Looking back at 2023, for me, it was a good and not so good year on multiple fronts at the same time.
Very good things did happen, but also there were some frustrations and many things that did not happen the way I wanted them to. Life it is! Heh.
While the best part about 2023 that did happen is kind of confidential and not entirely hive related. The second best part that should be highlighted, was my development and release of the HiveDiscoMod bot project to the public. 🥳
The bot might not be at that point where personally I can really call it a fully fledged project yet, but it certainly is there in many aspects and will get there in some others.
This is mainly due to my categorization of it not having the greatest monetization model yet, which ideally should be capable of not only covering the development and running costs of the bot, but also becoming a little bit profitable hopefully. (maybe it needs a token or something.. Hmm 🤔)
But in any case. Building stuff takes time in general, and more time is needed for it for sure to fully mature.
So far, the costs of running the bot are indeed covered, luckily, but it hasn't really paid off monetarily for the dev work and the continuous maintainance and updating it requires. Which is fine, really.
I am optimistic, and I'm sure the fact that it's deployed on over 50 discord servers so far, can only mean one thing for me.
Albeit not a monetary one, but that wasn't something I had on mind when I created it anyways.
I just really wanted to create something useful for communities and moderation on Hive that is run and managed easily from Discord.
I'm particularly proud about the delegations rewards distribution functionality that anyone can deploy for their curation needs. Simply because that has the potential of reducing the power concentration the major curation projects possess, kind of decentralizing that, and giving the option for communities and individual curators to distribute rewards to their delegators in a very accurate way!
To celebrate the past year's successes and everything else good in it, I ofcourse grabbed the cheapest bottle of wine I can find 🍷 and I powered up a symbolic amount of hive on my account for this hive power-up day. 😎
And a little bit on the bot/project account (what little liquid hive was really available on it... >.<)
Just to have it participate for the first time in the growth with the hive on this special day!
I'm really looking forward to 2024 and all the good things that I'm sure will happen in it.
I will probably be posting a bit more (more than my 4-5 posts per year, can you believe it 😱)
Planning on getting more involved on hive this year in general, and hopefully starting some other projects.
But more importantly, excited about the personal advancements and real life project / progress, that I'm going to achieve this year. Won't be easy probably, but should be totally worth it!
Wish you all the best in 2024. May you achieve everything you desire.
Your Friendly Discord Bot For Your Hive Community And Delegations Curation Rewards Distribution Needs! |