize where you reduce the melee attack of opponent by 1. Then on the offence side, you can put in Inspire to boost your own offence from melee cards.

Handling Range
Reutn Fire behaves the same way as Thorns but more for Range attackers. Then similar to that of Demoralize, you can put in Headwinds to reduce the range attack of your opponent. If you want you can either consider using General Sloan or Quix as your summoner to buff/debuff range attacks.

Now on stats, the higher the better and if possible load up more armour.


With these in mind, let's start to talk about the battle proper.

The Battle


Lost Magic
Mana Limit: 47

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Franz Ruffmane6SummonerI used this summoner because it gives me +1 armour for the lineup and also able to let me use a Gladius card.
Drybone Barbarian91stThis card is a beast, if it gets hurt first, the return attack from this card can easily kill off many cards.
Marisol Contuma92ndA fast reaching card that has blood lust and can grow out of proportion in my favour
War Pegasus73rdThe flying shatter which is important to remove any armour on opponent.
Pelacor Arbalest64thDamage dealer with double strike.
Venari Crystalsmith45thHealer to ensure tank survive longer.
Dumacke Exile66thSneak attacker that is used to pick out those pesky cards from the backline.
Total Mana:47

Opponent Lineup

  • Summoner - General Sloan
  • Position 1 - Grimbarndun Fighter
  • Position 2 - Disintegrator
  • Position 3 - Portal Spinner
  • Position 4 - Nimbledook Ranger
  • Position 5 - Aria Bandit
  • Position 6 - Pelacor Arbalest

Prediction before pressing rumble
Interestingly, opponent really had almost all the abilities that I mentioned above. Shield, Demoralize and Dodge. I think I have also loaded up sufficiently on my end, let's see how the battle progresses.

Let's battle!

Battle Synopsis

Round 1, Things move really fast, while many attacks start flying, the combination of my lineup which has both offence and defence successfully nail down the tank of my opponent, the Grimbardun Fighter even though it had Shield, the whopping 6 melee attack of Drybone Barbarian even after demoralize is no joke.


Round 2, The cycle repeats with all kinds of attack going all around and Drybone Barbarian taking out Disintegrator while Dumacke Exile has sneakily lowered the attack of opponent Pelacor Arbalest to 1 health.


Round 3, One by one, cards are being taken out, Marisol takes out Portal Spinner, Drybone takes out Nimbledook, Dumacke Exile takes out Pelacor Arbalest while Venari Crystalsmith nail the last one by taking out Aria Bandit. A nice victory secured with every card clearing one card during the last round.

Post Battle Summary
I really like how the battle went with all the cards that I've fielded doing their part for the victory of this match. Every single one of them are instrumental and have a specific function to why there are there in the lineup.

Did my strategy work? Yes absolutely. I am so glad everything went as planned. Especially when each card is doing the function they are assigned to. Drybone is the big retaliating machine and tears down anything that stand in its way. Dumacke was there for sneaking up the backline, Crystalsmith is there for healing up while the 3 main attackers Pelacor Arbalst, War Pegasus and Marisol all did their part to put up big damage to opponent lineup.

What's the Battle Mage Secret?

The Battle Mage Secret today for me is that I put up a mix lineup rather than going either pure melee or range. It is working well when we harness the strength of both of them and not get overly dependent on one which could leave us lacking. Sneak is something mainly on melee and hence that's where Dumacke Exile come in. Heal is found in either magic or range, so no magic, we can have Venari Crystalsmith. Drybone Barbarian served as a might tank and big attacker at the front while being supporter by 3 other heavy attackers whom all have their purpose in Blood Lust, Shatter and Double Strike which is very important to see the victory of the game. Knowing what abilities are more available on which attack type will allow you to choose wisely and assist you in winning your battles!

Wrap Up
I hope you guys enjoyed reading my sharing on the rule set Lost Magic. I would really appreciate it if you liked and/or commented to let me know what are you thoughts.

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Till my next battle sharing, take care, stay safe and happy battling!

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Nice share.





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It is a great battle lineup you have on the board today
Thank you so much for sharing this battle
Life warriors in this selection have such destructive power
Have a great day

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