in #hive-147010last year


Saludos a todos, me encuentro un poco nostálgica, revisando mis fotos he vuelto a recordar sobre aquella vez que tuve el cabello azul. Debo decir que fue una experiencia con matices. En lo personal me sentía diferente, libre, única y hasta un poco atrevida solo por tratarse de un color fantasía que las personas no suelen usar. Yo más bien me pregunto ¿por qué? No sé si es por algo social, religioso, por gustos... Lo que si sé, es que pueden haber muchos prejuicios hacia quiénes nos atrevemos a lucir de manera llamativa. Creer que queremos llamar la atención, incluso que tenemos problemas psicológicos y nuestro color de cabello es un indicio. La personalidad no está precisamente anclada a nuestra apariencia, si bien puede influir, pero a mí me dijeron que parecía una guacamaya, por la calle me miraban fija e indiscretamente, fui loca y tachada de tóxica por mi color de cabello. Una parte de las personas tienden a cambiar su actitud dependiendo de tu cabello, entonces ¿no le daban demasiada importancia a las apariencias? Me pregunté por qué no existía esa inclinación mayoritaria a creer que esto significaba tener personalidad y ser divertido. Al final duró unos meses por el costo del mantenimiento del color y tal vez en el futuro intente rosado, castaño, etc.

Greetings to all, I find myself a bit nostalgic, going through my photos I have remembered again about that time I had blue hair. I must say it was a nuanced experience. Personally I felt different, free, unique and even a bit daring just because it was a fantasy color that people don't usually use. I wonder why? I don't know if it's because of something social, religious, or because of taste? What I do know is that there can be many prejudices towards those of us who dare to look flashy. Believing that we want to attract attention, even that we have psychological problems and our hair color is an indication. Personality is not exactly anchored to our appearance, although it can influence, but I was told that I looked like a macaw, in the street I was stared and indiscreetly, I was crazy and labeled as toxic because of my hair color. Some people tend to change their attitude depending on your hair, so didn't they give too much importance to appearances? I wondered why there wasn't this majority inclination to believe that this meant having personality and being funny. In the end it lasted a few months because of the cost of maintaining the color and maybe in the future I'll try pink, brown, etc.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu