Hello Friends
How are you doing today? I hope you all are doing well. I had a great battle with the Molten Ash Golem with his team and I will be sharing the battle in this post. If you want to see my battle live you can see it at this link.
I selected this card Radiated Scorcher for the first line so it can face the opponents' attacks first and with the Tarsa It also gains health and melee. This card is useless if we use it in other lineups because it does not attack until it does not come in front of the enemy.
I selected this card Living Lava for the second lineup. It is a good card to suffer attacks. It has the ability to get less damage from the opponent's card attack. Once the Radiated Scorcher dies it will take its position so it can defend against attacks for its teammates. Once it reaches the first lineup it also starts attacking with its melee to damage the opponent's cards.
I selected this card Molten Ash Golem for my third lineup. This card is very strong with high health. It has the power to attack from anywhere in the lineup and it is its ability to deliver good attacks. This card was in the third line and Tarsa gave him the extra health which is now 10 health.
I selected this card Goblin Fireballer for my fourth lineup. It is a good combination attacker with the Molten Ash Golem. It is also a ranged attack so it is a good card for the last lineup. It does not have the ability to attack through the first lineup.
These cards completed the mana cap of 20 and the rules are standard so there was no change in the battle. The opponent has selected death cards to fight with my fire cards. All of my cards have got melee and health because of the summoner card. The fight was tough and I was thinking maybe I will lose the battle.
This was the first round of the battle and the opponent's cards were fast and attacking my cards so my first card which was Radiated Scorcher get killed by the opponent's cards with multiple attacks. Now my Living Lava is in charge to defend the attacks and attack back to the opponent's cards.
The next round started and my Living Lava started defending the teammates. My cards attacked the opponent's card but didn't kill any card.
The third round started and my Living Lava was defending my other cards by facing the opponent's cards. My Living Lava attack the opponent's cards and killed their defender with a single attack.
The fourth round started and my cards attacked on the opponent's new defender card but did not succeed to kill him and he still has the 1 health remaining. Now just a single attack can kill his defender.
At the end of the fourth round, my cards win the game by attacking their first defender who only left 1 health their next card came up but my powerful Living lava attack him and killed his last defender. This was the end of round four and the celebration of the victory.
My strategy for this battle was perfect with Melten Ash Golem a Fire cards. I selected the defender in my first lineup and the attackers in the middle of the lineup and the ranged attacker in the last of the line. The Tarsa helped a lot in providing the +1 melee and health to all the cards which also helped a lot in winning this battle. All of my cards enjoy the victory and received 20 points in return for the league battle. This was a good experience to play with the Molten Ash Golem.
Thank you for heading up toward my post and spending your precious time reading my post.