Trying to hammer my schedule down and get back to daily posting and #thoughfuldailypost is a great one to bring back! @Wesphilbin waves the @thoughtfulposts flag for us as the curation account that rewards them thoughtful posts. Please consider delegating if you are the thoughtful type and want to encourage people to share their positivity.
Here are a couple that made me pause, ponder, and made the cut for #thoughtfuldailypost. Now with added matched music fun.
Anyone who has studied psychology in the slightest will know who Carl Jung is. For those who haven't imagine how legit you would be if you founded the school of analytical psychology. Besides that, he was an influential enough mind that Sigmund Freud passed on his knowledge directly to him to carry on as a Christian when Jews were being persecuted. Pretty heavy history there so worth a read and thought!
Last edition, we dug a little into the victim mentality and this one struck a similar chord. Few of us are without our trauma which can play so much into who we are today. I can remember a few traumatic events which lead to lessons about the world and redefinition of what I could endure and accomplish. Some, I feel steeled me a little too much and I would neither choose to revisit any of them again nor give up the silver lining of hard character development.
Though I am an eternal optimist, I understand that my trauma pales in severity to probably most people. That being the case, I always tried to choose to let the dents in the armour around my soul be highlights in character rather than crutches to excuse myself from the battle. A luxury I know.
I just love to enjoy the responsibility and freedom that having a choice gives while carving out my existence. I get to choose what I become and not have to define myself by the damage I have taken along the way. Do we all to a certain extent?
I know I have chosen this Rush song before but perhaps it has been long enough to use again in the celebration of Free Will.
To Be Brave
This one is branded with Power of Positivity so lets go with that as the author. Mainly and endorsement of itself with billions of followers but some neat articles around positivity, training our brains and positive change...which I bet we could all benefit from. They need to make a Hive account and get involved in #thoughtfuldailypost!
I must have found this one early in the year and I found myself wondering how I did 9 months later. Did I sit on the couch, embrace clutter, follow negative people, stay up too late, gossip, or avoid challenge? Probably to some extent. Was I able to venture out, do new things, wake up early, be fierce, show more gratitude, and be brave? Hopefully enough to make positive change! Still over 3 months left so let's take advantage of it and double down on our efforts!
If we fall short in 2024, why the hell not just rebrand this and reengage for 2025? LET'S GO!
Helping others cast off the victim mentality and choosing not to be offended can surely lead to the greater good! If being thoughtful is up your alley, you have the option to delegate to @thoughfulposts to increase the rewards for positivity. is the post that started it in 2020!