
@tipu curate

I really like Fermented reality. It a great way to see the reality we are at!



Such a lovely family. You have your priorities right.

Yea, those priorities I never did doubt.

As many injuries as the head of the family. Nice creative idea


Awesome work as usual!


Yes, high time! I've seen your face many times, but never the other members of your family's.

What's with the blank face on your wife? Purity?

What is the elder daughter holding? Kinda looks like a slide rule, which I was just thinking about yesterday. Calculators robbed us of a very fine tool for understanding mathematics. Now we are a bunch of dunces in that way. My Tai Chi class was very impressed that I knew 14 is 1/3 of 42 yesterday.

It's early on the eastern side of the failing US. I gotta get it together.

It is a piece of jewellery that she designed. As this is a black and white drawing you can't see that it is leaf gold... she did comment, but approved of the boobs, so I just took it as approval. I guess it could be some sort of purity even though she does not see herself like that at all... but there are something in her caring for others that really are very pure. My eldest was very pleased with the drawing so no complaint from the girls :)

Chop-sticks, she is very into Japanese culture :)

My wife is the one who love those old measuring tools, we even have a slide rule due to her.

I love knowing that bit about you, the slide rule bit.

So the one with the lips is the one going off to school soon? What area will she concentrate? Cooking? That face also reminds me of some lyrics I'm currently learning

Into the woods
to mind the wolf
to heed the witch
to honor the giant

She is a wonderful dancer and she is very talented with music. Playing the flute :)

It has been some tough days away from her mother and father so those four lines are probably very close to her experience right now. She'll be fine, I know as much. But with a dramatic emotional personality (like her mother) she goes through some high frequency sine waves of emotion right now.

Into the woods...

A splendid family indeed! :O)

Thanks, mate.

Hey, man! 😃

Lovely piece right here. I was going to ask about the blank face on the wife, but I've seen a comment where you addressed it.

The older child, however, seems sad, is it just me or was that intentional?

The older child, however, seems sad, is it just me or was that intentional?

Stuborn more than sad, that was the thought at least. Good to hear from you, mate!

Great to hear from you too, and to see it's business as usual on Hive 😎✌