The Hunt - Aspen And The Human Cub Part Two

in #hive-1992752 years ago

The alpha wolf escorted the young human cub to the very edge of the human dens, then stopped.

"I wish you would come meet Father. He thinks you are dangerous. Oh, if only he knew you saved me from spending the night in the forest, and maybe being eaten by a bear, or one of those big cats. You know, the ones with stripes? My cousin surprised one last summer, and was killed." he informed the massive wolf sadly.

"What is this cub waiting for? I can't understand a word it's saying." Moonrunner thought, frustrated.

Deciding to send a message any cub would understand, he butted Tukar with his head, towards the lights. Tukar went sprawling in the thick moss. Giggling, the young human got up.

"Alright... I get the message! Please come meet Father?" he asked, taking a step back, hand extended.

In reply, Moonrunner turned and disappeared into the forest. "Maybe another time?" Tukar called out softly.

Regarding the silence, he decided to go home. Moonrunner stayed hidden until he saw the stubborn cub enter the den, then ran towards home.

"Hello, Mother! What's for supper?" asked Tukar, sniffing the rich aroma which escaped the pot hanging over the fire.

"Nothing until Father comes home!" she informed him sharply, with her hands on her hips.

The tone and look of disapproval made him take a step back. "Where is Father?" Tukar asked in a low voice.

"Father and five of his best hunters are out looking for you! You have put them in danger, without reason. Why did you wait until after dark to come home?!?!" she asked angrily.

"I fell asleep in the sun, and only woke when it became cool..." he admitted, ashamed.

"We should keep you in the village. You aren't able to act like a hunter yet." said Mother, obviously disappointed.

"No, Mother! Please, it will never happen again!" pleaded Tukar.

The small, fierce woman's only reply was to turn her back, and check on the pot of food. Suddenly it didn't smell all that good to Tukar after all.

In the forest:

"Aspen, you will stay here at the den site, until you are able to leave without putting your entire pack in danger. Even now Father is risking his life because of what you did." snarled Mother, her teeth bared, ears pinned back.

Instinctively, Aspen exposed her belly and throat, whimpering "Yes, Mother." very softly. While never in any real danger, it was the way of her kind.

Satisfied, Mother casually pulled a piece of meat out of the cool earth, and left it there. She then retreated to her favorite lookout stump, and curled up.

"I'm not hungry any more..." Aspen thought to herself, looking at the especially tender piece Mother had pulled out.

In the meadow:

"Tukar! Where are you?!?! TUKAR!!!" echoed through the land, as Moonrunner swiftly entered his territory.

"They must be looking for the cub. I wish there was a way to let them know it's back home, but there isn't. They'll just have to keep looking until they figure out it's not here. I hope they don't come to our den site..." thought the alpha wolf.

As he turned to go to the den site, he heard a mighty roar, then shouts. "A striped one dares enter my territory?!?!" he snarled, then sat back on his haunches, and howled.

Soon his pack surrounded him. Last year's litter, as well as Mother, Uncle, and Old Sister all awaited instructions. The new pups, including Aspen, were the only ones absent.

"A striped one hunts on our land tonight. It attacked the humans who are out looking for the cub I just returned to them." said Moonrunner gravely.

"Well, no matter what we think of the humans, we must drive the cat away. It will stalk us one by one if we allow it to stay." Mother replied reasonably.

"Let's go!" agreed Moonrunner, as he streaked over the moss silently, his mate beside him, his pack at his heels.

When the wolves emerged into the meadow, the cat had four men treed. Two more were trying to drive it away with sticks, by jabbing the sharp metal points in its face. If it hadn't been for the sharp points, it would have lunged long ago.

"Flank it like a deer and stay hidden, but don't attack until I give the signal. I want to give it the chance to leave in peace first." whispered Moonrunner.

Once Moonrunner's pack was in position, he calmly trotted out. "Hello, Striped One. Welcome to my territory. Perhaps you did not know these lands have already been claimed?" the alpha wolf said in greeting.

"I thought I smelled wolf. But the stink isn't so bad, so perhaps you are alone..." the tiger replied, making the last word a purr.

The two human hunters slowly backed up, and signaled for their companions to climb down. Soon all six stood together. "Let's leave while the two distract each other. Maybe they will fight." Tukar's father said.

"This has been fun, but you will have to wait for another day to have the honor of filling my belly. Tonight, I will have human." said the big cat arrogantly, turning its back on Moonrunner to face the retreating humans.

The huge wolf gave his silent signal, and the pack closed in as one. The swiftest, most agile wolves darted in to slash. The rest boldly faced the monstrous cat, keeping it distracted.

"Let's run, while they're fighting. Keep low, and be quiet." said Tukar's father. The hunters got about twenty feet away before the tiger noticed.

