Merry Christmas, It's Time to Stand.

in #hive-110786 โ€ข 2 years ago

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Many believe they have a choice in the United States, they donโ€™t. What they have today are two sides of the same coin. It gives the perception to freedom, but in reality, itโ€™s non-existent.

Yet, we sit and fight over the left side versus the right. And for what? To let those who pull the strings win. They know their weapon, it's hailed division. For thousands of years, tyrants used the technique to control the populace. And as long as people refuse to stand, these butchers of freedom herd the public into boxcars, one sheep at a time.

I hear so-called patriots claim, โ€œwhen things get bad, weโ€™ll take a hard stance.โ€ I hear their call to action, โ€œwe must fight to save America!โ€ and see the masses do nothing except turn the other way and say, โ€œweโ€™ll stand when the time comes.โ€

Really? The time has passed.

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Things are bad. People rolled up their sleeves and allowed the injection of a deadly experiment. Two years later we see friends and family drop dead due to the mRNA technology which streams through their veins.

Even though we knew a mask caused more harm to people's health and did nothing to prevent the spread of a pathogen, people wore them regardless.

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When asked why, โ€œI donโ€™t want to rock the boat, man.โ€

They stayed complacent and abused their children with illegal mandates and toxic jabs.

But the mandates did prove one thing. The government now knows beyond a shadow of a doubt, their covid trial worked. People comply without question. A success rate Stalin would be proud of without a single bullet fired.

And still, after the truth comes out, people still obey without hesitation.

As we head into 2023, those who took control via a coup position American for collapse. Another so-called pandemic and a famine through manufactured food shortages.

To push individuals over the edge, they plan for hyperinflation and massive layoffs. Homelessness will skyrocket as we watch poverty rise to unprecedented levels.

And you know what, people still refuse to take a hard stance.

What kind of stance do I refer to? Athens TN, 1946.

I wonโ€™t give away the details, instead I ask each of you to do a little dig, come back, and tell me what you find.

With all the fear monger tactics and negative vibes fed from congress and mainstream media asshats I have one ask from Santa.

Help us all stand united and end the tyranny once and for all.

I donโ€™t care if youโ€™re straight, gay, trans, Jewish, black, white, Christian, Atheist, Mexican, Italian, or Chinese; all I care about is we stand as one.

No more banter about the left or right. In 2023 itโ€™s about the people of the world versus genocide by corrupt governments, Big Pharma and elite billionaires who control congressional policy without any legal basis.

If we donโ€™t stand now, itโ€™s game over.

I love you all and wish everyone the best Christmas.

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WIV Reports โ€” Uncensored