UFCVegas59: Jamahal Hill acaba con "Marreta" Thiago Santos - Jamahal Hill takes down "Marreta" Thiago Santos [ESP-ENG]

in #hive-1891572 years ago

Pelea estelar de la noche acordada a 5 asaltos, oportunidad para definir el futuro de ambos peleadores, teníamos un "Marreta" que va en caída en los puestos de clasificación, mientras que Jamahal Hill busca seguir escalando posiciones en el ranking, seria crucial el resultado de este combate, para poder ver hacia donde va el futuro de cada uno y termino ganando el favorito de la contienda. Si buscamos poder aquí lo tendríamos, si queríamos entretenimiento, ellos nos los iban a dar y justamente fue todo un espectáculo la batalla que dieron anoche.

Stellar fight of the night agreed to 5 rounds, opportunity to define the future of both fighters, we had a "Marreta" who is falling in the rankings, while Jamahal Hill seeks to continue climbing positions in the ranking, it would be crucial the outcome of this fight, to see where the future of each one goes and ended up winning the favorite of the contest. If we were looking for power here we would have it, if we wanted entertainment, they were going to give it to us and the fight they gave us last night was a great show.

Thiago Santos a sus 38 años de edad, es un hombre de mil batallas, incluso llego a pelear por el titulo en años pasados, lo a visto todo en el octágono, jamás se puede dudar de este hombre, pero Jamahal Hill viene con mucha hambre de gloria, su carrera esta en un importante crecimiento y quería dejar un mensaje claro y contundente ante todos los peleadores del top. Yo estoy aquí y deben tenerme cuidado, eso fue lo que dijo ayer Jamahal Hill ganando por TKO a Thiago Santos, no hubo que esperar a las tarjetas, una vez pudo conectar su izquierda, el panorama de victoria se abrió y no dio respiro a su rival.

Thiago Santos at 38 years of age, is a man of a thousand battles, even got to fight for the title in past years, he has seen it all in the octagon, you can never doubt this man, but Jamahal Hill comes with great hunger for glory, his career is in an important growth and wanted to leave a clear and strong message to all the top fighters. I'm here and you must watch out for me, that's what Jamahal Hill said yesterday, winning by TKO to Thiago Santos, there was no need to wait for the cards, once he could connect his left, the panorama of victory opened and did not give respite to his rival.

El cardio traiciono a "Marreta" - Cardio betrayed "Marreta"


Habia un terreno que Thiago Santos podia aprovechar al maximo, se trataba de ejercer una buena lucha en el suelo, realizar una pelea sucia para poder ganar, lo cual estaba ejecutando a la perfección en los primeros pasajes y luego dejo de hacerlo. Sinceramente me sorprendió, jamás espere que "Marreta" buscara los derribos, pero rápidamente entendí que era la única vía de escape, alternativa perfecta para llevarse la pelea a través de puntaje y poder sorprender a todos los espectadores que iban por Jamahal Hill.

Primer round perfecto donde Thiago Santos impuso presión, quizás no conectaba muchos golpes, pero llevaba hacia la reja a su rival y en varias ocasiones logro derribarlo. Con striking no tenia opciones de ganar, los intercambios no serian el mejor plan y para el 3er round pudo seguir la misma tónica de mejor manera. En su bolso tenia dos round ganados, simplemente seguir con su estrategia y sacaría una victoria importantísima para su carrera. Lamentablemente el cardio no estaba de su lado y con el cuerpo cansado el cerebro no piensa inteligentemente.

Thiago Santos en el 4to asalto se olvido de su plan, comenzó a pelear de pie y se vino todo abajo de forma instantánea. Ir hacia el frente durante todo el combate, buscar tantos derribos y colocar presión con su cuerpo lo liquido por completo. Un poco triste porque tenia grandes chances de ganar, todo estaba perfecto, pero los años no pasan en vano y se demostró que ya su cuerpo ya no soporta 5 asaltos de alta intensidad. Se encontraba 6 en los ranking, posiblemente suba al puesto número 9 y con otra derrota su carrera se puede ver en la etapa final.


