Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 48

in #hive-1992753 days ago

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𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻

Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

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Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 48

Dear Reader, when I was young I had no clue. Not a single clue, and I thought I knew everything.

Now that I am older I think I have found some clues that life put on my path, and I accept I know nothing.

Nothing is certain, as no living being holds proof of any afterlife. Still, the beyond is super real to me, but how to prove that to someone who did not live my experiences?

What is real in my mind, might not exist in yours Dear Reader, and vice versa. But I would gladly learn about your truth and possibly see even further beyond the veil.

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I sit on the bed, in the very small room in my landlady's house. "So this is the life I've been longing for, I joke to myself as I light the incense and open the window to enjoy my joint.

Yes, they'll probably know what I'm doing here, but as long as no one says anything, nothing will happen here. The night before, my drunk fucker from the first-year camp had woken everyone up here.

I was so ashamed and asked her friends to please take her home because I'm having a hard time selling this to my landlady. The smell of incense is one thing, but no one wants drunk women at the door at 3 in the morning.

Machteld was a sweetheart, the camp had been fun, and here all alone in this new city it was nice to have someone to touch but I had no idea what to do next.

Could I still let her come over here, did I even want this type of drama in my story? Or was this a good reason to close the book for good and delve deeper into the library of life?

I decided on the latter.

When I thought I was finally going to meet the enormous freedom, it was, as is often the case in reality, quite disappointing.

Lessons were average, and the people who participated were just as average with here and there an outlier in both directions.

And without money, two beers on Wednesday at the cafe Bet Kolen on the corner were the only thing I could afford in terms of real freedom.

Home on the weekend, where my former friends were disappointing, perhaps because I had grown a bit by being the first to live on my own. Perhaps because distance makes things clearer.

The Weekend

Sitting on my bed in my parental home waiting for Christmas dinner, I feel more alone than I ever had before.


Could that be the reason why Machteld and that other girl had committed suicide, it flashes through my mind.

I couldn't wrap my head around it, it was a few weeks after she had stood drunk at my door that I heard it through the grapevine. She wasn't in my class, but she was in my year, and less than a month later, a girl from my class also took her own life.

What kind of people chose this study?

Even though I didn't know either of them well, it did something to me. Both girls seemed so normal, at least before she showed up drunk at my door. But even that could have been normal, or could that have been the last straw?

It gnawed at me.
What could make the life of someone with the possibility to follow this study so complicated that they took this last resort?

I did not understand. For me, life was moving forward, further and further, the path was clear and transparent, school, study, work, nothing to think about.

Although I knew it felt that work and study were becoming less and less important, more something for a distant future.

My current situation was mainly about keeping myself financially afloat and being able to continue to feed my need for marijuana. But even with the clouds of THC in my brain, the path seemed so obvious.

I had never considered that there were other options, until now. You could indeed choose to get out before you were truly free. But why would you? True freedom turned out not to be truly free, freedom required money. Money requires work, and work steals from your free time.

No, these first few months have not been as liberating or inspiring as I thought, but what choice did I have? This is my path and this is how I will have to continue. I hear the front door open and Grandma saying: "Child, I'm so looking forward to this."

I run downstairs, Grandma is the only reason I want to come to the table. Because my mother and stepfather both feel so flat and predictable.

Flat and predictable, that pretty much sums up my whole life I realize when I walk into the living room and see the Christmas tree in the same place, with the same ornaments and the same little stall for 18 years.

Next Chapter Coming in Two Days

Click Back Button to Start with Book One

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I really liked how the plot gets into the character's psyche and shows us his entire essence and the internal conflicts that in turn become internal demons that must be fought. Very interesting reading, I will try to follow the future chapters.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good day.

Thank you for a wonderful comment I have had a bit of a slow period creating next chapters. But I am picking up the pace hope to hear more feedback although I know this is kinda experimental