generationeuropa rebloggedthechamber in #hive • 2 years ago[Hive][Meetup][Finance][Networking][Marketing] @hiveeurope 🎉 You are invited to a networking after work (5pm) and several free training(s) on Tuesday 28/2 @hivebelgium😉 Do you like invitations? 😉 A networking afterwork? 😉 Training on various current topics? 🎉 You are invited to a networking after worgenerationeuropa rebloggedfrenchlyrics in #lyrics • 2 years agoMy [Decentralized] Band EN/FRje ne sais pas mec I don't know dude Je pense que tout le monde est jaloux et merde I think everybody's all jealous and shit Parce que je suis genre, le chanteur du groupe…generationeuropa rebloggedmychef in #hiveintro • 2 years agoHive [community project] @Mychef Proximity Services By design along the HiveBlockchain - my way is Hive @Mychef! #episode 1 EN/FRA local service at the forefront of the @Gov-as-a-service ecosystem Why start a new business when you can leverage an existing, provgenerationeuropa rebloggedwalloffame in #community • 2 years agoSigns you are or surounding an INFJ - The Rarest Personality TypeDo those around you frequently misunderstand you? Do you have a deep inner life and a strong intuition? If so, you might be an INFJ, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator’s rarest…generationeuropa rebloggedtongo-logistic in #letsdiscuss • 2 years ago@hiveembassy We are smiled at and greeted more than usual. | On Nous Sourit Et On Nous Salue Plus Que d'habitude. [EN/FR]➡️ This is the story of our invisible heroes. ➡️ Voici l'histoire de nos héros invisibles. 👉 Stéphane is agenerationeuropa rebloggedjnmarteau in #letsdiscuss • 2 years ago@hiveembassy @hiveagency 04/02/23 [CyberResilienceAct][The European FOSS community] HiveMeetupBrussels Report EN/FRCyber Resilience Act at FOSDEM 🥰 🧀 with fewer holes: "we want to reduce the number of vulnerabilities in softwares"generationeuropa rebloggedinternetsociety in #letsdiscuss • 2 years agoMoving ForwardHi Hivers! It’s the end of January, and so many of you are already organizing, strategizing, and moving forward with locagenerationeuropa rebloggedhiveembassy in #letsdiscuss • 2 years ago@workshops [Workshop - Digital Identity and Public Services][Atelier - Identité numérique et services publics] EN/FR[Workshop - Digital Identity and Public Services] It is with pleasure that I will be able to count on the pagenerationeuropa rebloggedcirculareconomy in #myhiveintro • 2 years agoThe Woodland Adventurers are joinning Hive | Les aventuriers du bois rejoignent Hive ! EN/FRMy name is Jonathan, I am a handyman, carpenter and restorer of old and used objects based in Belgium for over 10 years. I'm a jackgenerationeuropa rebloggedhive-103505 in #fr • 2 years agoPlusieurs choses , projets , FRENCH TOKEN , soutiens , autres Grand résumer : Gagner , vous faire gagner , soutenir des projets FR , et par la suite d'autres projets et communauté . On va parler de tout ça : D'abord nous expliquerons ce…generationeuropa rebloggedhiveeurope in #meetup • 2 years agoAnnouncing HiveEmbassy - the first Hive Meetup Organizers and Makers Livestream Meetup series on the 29th of JanuaryHave you heard about #Meetups and how this can be efforts consuming in the making but prosperous for the community and you want to help bringing thegenerationeuropa rebloggedhiveeurope in #community • 2 years agoVerschiebung des Paradigmas der sozialen Wertung - Building a Decentralized Many To Many RetroActive Recognition Capability System on Hive GER/ENLiebe Freunde und Akteure der Zivilgesellschaft! Dear friends and actors of the civil society! Wie stayoutoftherz in seinem Artikel Social Credit Scoring - 2023 wird es ernst! mitteilt, wirdgenerationeuropa rebloggedhiveeurope in #community • 2 years agoHelp us launch the Wall Of Fame | Aidez nous à lancer le Wall of Fame EN/FR👌 This is the 1st publication to introduce a series we are dedicating to creators and entrepreneurs who are "extraordinary" in ogenerationeuropa rebloggedhiveeurope in #leofinance • 2 years ago📣 ✨Collective Progress // 📣 ✨Des Avancées Collectives ✨EN/FR ✨Some have ideas, some talk about them. Certains ont des idées, d'autres en parlent. There are people who support them so that others can access th