Memoir Monday - Neighbours

in #memoirmonday4 months ago

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Week 12 on #memoirmonday already and @ericvancewalton can't believe we are already at a dozen. I shortened this week's prompt from What were your next door neighbors like when you were a child? to a title of Neighbours...Canuck spelling. You can read about this movement here

For me, we moved around a few times so it is an exercise in long-term memory to recall. The first ones I can remember were a bully and a friend of the family. Then, some white trash and a quiet family who kept to themselves. After that, a home in the country with no neighbours. Lastly, random people we never got to know on one side, an the other was a friend of the family who turned into an epic hoarder. Then, on my own and not a child any more. Rather underwhelming with no pictures.


These Days

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I have been at the present Pickle palace for over a decade with the same neighbours the whole time. I don't take pictures of them or their stuff because nobody wants a neighbour who does that! So, I had to search long and hard for a picture of Marc's place. He is a super nice guy who keeps to himself but has nice things to say in passing. Never avoids a greeting but is not overly keen for a discussion of any sort. My kinda guy. Perfect neighbour.

Then There's Jerry...

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Took me even longer to find a shot looking west towards Jerry because I want even less do do with him. Jerry hates my guts and it seems to rot his soul that his property is adjacent to mine. No need to go into detail but every attempt to make him happy or be courteous has been misinterpreted to take the form of a mortal insult of one form or another. Jerry hates ALL his neighbours but probably me the most. Not that I think it is completely unwarranted but I have had about enough of his existence and try and plague him with my company as little as possible.

I believe that if you find yourself surrounded by assholes, chances are you are the asshole.




Tell me & Mr. Eric Vance Walton about your childhood neighbours.


I can say that neighbourhood was good in old days; however, seems not for you even in past :)

Ah it was not so bad. I prefer the neighbours like Marc. Friendly and distant!

We have a proverb;

Even in the smallest matters one neighbor can help another.

We tend to be like those who we surround ourselves with. Luckily, my family and I were surrounded by elites and it really helped us a lot

lol Everyone seems to have a Jerry for a neighbour (spelling it your way out of respect lol). The one I had was an elderly lady that was given the name Mrs. Doubtfire. Boy, was she a piece of work. She would swoop down on you out of nowhere, like a hawk on a field mouse. It got to where nobody wanted to go out of their house lol. Moved out of there and am now out in the country...much better!

Ya you know the type!

I can get along with anyone. It is a blessing or a curse depending upon the person. Jerry is the exception because he is a crabby old boomer without a cause outside of his yard and he NEEDS me to be his enemy so he has a purpose. I guess that is the role I must play. ;)

hahaha takin' one for the team

Wow, what a contrast! Jerry sounds like a real joy! Lol.

The balancing point somewhere between total @sshole and wanting to be your best friend is really the sweet spot when it comes to neighbors.

I've been lucky except for one of our neighbors in the last house we lived in. She was a voyeur, would always be staring at us from her windows. She also had a penchant for passing out drunk while she was cooking meals. I always imagined she was like Julia Child, drinking more wine than she used in her recipes. She had the fire department over there more than a few times. Other than that, we've been extremely lucky.

Haha what a train wreck. Jerry is a piece of work but I have had good luck too. Except that Portuguese family in the big city that ran a full landscaping fleet out of their driveway at 7 every morning.

Oh no! I'm sure that forced your family to be early birds!

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