Gabby wanted a small reportage wearing a newly bought white dress to attend a friend's wedding. During the shoot the wind more or less ‘cooperated’, but at one point a gust of wind ruffled Gabby's hair, giving her a free and wild look. It wasn't the photo she was looking for, but in my opinion it was the one that best reflected her personality and mood.
Gabby quería un pequeño reportaje llevando un vestido blanco recién comprado para asistir a la boda de una amiga. Durante la sesión el viento más o menos "colaboró", pero en un momento dado, una racha despeinó a Gabby, dándole un aspecto libre y medio salvaje. No era la foto que ella buscaba, pero en mi opinión fue la que mejor reflejaba su personalidad y estado de ánimo.
Unless stated otherwise, all the pictures and the words are mine.
Do not use this image without my written permission.
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Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.
Camera: Canon EOS5 MkIII
Lens: Canon 85 f:1.8
Processed with Capture One
Translated with plus little adjustments made by me.