From Saving Allowance to Blogging: My Son's Hive Adventure

in #hive-1893066 months ago

Hello Hive friends! How's everyone doing? I have been a little busy lately and haven't been able to post blogs while juggling work and all. But behind the busy schedule of this Mama I'm just excited to and proud to share with you how I've introduced my 14-year-old son to Hive to start his own blogging adventure!



Here is the background story on how his blogging account was born.

You see, my son has been saving up for his dream bike, a Fixie. I may not know much about bikes, but I love hearing him talk about his passion for bicycles and how he dream of one day joining bike groups and going on long rides with friends. As a mom, I worry a bit, but I also want to support and encourage him. He's currently saving all his allowance and he even walks home from school everyday just to save from using the fare and adding it for his savings instead, however despite his efforts he is still a way off from affording his dream bike, so I thought why not introduce him to Hive. I know it could be a great way for him to earn money through blogging.

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He had a mountain bike a few years back; however, it was a cheap one and easily gave out, so he has not had a bike since then.

I explained to him how Hive works and how it can help him afford to save up sooner for his dream bike and I also stressed the fact that creating an account in Hive could also help him improve his English and writing skills for school especially so that he will be turning Senior High school and off to College next very soon. I also told him about the people he could meet and the connections he could make.

At first, he wasn't sure. He thought he wasn't good at telling stories or expressing himself in writing. But after I showed him some other teens and students on Hive, like @naniplayergamer, who's doing great with her blogs even though she's still in elementary school, he got inspired. He even started asking me to help him set up his account right away!

I tried to get help from my friend and referrer @explorewithsasha to open Daniel's account, but we had some trouble with the referral link. While we were waiting, I told Daniel to start planning his introduction post and think about what else he wants to write about. He was really excited and started writing a list of possible topics.

It was in February when Daniel has decided to join, however we still couldn't fix the problem with the referral link. Daniel was getting more and more eager to start, so on March I reached out to @wittyzell from HivePH Discord. She gladly helped and showed us a way around the issue, and that's how @dandelion24 was born!

As a mom, I'm super proud of Daniel, I know this is a great exposure for him to be knowledgeable about DApps, Web3, crypto and the blockchain and I just hope you can support him like you've supported me when I was still starting.

My next goal is also to encourage her twin sister Daphnie to join Hive as well. I'm just giving her all the time to think about it and not forcing anything. If she want to explore Hive, I want it to be in her own terms but of course I wont stop sharing about this platform and I also wish one day to be able to advocate Hive and be part of OCD Team so I can share and refer other people especially students, I just dont know where or how to start.

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That's all for now, Please follow @dandelion24 and help him achieve his dream of getting his bike through Hive.


Good job @yzamazing! I think if you're actively spreading the word out there about Hive, you can apply as an OCD onboarder. 😊
But no pressure of course!
I hope your daughter will join us here soon too!

Thanks, @wittyzell Chika tayo soon on how to apply as onboarder. :)

It's nice to hear that your 14-year-old son starts blogging on this platform. I welcome him here. Best wishes.

You have given your son a great tool for his development in all areas, now it is up to his determination and perseverance to achieve results.

Lovinghive ❤️

I totally agree. Thank you so much for this platform. Truly loving Hive! ❤️