Marine aquafarming: How do Milkfish eat? Culturing of Milkfish inside a fishcage

in #hivelast year

Did you know that we can culture marine species for food and medicinal production? Like other land livestock animals thats being cultured and reproduce in land areas we could also culture and reproduce certain marine animals such as Milkfish; Milkfish is a fresh water fish species but with a process of aclymitation they will adapt to the salty condition of ocean. This process is a month long duration starting from low salinity gradually increasing where fish is being train to adapt in salty or brackish water condition this is important for the fish to stay alive when they release to ocean cages. After the fish is place into the ocean cages then this is the start of culturing where fish is being fed and after 3 to 6 months it is already good to harvest. The amount of profit will depend on the quantity of fish you have cultured.