"Effective Altruism" 😂

in #hive-1679222 years ago

Hat wohl nicht ganz mit dem "effektiven Altruismus" geklappt 😂

Die Idee dahinter war, in kurzer Zeit so viel Geld wie möglich zu verdienen, um es danach möglichst effektiv für die Menschheit einzusetzen. Nobler Gedanke.

Aber die Realität sieht wie so oft etwas anders aus.

So effektiv wie möglich Geld von anderen für sich und die politische Elite zu stehlen und es so aussehen zu lassen, als wäre man der größte Philantrop und Altruist.

Kann so etwas wie Altruismus wirklich funktionieren oder geht es letztendlich doch immer auch um den eignen Nutzen, Geld und Anerkennung, was grundsätzlich ok ist, solange man insgesamt der Menschheit mehr hilft als schadet. Unterm Strich positiver Effekt.

Was denkt ihr?

Effective Altruism?



Didn't quite work out with "effective altruism" after all 😂

The idea behind it was to earn as much money as possible in a short amount of time in order to use it as effectively as possible for humanity afterwards. Noble idea.

But the reality is, as so often, somewhat different.

Stealing money from others as effectively as possible for the own benefit and the political elite and making it look like you are the greatest philanthropist and altruist while doing so.

Can something like altruism really exist or is it always about one's own benefit, money and recognition, which is basically ok as long as one helps humanity more than one harms it. Net positive effect.

What do you guys think?

Live your Secrets and Hive Prosper 🍯

xx Viki @vikisecrets



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I like the cat approack.. 😎😁

To me stealing is stealing no matter how it is done I think their main intentions was to Scam if in the process people were impacted it doesn't really make sense

just be a cat

no effective altruism, no fraud, just meow meow

sorry but that killed me of laught 🤣🤣🤣🤣

all the post was being so serious and then that 🤣🤣🤣

Ich finde den Gedanken des effektiven Altruismus sehr interessant und eigentlich auch logisch! Natürlich ist nicht alles altruistisch, was sich so bezeichnet...

Greed moves the world, everyone knows that. It is something that is in our genes, in the genes of animals. Also called survival instinct. What happens is that, as in other things, we humans give it an extra boost and we are capable of generating unimaginable destruction. It is our greatest virtue and our greatest defect.

Bill gates is a philanthropist. These people here are not !

The idea behind it was to earn as much money as possible in a short amount of time in order to use it as effectively as possible for humanity afterwards.

Money changes people, it's no secret. But for some reason, everyone thinks this story isn't about them. 😅 !LOLZ When I give, I give it away gratis, and I don't pre-collect millions to give it away...

Cartoonist found dead in home.
Details are sketchy.

Credit: reddit
@vikisecrets, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @stdd

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I don't think it's good at all if people are stealing money away from people. It doesn't make sense and it makes me wonder if these people would be fine if people stole their money to create a good result.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The great enemy of mankind is ego and greed, I think. No matter what a human being does, if greed rules in him, it is doomed to failure. We wont change anything, even not in the crypto space, if greedy minds are ruling the scenario.

Have you also seen the video of Mark Moss?

What do you think about it?

If not, here is the link:

Have a beautiful day and kind regards to vienna 💯✨💖💕🤗

So much fraud is involved in the FTX case and that SBF is still allowed to speak at a New York Times conference is insane.

Yes, i made some research too and was listening to some professionals about ftx... Wowowow... What a f*** up shit.
Snowden got in trouble for his doing so fast and this guy, like you said, is walking around like nothing happens. Should be the other way around!
What the hell??? Its like a bad movie. 😒

Yeah really insane, starting to believe deep state CT 🙈

Sim, normally I believe in the good in humans but with all that weird connections and unfair stuff I think there must be more behind. Its toooo crazy to be just a randomly Coincidence anymore. 🙈🙊🙉 but now enough of this bad news. lets concentrate on the good. this is what the world needs most 💕💯🤗💖✨


Why did Stalin only write in lowercase?
Because he hated capitalism.

Credit: reddit
@vikisecrets, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @holovision.cash

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Awesome man. This is edifying. I don't hate scammers anymore because they train people to not be so gulible. Those who have been conned out of thousands of dollars in this way, can come to my idea of using decentralized exchanges, keeping your money at home with your own real business that you can see or touch. Always keep your own keys. Don't take health advice from misanthropes or drug companies. The later wants you always sick and the former wants you dead. Until people are burned three times, they don't learn.

When I trade on a centralized exchange (CEX), I put in up to $20 worth. If there is a minimal limit of >$20, I go elsewhere. If it is a place I have traded many times and they have good reputation, then $100. Then I trade to the coin I need and then withdraw. FTX never came on my radar. I heard of Bankkman and took him as a well intentioned misguided lucky idiot. I had him wrong. You could say, I was fooled too, but I have a policy such that I wouldn't even send my coins to the ex-CEO of Lavabit (Ladar Levison) to take care of them for me if I can avoid it. So I never lost a satoshi to FTX, to those interest bearing BTC accounts and so on. You can go from Hive to Hive-Engine and then your local crypto-fiat exchange to get fiat. From the crypto-fiat exchange to a real bank. Banks are still more trust worthy than the average crypto exchange.

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