in #hive-167922last year


Hello, today I want to share my opinion about the slow disappearance of physical money.

Has it happened to you to go to a store and that they only admit paying by credit card?

Hola, hoy quiero compartir mi opinion sobre la lenta desaparición del dinero físico.

¿Os ha pasado de ir a una tienda y que solo admitan pagar con tarjeta de credito?

Physical money is going to disappear in the future, which does not seem bad to me, the problem is the alternatives that exist.

Always paying with a credit card poses problems, and the biggest problem is the use that companies and banks make of our data, they control where you are at all times, they control what you consume, control what you spend, that data that we give when paying with card are worth a lot of money.

El dinero físico va a desaparecer en un futuro, cosa que no me parece mal, el problema es las alternativa que existen.

Pagar siempre con tarjeta de credito supone problemas, y el mayor problema es el uso que las empresas y bancos hacen de nuestros datos, controlan donde estás en todo momento, controlan lo que consumes, controlar lo que gastas, esos datos que damos al pagar con tarjeta valen mucho dinero.

Our data ends up being sold in many cases, and depending on where you live, it compensates the company with a fine because selling it earns much more.

The only advantage I could find is that money from illicit businesses is much more controlled, but why do we have to pay for the shares of a small percentage?

Nuestros datos acaban vendidos en muchos casos, y según donde vivas, les compensa una multa a la empresa porque vendiéndolos ganan muchos mas.

La única ventaja que podría encontrar es que se controla mucho mas el dinero de negocios ilicitos, ¿pero por qué tenemos que pagar toda la sociedad por las acciones de un pequeño porcentaje?

The other day I went into a store, and my surprise when I went to pay was that they only accept cards, which by the way is illegal in Spain, which is where I live. It is not a problem for me to pay with a card, but the fact that force me, it bothers me, and for that reason I decided to go to another store.

Too much interest in paying by card, curious?


We would think that the reason is that employees do not have access to money, but other stores of the same company (very large and that generates many millions a year) do not limit payment to just one way.

El otro día entré en una tienda, y mi sorpresa al ir a pagar fue que solo aceptan tarjeta, cosa que por cierto es ilegal en España que es donde yo vivo, a mi no me supone problema pagar con tarjeta, pero el hecho de que me obliguen, me molesta, y por esa razón decidí irme a otra tienda.

Demasiado interes en pagar con tarjeta, ¿curioso no?

Pondríamos pensar que la razón es que los empleados no tengan acceso al dinero, pero, otras tiendas de la misma empresa (muy grande y que genera muchos millones al año) no limitan el pago a solo una forma.

There have always been machines to pay in cash and the fact that the employee does not have access to the money could not be the real reason either.

Something to highlight about these stores that only allow payment by credit card, is that it only happens in areas where there are more people with purchasing power, in areas with less purchasing power, I have never seen it.


They also want physical money to disappear in order to control your taxes more, which is not a bad thing to me, as long as they are used well and are not abusive.

Siempre han existido máquinas para pagar en efectivo y que el empleado no tenga acceso al dinero, tampoco podría ser el verdadero motivo.

Algo a destacar de estas tiendas que solo permiten el pago con tarjeta de credito, es que solo ocurre en las zonas donde hay mas gente con poder adquisitivo, en las zonas de menor poder adquisitivo, nunca lo he visto.

También quieren que el dinero físico desaparezca para controlar mas tus impuestos, cosa que no me parece mal, siempre que se usen bien y no sean abusivos.

In Spain we have tax abuse, if you who are reading this, give me a pencil, I have to declare it and pay 10% of a GIFT, with the law in hand, everyone who lives here is evading taxes.

A more absurd example?


Your parents have finished paying their 400k house, the day you are going to inherit the house, depending on the city you live in, you would have to pay 3k to inherit, fine, but in others you have to pay 25% of the value of what you inherit, which is already absurd, but there are cities that come to demand 40% from you to inherit, and you will think, okay, I inherit 400k and then I pay, NO, you pay first and then you inherit, but what if I don't have money to pay first? To go to the bank to request a loan and if you are lucky to get it approved, the interest is abusive.

En España tenemos un infierno fiscal, si tu que estas leyendo esto, me regalas un lápiz, yo tengo que declararlo y pagar 10% de un REGALO, con la ley en mano, toda persona que vive aquí, está evadiendo impuestos.

¿Un ejemplo mas absurdo?

Tus padres han terminado de pagar su casa de 400k, el dia que vayas a heredar la casa, según la ciudad que vivas, tendrías que pagar 3k para heredar, bien, pero en otras tienes que pagar 25% del valor de lo que heredas, que ya es absurdo, pero esque hay ciudades que llegan a exigirte 40% para heredar, y pensarás, vale, heredo 400k y luego pago, NO, primero pagas y después heredas, ¿pero si no tengo dinero para pagar primero? A ir al banco a pedir un credito y si tienes suerte a que te lo aprueben, los intereses son abusivos.

This topic gives for another much more explicit post.

Let's talk about a real example, let's talk about China.


In China it's very difficult to use cash and they almost never have to return what is left over.

You have to pay by scanning a QR code, all through banks and only Chinese, that is, for a tourist it is difficult.

This generates a negative impact on tourism, which also causes a much poorer economy.

Are we willing to be controlled?

Tell me what you think in the comments.

Esto tema da para otro post mucho mas explícito.

Hablemos de un ejemplo real, hablemos de China.

En China es muy difícil usar efectivo y casi nunca tienen para devolverte lo que sobre.

Tienes que pagar escanenado un código QR, todo mediante bancos y solamente chinos, es decir, para un turista es difícil.

Esto genera un impacto negativo en el turismo, lo que también provoca una economía mucho mas pobre.

¿Estamos dispuestos a que nos controlen?
Dime que opinas en los comentarios.


Many years ago i really enjoyed reading/listening to the free book Invisible Hand by Larry K Mason. It's a story (fictional) of how a new "economic system" was introduced in a large country. It serves as an explanation of a system Larry had designed called NOPOM (No Physical Object Money).

NOPOM continues it's development and hopefully integraton now under the name Copiosis.

My thoughts are that the only way to get Copiosis (in which all basic human needs are provide to all with no charge) implemented, is with the use of a very well designed Communiy Governance system. I write about a particular system in this post (and comments):

Sat Nam


It's a very interesting topic, only in the future we will know what will happen

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Previously reported #bug still exists (android) where copying link to a comment without first opening in a thread, gives a wrong link

Oh we will check this and make sure it is part of next update.

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