Una trilogía que contaba con todos los ingredientes para volver a suceder, habían pasados dos peleas muy cerradas, ciertos resultados no fueron del agrado de un sector del público y había que definir la rivalidad en una 3ra pelea. Saul el "Canelo" llegaba tras una derrota, mientras que Gennady Golovkin venia de ganar por TKO. Se genero una gran expectativa, muchos veían este enfrentamiento, como un reto importante para el Canelo, por lo cual se esperaba una gran guerra y realmente fue todo lo contrario.
A trilogy that had all the ingredients to happen again, there had been two very close fights, certain results were not to the liking of a sector of the public and the rivalry had to be defined in a 3rd fight. Saul "Canelo" was coming off a loss, while Gennady Golovkin was coming off a TKO win. A great expectation was generated, many saw this confrontation as an important challenge for Canelo, so it was expected to be a great war and it was actually the opposite.
Gennady Golovkin tiene 40 años de edad, para todos el tiempo pasa y es un enorme factor a tomar en cuenta. Canelo a sus 32 años, todavía se encuentra en el pico de su carrera, incluso puede seguir elevando su nivel de boxeo y se pudo notar una gran diferencia en esta 3ra pelea. ¿Aburrida? Para mi no lo fue, pero tampoco cumplió lo esperado, durante 7 rounds hubo un gran dominio por parte del mexicano y para lo último fue que vimos lo mejor de triple G. "Le dimos a la gente 3 peleas, que van a quedar para la historia", comenta el Canelo Álvarez cuando finaliza el combate.
Gennady Golovkin is 40 years old, for everyone time passes and it is a huge factor to take into account. Canelo at 32 years old, is still at the peak of his career, he can even continue to raise his boxing level and you could notice a big difference in this 3rd fight. Boring? For me it wasn't, but it didn't meet the expectations, during 7 rounds there was a great dominance by the Mexican and for the last round we saw the best of Triple G. "We gave the people 3 fights that will remain for history", said Canelo Alvarez when the fight ended.
Poco volumen para Golovkin - Low volume for Golovkin
Triple G subio al ring con unas esposas en las manos, simplemente estaba soltando el jab y la derecha la tenia totalmente atada. Pocas combinaciones durante 7 rounds, parecía otro peleador, no existía la explosividad que se le caracteriza y de esa forma difícilmente podía ganar el combate. Muy poco volumen de golpes, aunque en físico, se podía notar que estaba grande, mucho mas cargado que el Canelo, pero sin tanta movilidad, se mantuvo plantado en todo momento y sin ejecutar un buen plan de pelea.
Sus mejores tiempos han pasado, ya no se encuentra en la elite del boxeo, faltaba mas reacción, arriesgar un poco mas, pero respeto mucho la derecha del Canelo, hombre que lo fue golpeando en las zonas blandas y por momentos se vio un poco tocado a triple G. El octavo round seria lo mejor de la noche, Golovkin conecto golpes solidos, algunos de gran poder y me atrevo a decir que cerro mejor el combate que su rival(Canelo). ¿Aguantar el cardio? Puede que eso haya sido su plan, pero se arriesgo a perder la pelea en puntos y luego ganar mediante un KO, lo cual no seria una misión sencilla de cumplir, sabemos que el Canelo tiene gran asimilación de golpes en su mandíbula.
Esperábamos ver la versión que nos mostro en la segunda pelea contra el Canelo, un Golovkin que no tiene miedo en recibir golpes y buscar su mejor oportunidad de lanzar la derecha, pero teniendo 40 años de edad, todo cambia, no quería ser noqueado y en gran parte logro un gran desempeño, viendo esta nueva versión, Canelo debió finalizar la pelea y no pudo hacerlo y para mi eso tiene un gran merito por parte de triple G. De los últimos 5 round, para mi estuvo ganando 4, gran cierre por parte de Golovkin, quien llevo hacia aguas profundas a el mexicano y lo hizo retroceder en ciertos pasajes de la pelea.
