I do not have many anecdotes, but, I remember one in particular, I went with my husband and one of my children to visit some friends, as it is customary in my town, they offered us a cup of coffee ☕.
The friend served me and my husband first, and she was about to get the child's coffee, but my husband immediately tasted it and realized that it was bad 😁 and said: no, don't worry, I'll give him mine, there's enough here, hahaha, I immediately understood that he didn't like it.
She gave the coffee to the boy, and as a boy does not know how to dissimulate, she said: I don't like it, it's bad 🥴 there was an uncomfortable silence, I tried to dissimulate and I drank mine, which was really bad 😁, my friend smiled and said: "no problem" 😁.
The situation was quite uncomfortable, but later we visited again and they offered us another one, this one was really tasty 😁.