It roared angrily, and leaped over the snapping, snarling wolves. Had the hunters not heard it coming, they would have been run down. Instead, they turned and faced the huge beast, spears ready.

Thinking better of those sharp points, it stopped to consider the best strategy. At that instant, the wolves caught up and swarmed over the tiger like angry wasps.

"Let's kill the cat. No other village has the hide of a striped one. Don't kill or injure a wolf, unless it attacks you. If you harm one, the rest will tear you apart." whispered Tukar's father.

"Yes, Chief." whispered another, and several nodded.

Whirling like a tornado, the cat forced the wolves to give it a little space. In the process, its back was turned to the humans. Considering them prey, it didn't think that was a huge concern.

Picking their moment carefully, the six hunters attacked as one. The spears found their mark, and went deep. When the huge cat turned to face them, they quickly backed off, now unarmed. The wolves closed in and finished the job.

Once the tiger stopped moving, Tukar's father and Moonrunner locked eyes.

To be continued

This is my second submission for the Dreemport / Scholar And Scribe serial Challenge.

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So interesting to read!
I love the different scenarios you painted, I could picture the event playing out clearly in my mind

Lovely writeup

Thanks so much 🙌


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I didn't sign up for the company 401k.
I don't think I can run that far.

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Oh wow, what a great confrontation! The tempo increased dramatically there! 😃

I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for your kind words 🙌


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Thanks so much 🙌💙🙌

I feared a misunderstanding between the wolves and the humans and a tragedy between those two groups.

But now I have hope.

Please let there be a happy ending, I'm really emotionally invested now.


I'm glad you are enjoying it 🙌

I'm writing part 3 after I check notifications


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Oh no! You stopped just when it got the most exciting part - action and suspense field. I hope the locking of eyes doesn't turn into a face-off between both fathers. Perhaps they will come to an understanding by some miracle and everyone backs off. After all, the common enemy is down. You write this so well, it is like watching national geographic.

Thanks so much, that really made my day 🙌

It was meant to stop there and make you come back 😂


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It's taken me a little while to get back to part 2 but the good thing with that is I don't have to wait long for part3. Lol!

It's amazing what a common enemy will do to bring folks together.

It's amazing what a common enemy will do to bring folks together.

So true, especially one who wants to eat you 😲


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How do you fix a damaged jack-o-lantern?
You use a pumpkin patch.

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!Lolz Very True!

I was going to tell you a time travel joke...
but you didn't like it.

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Oh goodnes! Here it is the most exciting part huhu 😬 Im gonna read the last part now

I'm glad you are liking it 🙌


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I used to be addicted to soap.
But I'm clean now.

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@jpatrick28, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @wrestlingdesires
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Will moonrunner or Turkar's father would attack each other or not? It's still a suspense 🧐.
Waiting for the last part to know what will happen..

It's posted now, I hope you will like it 🙌

Oh God! oh God!!! So much excitement! Two leaders who are afraid of and unwilling to accept each other. It's like a cartoon! I see a blossoming friendship no matter what. But who knows what the future holds? Now I have to wait till next Friday? Awww man!!!!

Yes, I can't just go posting it right away, can I? 🤣🤣🤣


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If at first you don't succeed...
... sky diving is not for you!

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@deraaa, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @wrestlingdesires
LOLZ staking coming August 14! Please read our latest update for details on how it will impact you.

I guess not 😂

I don't think either moonrunner or Turkar's father would attack each other. I feel a sense of respect. Funny huh. That's my feeling tho. Lol

I don't think either moonrunner or Turkar's father would attack each other. I feel a sense of respect.

Plus they've both just had a really hard fight, they're probably ready to go home 😂


@buezor! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (4/10)

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Una vez que el tigre dejó de moverse, el padre de Tukar y Moonrunner cerraron los ojos.

They are dead?
This is an amazing story, but you definitely have to wait until Friday to see how it ends.😎

Great job supporting everyone else's stories, thank you very much 🤝

They are dead?

The tiger isn't moving, so might be dead. But everyone else is fine :) I hope to see you back here Friday 🙌


@marbrym! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (5/10)

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I think yes it is 😎. I also hope to read the last part of the story 🙏. Excellent work @wrestlingdesires 😎😉

I'll be writing it in a couple of hours - thanks for your kind words 🙌

What did the icicle say to the other icicle?
Nothing, they just hung out and chilled.

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@marbrym, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @wrestlingdesires
LOLZ staking coming August 14! Please read our latest update for details on how it will impact you.

A moment of deep respect to end part 2 - with the two rivals locking eyes... I wonder if the child will be forced to speak up at some point. At least they all live to fight another day... except maybe the tiger! I cam across your post in Dreemport !PIZZA !ALIVE

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@wrestlingdesires! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (6/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, part three is up 🙌


Cool! i will catch it this weekend 😉💗 !LUV

I look forward to your feedback 🙌


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