There was an area that Thiago Santos could take full advantage of, it was to exercise a good fight on the ground, to make a dirty fight to win, which he was executing perfectly in the first passages and then stopped doing it. I was honestly surprised, I never expected "Marreta" to look for the takedowns, but I quickly understood that it was the only way out, perfect alternative to take the fight by score and to surprise all the spectators that were going for Jamahal Hill.

Perfect first round where Thiago Santos imposed pressure, maybe he did not connect many punches, but he took his opponent to the fence and on several occasions he managed to knock him down. With striking he had no chance to win, the exchanges would not be the best plan and for the 3rd round he could follow the same tone in a better way. In his purse he had two rounds won, just continue with his strategy and he would get a very important victory for his career. Unfortunately the cardio was not on his side and with a tired body the brain does not think intelligently.

Thiago Santos in the 4th round forgot his plan, started fighting on his feet and it all fell apart instantly. Going forward throughout the fight, looking for so many takedowns and putting pressure with his body completely wiped him out. A little sad because he had great chances to win, everything was perfect, but the years do not pass in vain and it showed that his body no longer supports 5 rounds of high intensity. He was 6 in the rankings, possibly he will move up to number 9 and with another defeat his career could be in the final stage.


Jamahal Hill es potencia - Jamahal Hill is power


Bonito striking nos dejo ver anoche Jamahal Hill, cada vez que la pelea se realizaba de pie, tenia una excelente precisión para conectar golpes, aunque al comienzo no encontraba la distancia, pero es un hombre que se ajusta rápido y pudo luego encontrar el ritmo para entrar y salir con golpes. Observo mucho potencial de crecimiento, Thiago Santos lo derribaba y seguidamente se colocaba de pie, tiene gran capacidad para reponerse y una concentración brillante para no ceder ventajas. Luego hablar de su gran determinación, sabia que estaba perdiendo el combate por puntos, igualmente salió con todo al 4to round a finalizar y no dejar que la pelea se complicara.

Su defensa contra derribos no es muy buena, Thiago Santos tuvo que realizar muchos intentos para conseguir llevarlo al suelo y lo consiguió por tener mas peso. Tanto exigir a su rival logro cansarlo, lo cual aprovecho luego para conseguir la victoria, "Marreta" no podía mas y Jamahal Hill con su buen striking empezó a castigar fuertemente. Las manos de Hill son muy pesadas, también se cambia de guardia constantemente y no tiene miedo a intercambiar golpes. Cuando impacto fuerte con su izquierda, Thiago Santos quedo muy tocado, lo llevo al suelo y con ground and pound gano su combate.

La paciencia fue clave para ganar, Jamahal Hill luchando de pie estaba luciendo mejor, conectaba los mejores golpes y pudo aguantar la mano de "Marreta". Thiago Santos en sus mejores tiempos pegaba muy fuerte, hombre que intimidaba a sus rivales y Jamahal Hill cuando sintió que tenia mandíbula para resistir, se fue al frente sin mucho temor, entendió que con striking ganaría esta pelea y que no había temor de ser noqueado porque los golpes fuertes venían de su parte. Interesante la performance que mostro anoche, habrá que apuntar este nombre, Jamahal Hill seguirá escalando posiciones y los del top 5 tienen que prepararse contra este peleador que viene muy bien.


Nice striking let us see last night Jamahal Hill, every time the fight was standing, he had an excellent accuracy to connect punches, although at the beginning he did not find the distance, but he is a man who adjusts quickly and could then find the rhythm to get in and out with punches. I saw a lot of potential for growth, Thiago Santos would knock him down and then get back to his feet, he has a great ability to bounce back and a brilliant concentration to not give up advantages. Then talk about his great determination, he knew he was losing the fight on points, but he went all out in the 4th round to finish and not let the fight get complicated.

His defense against knockdowns is not very good, Thiago Santos had to make many attempts to get him to the ground and he did it because he had more weight. So much demanding his opponent managed to tire him, which then took advantage to get the victory, "Marreta" could no longer and Jamahal Hill with his good striking began to punish heavily. Hill's hands are very heavy, he also changes guard constantly and is not afraid to exchange blows. When he hit hard with his left, Thiago Santos was very touched, he took him to the ground and with ground and pound won his fight.