Triple G got into the ring with handcuffs in his hands, he was simply releasing the jab and his right hand was totally tied. Few combinations during 7 rounds, he looked like another fighter, there was no explosiveness that characterizes him and that way he could hardly win the fight. Very little volume of punches, although in physique, you could notice that he was big, much more loaded than Canelo, but without so much mobility, he remained planted at all times and without executing a good fight plan.
His best times have passed, he is no longer in the elite of boxing, he needed more reaction, to risk a little more, but he respected Canelo's right hand, a man who was hitting him in the soft areas and at times was a little touched at triple G. The eighth round would be the best of the night, Golovkin hit solid punches, some of great power and I dare say that he closed the fight better than his rival (Canelo). Holding the cardio? That may have been his plan, but he risked losing the fight on points and then winning by KO, which would not be an easy mission to accomplish, we know that Canelo has great punch assimilation in his jaw.
We expected to see the version he showed us in the second fight against Canelo, a Golovkin who is not afraid to take punches and look for his best opportunity to throw the right, but being 40 years old, everything changes, he did not want to be knocked out and largely achieved a great performance, seeing this new version, Canelo should have finished the fight and could not do it and for me that has great merit on the part of Triple G. Of the last 5 rounds, for me he was winning 4, great closing by Golovkin, who took the Mexican into deep waters and made him go backwards in certain parts of the fight.
¿Perdió el Canelo? - Canelo lost?
Evidentemente la victoria ha sido para el Canelo, pero las criticas han llovido, porque no pudo noquear a Golovkin, pues tiene 40 años y en su peor desempeño no lo llevo a la lona. Fue una pelea donde el mayor riesgo lo tenia por completo el Canelo, perder iba significar muy duro para su carrera y ganando no termina de convencer a un sector del público. Para mi fue bueno su rendimiento, comenzó muy rápido, conectando una gran combinación de jab y derecha que mantuvo toda la pelea. Entraba con mucha potencia, luego salía del corto alcance para moverse, también respetando la pegada de Golovkin, pero poco a poco ganando puntos y dominando el enfrentamiento.
El tercer round Canelo busco mucho el KO, pudo pegar una gran derecha y siguió lastimando a Golovkin en la zona del hígado, pero triple G es un boxeador muy fuerte, además llevando gran peso en su cuerpo, pudo aguantar mas los golpes que pego el Canelo, porque fueron muchos los que llegaron con gran poder, tanto arriba como abajo y sin embargo triple G no demostró debilidad. Si bien Golovkin no estaba con ritmo, Canelo se estaba jugando mucho en esta pelea, venia de perder contra Bivol, no sabemos como estaba psicológicamente, pues todo eso afecta y la presión de ganar es un aspecto crucial que se debe tener en cuenta.
El octavo round fue donde quiso arriesgar mas, aquí se quedo plantado en el ring y comenzó un fuerte intercambio, donde estaba recibiendo un pequeño castigo, pues Golovkin conecto la derecha y empezó a soltar las manos. ¿Necesario? Me parece que no, ya tenia la pelea ganada para ese cotejo del combate, esta bien querer dar espectáculo, buscar una finalización, pero exponerse no es lo recomendable y tener la victoria era lo importante. Por eso pudo haber bajado un poco el ímpetu, comenzó abrazar a Golovkin y dejaba que el tiempo pasaba, sabia que la victoria estaba totalmente asegurada. ¿Defraudo? No lo veo así, siento que fue muy inteligente, llevo bien la pelea y pego muchos golpes para ganar cómodamente.
Evidently the victory has been for Canelo, but the criticism has rained, because he could not knock out Golovkin, because he is 40 years old and in his worst performance he did not take him to the canvas. It was a fight where the biggest risk was for Canelo, losing was going to be very hard for his career and winning did not end up convincing a sector of the public. For me his performance was good, he started very fast, connecting a great combination of jab and right hand that he kept all the fight. He came in with a lot of power, then came out of short range to move, also respecting Golovkin's punch, but gradually gaining points and dominating the fight.
The third round Canelo was looking for the KO, he was able to hit a big right hand and kept hurting Golovkin in the liver area, but triple G is a very strong boxer, also carrying great weight in his body, he could withstand more the punches that Canelo hit, because there were many that came with great power, both above and below and yet triple G did not show weakness. Although Golovkin was not in rhythm, Canelo was playing a lot in this fight, he came from losing against Bivol, we do not know how he was psychologically, because all that affects and the pressure to win is a crucial aspect that must be taken into account.
