Conformism is the worst enemy of our growth

in #hive-1484412 years ago

Hello friends!

Today I want to share with you a phrase that I read on one of my social networks, and that is attributed to John F. Kennedy from which many reflections and lessons can be extracted:

Edited powerpoint

This phrase has made me think of how many times we have heard, or even we have made excuses like "that's impossible, that's all the best I can do, that's how I'm fine I don't need more, worse is nothing". These are phrases that indicate a limited thought and that perfectly justify a passive attitude, that do not allow taking risks and, consequently, limit personal growth.

Many times conformism can take over people, from my work experience for example, I very often hear all kinds of excuses from students justifying the incomplete or late submission of an assignment, among many others , although it is true that in some cases they are very valid and typical of the circumstances that our country is experiencing, due to the lack of technological resources, electricity, among others, in other cases it is possible to observe the lack of commitment and effort to present a good job, since they only settle for delivering something instead of nothing.

However, it is important to highlight that if problems, obstacles or certain circumstances are allowed to immobilize us, we will be creating strong ties that impede our growth and personal or professional development and people can get used to always excusing themselves but not striving to be better at what they do.


In relation to this topic, I also remember a story that perhaps many know, in which an old teacher wanted to teach a young disciple how a life of conformity cuts our development, so they visited a poor family in the region, that family only had one possession, a scrawny cow that barely gave them enough milk to survive, the teacher and his disciple spent the night there, but before dawn the teacher slaughtered the cow, the astonished disciple confronted him saying how could you leave that broke family?.

Some time later, the teacher and the disciple returned to the town and searched in vain for the humble family, since where the small hut used to be, a large house had been built, to their surprise, from this came the man who gave them shelter that night. They greeted that man whose appearance was impeccable, and who did not know what had really happened to the cow, because he told them that a rogue had killed the animal, and that in order not to starve they had begun to sow, discovering in this way how much their land was fertile and that now they lived much better, because they sold the surplus they did not need to eat.


In the story, that cow represents everything that keeps us tied, conformism with what we already have, and what prevents us from moving forward and having more aspirations. These ties first manifest as thoughts, which then become habits and are reflected in the attitudes we adopt in the face of problems, they are excuses to avoid trying harder.

This leads me to think about what my young students express, "it's very difficult", "it's that I live very far", "I don't have internet at home", "I don't know how to use Excel", and I wonder, do you really Are people, especially young people, working for what they want? Or are we just making excuses for not giving more and looking for solutions?

We know that in life nothing comes easy, and yet many people only want immediate solutions, like falling from the sky or everything put on a silver platter, to obtain a quick result.

The conformist murders his own dreams since he sees them as impossible, and not as goals that can be achieved. Today more than ever we need a change of mentality, to eliminate the cows that limit us and do not allow us to go out and conquer our dreams or generate a change in our lives, or even leave behind the thought of doing enough, or waiting for everything is solved or is better to start acting and generate changes, we just need to know each other well, have confidence in our abilities and start using our maximum potential.


Let's leave behind the conformism that limits us to a reduced comfort zone, and let's remove excuses from our vocabulary, because we are always going to find difficulties, but if we really want to go looking for what we want, we need to generate ideas and execute actions, not let ourselves be stopped by difficulties.

Well friends, I hope you liked the post and I invite you not to conform and dare to leave the comfort zone that limits your dreams, thanks for reading!