Hello art lovers and creators! Yay to the first Thursday of the month. Happy new month!
Let's go right into the subject of today because there has been several remixes and I believe this would be the last because I feel content now. I am satisfied with this franchise. Next movie series coming right up.
How it started
But if we go further back in time, once upon a time there were two portraits;
There was a final finishing touch before I minted her on Solana
Title: I've been living in a....
Published on Mallow.art
and the second portrait,
So, I had the idea to put them together.
Title: I'm not Weird Just Limited
Next I wanted a simpler illustration of both portraits which is the "how it started" above. Then it expanded into me increasing the canvas size so I could extend the figures
Funny how I went from let's make it a minimalistic design to let's elaborate some more again and that's how we're back to the finish line
Currently published on Zeroone experimental market
Title: Could Have
And that's the end of the tale. As always feedback and comments are always welcomed and my commissions are open.
Take care folks!
Digital artist and illustrator of neo pop art and more. Also part time animator. I strive to get better almost everyday. Grateful and hopeful. Good days and bad days, you're much appreciated following the journey
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Phaver to post on farcaster and lens simultaneously.