Hello Friends
How are you doing today? I hope you all are doing well. Today I had a battle with the death cards and I selected some smart cards and those helped me to win the battle so I am sharing it here with you all. If you want to see my battle live you can see it at this link Click Me.
This was the rule set that I have to follow for our battle. Neutral monsters cannot be used in our battle.
I selected this card for the first lineup of my team so it can face the opponent's attacks first because it has the power to avoid magic attacks and I was sure the opponent's team will select the magic attackers six sense. It is a good defender as it has high health and shield and also has high melee attacking.
I selected this card for the second lineup. It also has the power to also damage the opponent's card when the opponent hit this card. It is a good defender as it has high health and high melee attack. I selected this card so it can defend the team once the first lineup dies.
I selected this card for my third lineup. It has the power to attack from any position as it is a magic attacker. Do not see a low health it has the power to gain health each round it attacks the opponent's cards. It is a very lucky card because most of the time people win the battle because of this card.
I selected this card for my last lineup on the team. It has the power to attack from a distance because it is a range attack card and its attack never misses the target card because it is its power. It has a high-range attack that always hit the target.
I selected four death cards and the opponent selected two water cards. My cards were strong with high power and the magic blocker because the opponents has selected the magic attackers. My basic card also minus the magic attack and health of the opponent's cards.
This was the end of the first round and my cards have shown their power by defending the magic attack of the opponent's cards. Zero cards died in this round.
This was the end of the second round and in this round, My cards has give high damage to the opponent's defender card, and non of the card also died in this round too.
This was the end of the third round and in this round, My card showed their power and killed the defender card of the opponent which was a magic attacker. It was a good shot as the defender card was a high health card and now just the last one was left and my all cards were safe.
This was the end of the fourth round and in this round, my cards have given high damage to the last card of the opponent and it was a good achievement as all of my cards are safe and didn't die a single one.
This was the end of the battle and my cards has killed the last defender of the opponent's card and gained victory in this battle. The best thing is that my all cards were safe and non of my cards died but killed all the opponent's cards.
The right selection is the key to success. My magic defender saved the whole game by defending the team from the magic attackers and killed the opponent's cards with extra melee power.