PostsCommentsnadin-zakrevska in #hive-156687 • 14 days agoWinter stories./Зимові історії. (En/Ua)Hello everyone. This is how this year's winter stories begin. November gently turned into December. Without borders and without precipitation. One winter day, white snow fell on…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-142159 • 17 days agoHouses in Lviv in #monomаd challenge ./Будинки у Львові в мономад.Hello everyone. Finally, I have a real day off. The previous weeks were extremely busy with work at school and at home. I dedicate this day to my son. We walk through the streets of the city in anticinadin-zakrevska in #hive-165469 • last monthStories about sales, about honesty and about experience./Історії про продажі, про чесність і про досвід.(En/Ua)Hi, it's my motanka dolls again. I couldn't write for a long time precisely because all my free time I wind up))) dolls. Big dolls, small dolls. My dolls are travelers. One went…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-142159 • last monthTraditional Ukrainian dances in #monomad challenge. (En/Ua)Hello everyone, today I want to share my thoughts about sports, the team and how I should interact with all this. Recently, the school hosted an exhibition performance by the Ukrainian exemplary dancenadin-zakrevska in #hive-156687 • last monthReflections on life situations./Роздуми про життєві ситуації. (En/Ua)Hello everyone. I have entered a certain stage in my life when I seem to be reviewing my previous life from a different angle. I see my imperfect actions, unconscious mistakes…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-165469 • 2 months agoEndless October/ Нескінченний жовтень. (En/Ua)Hello everyone. This year, all the months have matured in a hurry. All natural phenomena appear in a hurry. October is endlessly yellow. The leaves on the trees are turning…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-155530 • 3 months agoSweet land in my region./ Солодка земля в моєму краю. (En/Ua)Hello everyone. Today I invite you to my native land. No matter where I am, no matter where I travel,nadin-zakrevska in #hive-165469 • 3 months agoMaxim's homework postcard./Листівка на домашнє завдання в Максима. (En/Ua)Hello everyone! This evening Maksym told me that for tomorrow he needs to create a postcard with a picture for the defenders of Ukraine. In general, doing homework and various projects with Maxim, itnadin-zakrevska in #hive-165469 • 3 months agoHello forty or how I don't like my birthday./Привіт сорок або як я не люблю своє день народження. (EN/UA)Hello everyone. Today at my work, employees were surprised that this is my real age and anniversary. Apparently, I don't look like a forty-year-old man on the outside, but…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-156687 • 3 months agoI spend time with my son in the mall./Я проводжу час з сином в торговому центрі.(En/Ua)Hello everyone! Today is a small story about my life with my son. He studies in the fourth grade and to almost all my questions he answers - "I know". This expression constantly sounds in him, I sometnadin-zakrevska in #hive-165469 • 3 months agoEmotional potatoes and Maxim's new drawing./Емоційна картопля і новий малюнок Максима.(En/Ua)Hello everyone, another week has passed and there is not enough time to write about everything in detail. Therefore, I will write a few concluding words in this post. Maybe I have already completely unadin-zakrevska in #hive-165469 • 3 months ago My dolls are back in Havarechchyna./Мої ляльки знову на Гавареччині. (En/Ua)Hello everyone. Last week I got a call about an order dolls for excursions, because they sell well. Although the markup on them is quite large, almost 50% more than my price, the dolls quickly travelnadin-zakrevska in #hive-165469 • 3 months agoNew life. School. Thoughts./Нове життя. Школа. Думки. (En/Ua)Привіт усім. Минає два тижні моєї роботи в школі. Деякі висновки я вже зробила, що школи бувають різними і це залежить від керівника освітньої установи. В мене ще не було думки звільнитися, отож, всеnadin-zakrevska in #hive-165469 • 4 months agoSchool autumn weekdays./Шкільні осінні будні. (En/Ua)Hello everyone. I didn't write anything about the school because of the rocket landing on the nearby street. The first school week has already passed. Maksym is again at a new school. He was worried,nadin-zakrevska in #hive-142159 • 4 months agoBlack and white day in my life. #monomad challenge.This is my entry for the #monomad challenge. Just one day can change a lot in my life. I understood that the people who wrote and called me were really worried about me. They…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-165469 • 4 months agoReceived a warning not to ignore the alarm./Отримала попередження не ігнорувати тривогу. (En/Ua)**Hi.... Seven people, including three children, died as a result of the Russian missile attack on Lviv. We are alive and well today. The rockets fell 300 meters from my apartmnadin-zakrevska in #hive-165469 • 4 months agoНарешті вересень!/Finally September! (En/Ua)Hello everyone, it's finally September! This is my favorite month of the year. The heat subsides, the children hurry to school, finally the shift, finally I go to work. If you…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-142159 • 4 months agoIf I became a bird... #monomad challenge. /Якби я стала пташкою.... (En/Ua)Hello everyone in the black and white community. I want to tell you that in my native Lviv, in the very center of the city, there is a Venetian lion on a building. Noble and wealthy owners of many bnadin-zakrevska in #hive-156687 • 4 months agoResponsibilities imposed on women./Обов'язки, які нав'язують жінкам. (En/Ua)It's so nice for me in the park on this August day. In the evening, when the sun sets, I can already hear the autumn cold. But still, this summer was great. I managed to do so many interesting and usenadin-zakrevska in #hive-142159 • 4 months agoLeave me in the past. #monomad challenge. /Залишіть мене в минулому. (En/Ua)Hi everyone. This is my entry for the #monomad challenge". Leave me in the past, all those who are not ready to be by my side. I am tired of convincing everyone that I am a good and wonderful person