This is somewhat of a follow up to the recent:
Mrs. Mosquito and More Mrs. Mosquito
I finally slept somewhat better, the last two nights, after weeks of broken nights.
Last night, I spent about 12 hours (!) in bed.*
The night before ( new year's eve - new year ), I probably slept about 7 hours, but it was a more or less undisturbed night ( which is exceptional for me ).
I spent that night in a camper of friends ( with whom I spent New Year's Eve ) and their camper was mosquito free! Hurray! :<)
Today, I realize how freaking tired I have been, lately, and still am.
But, the great news is that I now have a mosquito net installed around my bed ( since last night ) and that it seems to be working.
Fun fact: It was those same friends of the mosquito free camper that got me a mosquito net. They are awesome!
They also gave me an unexpected gift as a new year's present: an inox percolator / coffee machine ( I learnt that it's healthier than the aluminium one that I used to make my coffee in ).
I used my new machine, just now, and enjoyed an espresso with milk, while listening to the music coming from my record player ( installed in the attic ): the soundtrack of the 1980s film "Streets of Fire".
Tired or not, I can't complain about my life :<)
It's kind of a bonus that I left my phone charger ( I don't have a spare one or fitting cable ) at my friend's place, yesterday.
My phone's battery is empty since yesterday night, which makes it easier to rest, today.
I'm not in a hurry to get my charger back ( as I told my friends in a message, yesterday night ), although I will probably visit my two different neighbors, who are also friends, today or tomorrow, to ask if they possibly have a spare phone for me that I can borrow until I've got my charger returned to me. No rush with that though.
I still have a laptop and oldfashioned email to reach out to people, if I feel like it.
Funny enough, I can charge ( my personal batteries ) faster, if my phone isn't charged haha!
I'm sure some of you - especially the more introverted types - can relate here :<)
Suffice to say that today's plan is to rest, to read, to go on a walk - weather is Spring like -, to write ( not just this blog post but also do some dino writing ), to draw and/ or paint, to eat healthy food and not much more than that.
I hope your new year has started off nicely. Onward and upward ( with some downward moves inbetween, for the much needed contrast!
Don't forget to keep surfing those waves ( whether it's actual waves, the crypto market or the ebb and flood, high and lows in your day to day life ), it's what makes life fun, eventhough it doesn't always feel like it, when you think you are drowning.
Big hug and feliz ano novo / 2022! :<)
*If it wouldn't have been for all the tea and water that I have been drinking, yesterday, I might actually have slept even better ( I had to leave my net and bed at 0:30 and 5AM to pee ), last night.
At 5 AM, I spotted a small mosquito on my mosquito net, near the opening. This happened when I came back from the bathroom. This bloodsucking beastie ( I am still figuring out whether they come in peace or not ) was sitting near the opening / entry of my mosquito net, but - luckily for me - it didn't manage to enter the net, when I crept back into bed. This was also why it survived the night.
The beautiful sketchie above this post, shows me safely tucked away underneath my mosquito net. The "zzzzzz" inside my net, is me sleeping, not a buzzing mozzie. I had to make this in MS Paint as I can't take pictures now and upload them ( more on that later ). I was actually planning to make a drawing and then realized that I wouldn't be able to share it on here.