The HIVE Content Rewarding System As Part Of Web 3.0 (A Brief Personal Analysis)

in #technology2 years ago

Good afternoon from Romania once again, fellow HIVE users worldwide and dear readers from both HIVE and outside of it! For today's second post here on my HIVE blog, I decided to write a bit about my opinion on my HIVE content rewarding system (as part of the ongoing developing Web 3.0) based on my personal experience of being a user on this great platform for the last two years.

It's really been a tremendous honour to be a content writer here on HIVE for approximately two years. I hope I will be able to produce more and more valued content for at least two more years on this great platform! Thank you so much for your readership as well as for both your constant and occasional support! It truly means a lot to me! Image source: Pixabay

Yesterday, I just published the following brief personal analysis on Web 3.0, which, to my utmost surprise, was met with many upvotes and a very good overall feedback (for which I am deeply grateful, I also need to add).

Today, as my part of my new technology-related series of posts here on HIVE (based mostly on my personal experience and, to a certain extent, also on realistic expectations for the near and mid-term future), I wanted to continue by sharing my personal opinion on the HIVE content rewarding system as part of the ever evolving Web 3.0.

Therefore, without any further needless ado on my behalf, I honestly and strongly think that the HIVE content rewarding system is a very efficient, well-balanced, fair, and motivating cryptocurrency-based rewarding system. It is based on the previously implemented rewarding system on Steemit (where I've started my "crypto adventure" in late 2016 before "migrating" to its fork, HIVE, in mid 2020), and, given this fact, it is a very good continuation of an equitable share of cryptocurrency-based tokens for ambitious and hard working content creators as me, for example.

Without rambling on too much on the matter, I'd just want to finish by saying that, essentially, it is a win-win direct, real scenario for any user on this platform. The success, however, can be measured on varying degrees (and I will perhaps save this meaningful topic for another post in the near future), but the reality that it is an approximately 50%-50% share in terms of content curation between, on the one hand, the content creator, and, on the other hand, the interested, supporting audience which decided to upvote the respective content in the first place, makes HIVE one of the best blockchain-based platforms which is part of the still developing Web 3.0 and I am certain that it will continue to evolve for the better!

Last but not least, I am very glad that I will be a busy bee once more on HIVE, being able to "cement" this status on a weekly basis once again after a pause of circa one month. And I will end this article in a musical key, so to put it, by sharing Ugly Kid Joe's 'Busy Bee', the 5th track from the band's iconic debut studio album 'America's Least Wanted' written by guitarist Dave Fortman.

A busy bee, just like the one above, that's who I truly am professionally as a content creator. Image source: Pixabay

Thank you very much for your readership, attention, and time spent on my HIVE blog! All the best, much health, take care, stay safe, many blessings, and great peace your way! God bless you, have an excellent day, and a wonderful week along with all your dear ones! Best regards from Romania!

Many blessings your way, all the best once again, much health, take care, stay safe, and, just as in the words of Ringo Starr, peace and love your way! Great peace and a lot of love your way, I might add! Have an excellent and most peaceful day along with your close/dear ones! Namaste and great peace your way once again! 😊🙏✌️☮️

Also, please don't forget to keep praying for Ukraine and its people! Much love, blessings, and peace to Ukraine and the Ukrainians as well! May the war stop very soon! 💛💙🇺🇦

P.S.: Thank you very much for all your support, readership, attention, precious time, appreciation, re-blogging, and feedback here on HIVE. 😊

Stay blessed, loved, well, and safe along with your family and friends! Cheers and please stay tuned for more amazing content on my HIVE blog! 😊


Yesterday, I just published the following brief personal analysis on Web 3.0, which, to my utmost surprise, was met with many upvotes and a very good overall feedback (for which I am deeply grateful, I also need to add).

Today, as my part of my new technology-related series of posts here on HIVE (based mostly on my personal experience and, to a certain extent, also on realistic expectations for the near and mid-term future), I wanted to continue by sharing my personal opinion on the HIVE content rewarding system as part of the ever evolving Web 3.0.

Salute my friend @vikthor,
I've always wanted to know about the HIVE content rewarding system as part of the ever evolving Web 3.0. However, my English reading skills were not enough to achieve my goals.

So, I look forward to your next articles.😃

Thank you for stopping by and for your comment! I expect and hope to publish more on the HIVE content rewarding system during the following days! Please stay tuned for more! All the best and have a great day! 😊