HBO documentary "Money Electric" claims that Canadian Bitcoin Core Dev Peter Todd is Satoshi, but not convincing. Will we ever know who Satoshi Nakamoto is?

in #hive-1215668 days ago

Die HBO-Dokumentation "Money Electric" behauptet, dass der kanadische Bitcoin Core Developer Peter Todd Satoshi Nakamoto sei, aber es ist wenig glaubwürdig.

Davor wurde auf X spekuliert, dass Len Sassaman von der Doku als möglicher Satoshi-Kandidat präsentiert wird, Len wurde aber nicht einmal erwähnt.

Was für Peter Todd spricht, ist dass er sich bereits früh mit Bitcoin beschäftigt hat. Als Argument wird angegeben, dass Peter Todd eine Konversation im legendären Bitcointalk-Forum fortgesetzt habe als wäre er "satoshi", aber die Antwort fälschlicherweise als "Peter Todd" gepostet hätte.

Habe mir den Thread angeschaut, aber ganz überzeugend ist das Argument nicht. Mann kann es auch so sehen, dass er als Entwickler auf eine technische Frage antwortete. Jedenfalls steckte er tief in der Materie von Bitcoin.

Später wirkte Todd auch bei der Weiterentwicklung von Bitcoin mit, hat ein Timestamp-Service für Bitcoin entwickelt (OpenTimestamps) und war auch beim Launch von zcash involviert.

Die Dokumentation wirft Todd vor im Geheimen unter einem weiteren Pseudonym (John Dillion) für Regierungsstellen (Geheimdienste) zusammengearbeitet zu haben. Auch dafür fehlen die Belege.

Was weiters gegen die Satoshi-Hypothese von Peter Todd als Satoshi spricht ist, dass Todd am Leben ist und laut Blocktrainer-Bericht auch in der Doku zu sehen war, während Satoshi mysteriöserweise untergetaucht ist.

Entweder lebt Satoshi nicht mehr oder er würde doch nicht bei so einer spekulativen Doku mitmachen, oder?

Was haltet ihr von der Doku? Werden wir jemals herausfinden, wer Satoshi Nakamoto wirklich ist?

HBO-Dokumentation behauptet Peter Todd sei Satoshi Nakamoto

Bitcointalk Thread (Peter Todd's reply)

peakd Snap


The HBO documentary “Money Electric” claims that Canadian Bitcoin Core Developer Peter Todd is Satoshi Nakamoto, but it's not very convincing.

Previously, there was speculation on X that Len Sassaman was presented by the documentary as a possible Satoshi candidate, but Len was not even mentioned.

What speaks in Peter Todd's favor is that he got involved with Bitcoin early on. The argument given is that Peter Todd continued a conversation in the legendary Bitcointalk forum as if he were “satoshi”, but mistakenly posted the answer as “Peter Todd”.

I looked at the thread, but the argument is not very convincing. You can also look at it as him replying as a developer to a technical question. In any case, he was deeply involved in Bitcoin.

Later, Todd was also involved in the further development of Bitcoin, developed a timestamp service for Bitcoin (OpenTimestamps) and was also involved in the launch of zcash.

The documentation accuses Todd of having worked secretly under another pseudonym (John Dillion) for government agencies (secret services). There is no evidence for this either.

Another argument against the Satoshi hypothesis of Peter Todd as Satoshi is that Todd is alive and, according to the Blocktrainer report, was also seen in the documentary, while Satoshi has mysteriously disappeared.

Either Satoshi is no longer alive or he wouldn't take part in such a speculative documentary, would he?

What do you think of the documentary? Will we ever find out who Satoshi Nakamoto really is?

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I am quite so sure that someday, we will find out who is satoshi

He should remain anonymous. It’s part of Bitcoins identity.

I don't think we'll ever know, but the test would be to move the funds.

Peter Todd Could Never Be Satoshi, the documentary that has been the subject of much discussion lately

Das werden wir wohl nie erfahren :-)


I doubt we will ever find out, it's not everyone who loves being in the limelight.

The real Satoshi is supposed to stay quiet so that people would not get to know the real person he is

Why is it important to know who Satoshi is? What would change if we knew?

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Everyone is trying to save their heads…

I don't think we will ever figure out. The speculation is kind of crazy

Whoever Satoshi is or wherever he is, he has made it to history and the Crypto World owes him a lot.
If they knew his identity, the high and mighty Governments of Nations could put him behind bars for creating an alternative to Fiat 😁

I actually thought it was quite entertaining and informative, especially for the earlier years of Bitcoin development. But I agree the argument about Satoshi is a weak claim at best.