Have you ever escaped an embarrassing situation?

in #hive-1679223 years ago

I got a text today. It was from a loan company letting me know that a lady in my contacts is 13 days overdue on her loan. This happens to be the third of these texts I've gotten in the last 6 months. All about different people.
I don't judge them. I judge these loan companies. I think their methods are too crude for the sort of service they provide. These loans were taken in private and ought to be received in private. It makes no sense to disclose that information to random people just because of a first-time default.

These have been the order of the day with online loan companies. Recently, a story trended of a man who owed a loan company and then his picture was shared to all his contacts with a caption reading that he was dead.

That was just too low. He admitted to owing the company but refused to cancel his debt after that hoax was spread. It's one sort of embarrassment to tell everyone you know that you're in debt, it's completely different when you share false news about the person's death. To what end?

I don't support owing debts, however, sometimes it's inevitable. I've been there so I know.

There was a time 2 years ago that I saved my face many times with loans from these companies. I collected at least 2 loans monthly and I struggled to pay them back. I defaulted a couple of times and I think the last straw for me was when I got a call from their customer service rep.

I felt like such a fraud. I had gotten so addicted to borrowing money from them that I couldn't survive off my earnings anymore. It was not a way to live.

I guess it's coz of these experiences that I feel like life hit me a lot faster than many people my age. I was fortunate that I never got my ass shown to people who couldn't wait to make a joke out of my sad life. I was lucky.

I remember having this sort of conversation with my brother and he told me he would rather borrow from a person who hates me than mess with these loan companies. I agree. They're brutal.

I mean imagine getting the contact of a person you admire and then they get a text telling them you're in debt. It's not a nice first impression.

Sometimes, I have this image that I might have to sue one of them for sending that sort of message to my contacts without me requesting their services. It's scary to imagine being embarrassed like that. I have a huge ego for a small lady.

Have you ever escaped these sorts of situations? Ever taken a loan you regret? How did you save your ass?


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I haven't been in any of these situations and I don't really have any loans that I can't pay off. So I can't really say anything and I haven't had anyone else call me about a loan from a friend/family.

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Wait, I thought you're meant to give these companies the contacts of people you're close to. Or how does it work? They get the contacts randomly?

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They gain access to your contacts and contact people randomly. On WhatsApp or through texts. They're relentless.

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That's messed up

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I think the problem is that the loan companies try to call the people first and most of them refuse to pick up, it is a crude way they are going about it but it is their business and they need their money back.

I have seen a lot of people who end up not paying because they feel like nothing can be done to them.