Patience was the key to win, Jamahal Hill fighting standing up was looking better, he connected the best punches and was able to hold the hand of "Marreta". Thiago Santos in his best times hit very hard, a man who intimidated his opponents and Jamahal Hill when he felt he had the jaw to resist, he went forward without much fear, he understood that with striking he would win this fight and that there was no fear of being knocked out because the strong punches came from his side. Interesting the performance he showed last night, we will have to point this name, Jamahal Hill will continue to climb positions and the top 5 have to prepare against this fighter who comes very well.


Jamahal Hill vs Volkan Oezdemir


Detallando el ranking de clasificación en los semipesados, no puedo encontrar un mejor nombre que Volkan Oezdemir, pienso que seria un contrincante perfecto para Jamahal Hill, ambos vienen de ganar sus combates y se caracterizan por luchar de pie. La manera de pelear es a base de striking, seria un gran espectáculo para el publico y Oezdemir es un nombre importante dentro de la UFC. Jamahal Hill cuenta con todo el repertorio para ganarle, apostaría mucho por su futuro y darle un rival de peso al cual pueda ganarle, para mi seria lo ideal.

Mas arriba de Thiago Santos hay dos peleadores lesionados, luego tenemos el top 3, aquí ninguno lucharía en estos momentos con Jamahal Hill, por lo tanto debo ver hacia abajo y el hombre que sigue seria Volkan Oezdemir. No tendría problemas para aceptar la pelea, acordar el enfrentamiento para Diciembre seria espectacular, Jamahal Hill cerraría el año con 3-0 y con muchas oportunidades seria de pelear por el titulo el siguiente año. Claramente hay mucho por mejorar en Hill, pero pelea tras pelea lo viene haciendo, mientras se mantenga en ritmo subiendo al octágono, sus habilidades van a seguir en aumento y tiene todo para entrar en el top 5.

Jamahal Hill entrando en lo mas alto del ranking, va tener que preocuparse mucho por el suelo, los peleadores que se encontrara tienen buen grappling, la mayoría puede derribarlo y ocasionarle un enorme problema abajo. Hay deficiencias en ese aspecto, pero nada que no se pueda cambiar, sigo pensando que su defensa contra derribos esta excelente, igual su reacción para no dejarse doblegar y eso se vio hoy contra un hombre que tenia experiencia y que era mucho mas pesado que el. Espero no equivocarme, realmente me gustaría verlo pelear contra Volkan Oezdemir en su próximo combate, toca esperar que decide Dana White y por ahora que disfrute su gran performance de anoche.


I can't find a better name than Volkan Oezdemir, I think he would be a perfect opponent for Jamahal Hill, both come from winning their fights and are characterized by fighting standing up. The way they fight is based on striking, it would be a great show for the public and Oezdemir is a big name in the UFC. Jamahal Hill has all the repertoire to beat him, I would bet a lot on his future and give him a weight opponent to beat, for me it would be ideal.

Above Thiago Santos there are two injured fighters, then we have the top 3, here none would fight at this time with Jamahal Hill, so I must look down and the next man up would be Volkan Oezdemir. I would have no problem accepting the fight, agreeing to a December showdown would be spectacular, Jamahal Hill would close out the year at 3-0 and with a serious title shot next year. Clearly there is a lot of room for Hill to improve, but fight after fight he has been doing it, as long as he keeps up the pace in the octagon, his skills will continue to increase and he has everything to get into the top 5.

Jamahal Hill entering the top of the rankings, will have to worry a lot about the ground, the fighters he will meet have good grappling, most can take him down and cause a huge problem below. There are deficiencies in that aspect, but nothing that can't be changed, I still think that his defense against takedowns is excellent, as well as his reaction to not let himself be broken and that was seen today against a man who had experience and who was much heavier than him. I hope I'm not wrong, I would really like to see him fight Volkan Oezdemir in his next fight, we have to wait what Dana White decides and for now enjoy his great performance last night.


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