Ribari na rajskoj plaži./ Fishermen on the paradise beach.

in #hive-17430110 months ago

Ne znam za druge, ali ja bih mogla danima da sedim u kući i slikam. Ne zavisim od ljudi, zavisim od umetnosti.
Danas sam provela nekoliko sati uživajući u svim detaljima ove veličanstvene morske atmosfere. Čak sam poželela i da udjem u sliku, a miris mora sam skoro i osetila.🌊

I don't know about others, but I could sit in the house and paint for days. I don't depend on people, I depend on art.
Today I spent several hours enjoying all the details of this magnificent sea atmosphere. I even wanted to enter the picture, and I could almost smell the sea.🌊


Kada radim pejzaže, prvo me privuče nebo, nebo koje simboliše slobodu.

When I do landscapes, I am first drawn to the sky, the sky that symbolizes freedom.


Zatim me je privlačio horizont. Pokušala sam da dočaram ostrvo na neki specifičan slikarski način. Boje su bile prozračne ali su i pored toga zračile finom teksturom.

Then I was drawn to the horizon. I tried to portray the island in a specific painting way. The colors were transparent, but they also radiated a fine texture.


A sada čamci. U morskim pejzažima najviše volim da radim čamce. Igra boje, senke, detalja, kanapa daje odličnu priliku za razlivanje i kreativnost.

And now the boats. In seascapes, I like to do boats the most. The game of color, shadow, details, string gives an excellent opportunity for spilling and creativity.


Iskreno, pre čamaca se prvo uradi pesak, ali toliko sam žurila da radim čamce da sam zaboravila.😁
Ali uspela sam fino da uklopim kasnije.

Honestly, the sand is done first before the boats, but I was in such a hurry to do the boats that I forgot.😁
But I was able to fit it in nicely later.


Kada sam se približila kraju, uzbudjenje je raslo jer sam shvatila da će ovo biti jedan od mojih najboljih slika.
Završavam. . .

As I neared the end, the excitement grew as I realized that this was going to be one of my best paintings.
I'm finishing up. . .



Bacam poslednji kritički pogled na sliku.
Iako sam mogla početak ( prvi plan) mora naslikati tamno plavom, ja sam ostavila more skoro netaknuto bojom. Htela sam da dočaram izuzetno sunčani dan pa sam iz tog razloga ipak štedela plavu. Ne kajem se, svakako me mami da se bućnem. . .💦💙👣

I take one last critical look at the picture.
Although I could have painted the beginning (foreground) of the sea dark blue, I left the sea almost untouched by color. I wanted to portray an extremely sunny day, so for that reason I saved the blue. I don't regret it, it certainly tempts me to make a fuss. . .💦💙👣

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Very lovely painting, well done 👍🏾

Thank you so much @manuellambert !

This is beautiful

Thank you.

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