WEDA: Quick Opinions by Khush Featuring - You Are The Change, Skelatons In The Closet & The Pimpled Lads In The Basement

in #opinion3 years ago


For every problem in the country we blame the leaders, the politicians, the people on the top, they’re responsible for each problem, injustice, the crumbling economy, Pebble you’ve stumbled upon on your way to work !! We forget that we The People are the ones responsible for what’s happening around us, If you look around and notice you’ll understand , for instance, child labour is prohibited by many countries according to the law, yet there’s a lot of illegal child abuse practiced in the streets by greedy materialistic people or the politicians set a certain wage rate or set prices for basic necessities, yet a huge number of business owners refuse to follow that law , who’s to blame here ? We curse the government for soaring prices, but mostly it's the people setting their own silently.

Even for domestic violence the politicians are blamed, what happens within the walls of your home is your responsibility. In the Islamic tradition we are asked to not blame or curse our leaders, instead begin from yourself, like “Verily, Allaah will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves ” (13:11) The change begin from within our own selves, don’t look at others , change always begin from the bottom and steadily goes upwards, break the mould of selfishness and set an example , be the change

Skeletons In The Closet


Many people when they become successful or get noticed their rivals dig out the mistakes of their past, bring out the skeletons from the closet. It could be envy, insecurity, spite, or it could be to share that your past might be your future as well. It's true, racists, chauvinists, biased ones, seek attention and validation to spread their ideology, but when this category of people begin a new chapter, the wrongdoings, lapses, misconducts of the past pops up.

For instance, An Australian journalist CJ Werleman, with his past of Islamophobic & racist ideas is often facing criticism by many, despite his effort to change Any politician, who has a history of unlawful, dodgy activities is always afraid to see someone digging it out & ruining the career. On the other hand, there are bigots, who get the attention of their mind like shallow group & they are still on the same page, and misleading others as well, they need to be exposed & reprimanded. In my humble opinion, there might be individuals who need to be reminded of the unacceptable actions of the past, causing great distress to others so they mend their actions, or at least become an example for others who need that, but bringing out bones to mortify and belittle is unnecessary & futile. Growing up is a process full of ignorance, slip-ups, blunders, but if you have learned & mended it, then anyone who brings out that part of your life is merely an envious soul who cannot digest the new you.

The Pimpled Lads In The Basements


Came across this very interesting comment by the British Journalist Andrew Marr ” The business of funding digging journalists is important to encourage. It cannot be replaced by bloggers who don’t have access to politicians, who don’t have easy access to official documents, who aren’t able to buttonhole people in power.”

To some extent he's correct, the part where he begins with, about digging journalists, furthermore I found his remarks
"A lot of bloggers seem to be socially inadequate, pimpled, single, slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed young men sitting in their mother's basements and ranting. They are very angry people," he told the Cheltenham Literary Festival.

To me, as a student of journalism and a blogger this stance of Mr . Marr's is absolutely appalling and inconsiderate, yes, some social media bloggers who are using this platform to spread propaganda, disinformation, sensationalism, and a lot more, but so is the mainstream media, where Fake news & misrepresentation, mudslinging is a norm by the men and women with french manicure and fancy suits.
The inadequate, pimpled young lad might be spreading lies for a few pennies, to float, but those in suits, working for huge media corporations make millions for deceiving the masses, yellow journalism, and propaganda.

It's amusing to read that since the bloggers don't have access to the politicians or official documents, their efforts, analysis or opinion is useless because we're not prancing around the corridors of Westminster or shaking hands with the ministers.

Here I'll add, after Andrew Marr said goodbye to BBC, he commented, ‘I want to go back to being a gum-shoe reporter with a pen and a notepad in my pocket wandering the halls of Westminster, and finally be able to say and write what I really think,’ he said, for him, his opinions are important, he cannot compromise on that, he trusts his information and the source, but any diligent blogger is not a journalist according to him, that's an impertinence. When as a journalist, he knows well how difficult is it to do research, find sources and share them with the world, and take responsibility for it.

Most bloggers share the message of the mainstream media journalists in a much better way, with extra sources and information. Blogging is not just an activity for cauliflower's (young ones), but there are writers with perfect skin & nose and eyes deeper than the sea, seeing the world and trying to share the truth.