in #hive-1664082 years ago


Hello, my friend! Thanks to @wittyzell, I am here to comment on this wonderful post.

We sometimes tend to feel a sense of jealousy toward some people who we believe are running ahead of us and who we think are reaching new milestones in life. We often compare ourselves to people, measure the gap between distances, and differentiate successes without realizing that we have a timeline of our own. Questioning ourselves from where we are standing as of now becomes a habit wondering if we can make a progress or if we can attain and experience other people's accomplishments.

This is a comment thread amongst many... yes? You have taken an issue that is felt by all of us, and given a positive, and meaningful solution to remedy it! I do feel this content would fit well in my Thoughtful Daily Post community. I will leave you a link, so you can look through the content, and see if you might find another home to post in. Not a shameless plug mind you! Just trying to share love and positive energy!


!giphy Wonderful


Oh! Thank you so much for dropping by and being interested in this article of mine. I hope you enjoyed reading this :) It's my pleasure to check the Thoughtful Daily Post community to broaden my perspective, be inspired, and be reminded every day. It's nice meeting you here as well as your community!


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You are most welcome! It is a pleasure to meet you, as well!