I present to you the macaw that likes photos, this little friend lives in Venezuela, she is from the state of Portuguesa, she belongs to a plot where they raise animals and produce milk.
Les presento a la guacamaya que le gustan las fotos, esta amiguita vive en Venezuela es del estado Portuguesa, pertenece a una parcela que donde crian animales y producen leche.
The macaw is one of the most emblematic and colorful birds in the country.
La guacamaya es una de las aves mas emblematicas y coloridas del pais
As you can see, she has good poses 👌🏻😁
Como pueden observar tiene buenas poses 👌🏻😁
Our little friend has predominantly red plumage, with blue and green wings, which makes her very striking.
Nuestra amiguita tiene un plumaje predominante rojo, con alas azules y verdes lo que la hace muy llamativa.
Gracias por llegar hasta aquí. Espero que les alla gustado las fotografías que tomé con un Redmi 9C agradezco amablemente su apoyo en este post
Thanks for getting here. I hope you liked the photos I took with a Redmi 9C I kindly appreciate your support in this post