The eighth round was where he wanted to risk more, here he stayed planted in the ring and began a strong exchange, where he was receiving a little punishment, as Golovkin connected the right and began to drop his hands. Necessary? It seems to me that no, he already had the fight won for that fight, it's good to want to give a show, to look for a finish, but exposing himself is not recommended and having the victory was the important thing. That's why he could have lowered the momentum a little, he started hugging Golovkin and let the time pass, he knew that the victory was totally assured. Did he cheat? I don't see it that way, I feel he was very intelligent, he took the fight well and hit a lot of punches to win comfortably.
Revancha contra Bivol - Revenge against Bivol
Saúl Álvarez choco contra un muro, cuando perdió frente a Dmitry Bivol, jamás imagino que se le plantarían de esa forma, pues el ruso es un peleador sumamente fuerte, pudo aguantar todos los golpes que recibió en el brazo y jamás bajo la guardia. Es una división mas arriba, pero debe ir por la revancha, esa derrota es una pequeña mancha, Canelo venia destrozando a todos sus rivales y eso ha sido un gran freno en su andar, luego de haber ganado contra Golovkin, próximo rival a tener, debería ser Bivol y para todos los espectadores seria espectacular.
Note un poco mas delgado a el Canelo, quizás busco aumentar la velocidad y lo vi muy rápido contra triple G, pero al reducir musculo, pierdes un poco de pegada y pienso que esta seria una gran estrategia frente al ruso. En aquella pelea pego con mucha potencia, busco en diferentes oportunidades el KO, pero Bivol supo contragolpear perfectamente, físicamente era enorme y llevo una velocidad que sorprendió al mismo Canelo Álvarez. Técnicamente tiene todo lo necesario, puede vencerlo, aunque la tarea no esta sencilla, pero la victoria contra triple G sirve de ayuda para aumentar la confianza.
En las 168 libras no hay nadie que pueda hacerle frente, Canelo esta en un nivel superior, ve a todos desde arriba, muchos pensaron que Golovkin seria lo mas peligroso y hemos visto que no tuvo ninguna posibilidad. Las tarjetas detallan una pelea cerrada, pero ciertamente lo veo un poco mas disparejo, 116-112 me parece lo mas acertado y no tanto el 115-113 que dejaron dos jueces. Gran victoria, importante para mantener su nombre arriba, seguir siendo relevante, continuar con su legado, demostrar que sigue siendo el rey y ahora la siguiente meta tiene que ser Bivol, ganar para no dejar dudas ante nadie.
Saul Alvarez hit a wall when he lost to Dmitry Bivol, he never imagined that he would be stood up like that, because the Russian is an extremely strong fighter, he was able to withstand all the blows he received in the arm and never let his guard down. It is a division above, but he should go for a rematch, that defeat is a small blemish, Canelo was destroying all his opponents and that has been a big brake on his progress, after winning against Golovkin, next opponent to have, should be Bivol and for all spectators it would be spectacular.
I noticed a little thinner Canelo, maybe he was looking to increase his speed and I saw him very fast against Triple G, but when you reduce muscle, you lose a little bit of punch and I think this would be a great strategy against the Russian. In that fight he hit with a lot of power, he looked for the KO in different opportunities, but Bivol knew how to counter punch perfectly, physically he was huge and he had a speed that surprised Canelo Alvarez himself. Technically he has everything he needs, he can beat him, although the task is not easy, but the victory against triple G is a confidence booster.
At 168 pounds there is no one who can face him, Canelo is at a higher level, he sees everyone from above, many thought that Golovkin would be the most dangerous and we have seen that he had no chance. The scorecards detail a close fight, but certainly I see it a little more uneven, 116-112 seems to me the most accurate and not so much the 115-113 that two judges left. Great win, important to keep his name up, stay relevant, continue with his legacy, show that he is still the king and now the next goal has to be Bivol, win to leave no doubt to anyone.