duo-tip in #dook • 43 minutes agoYou just got DUO from @rainbowdash4l. They have 2/2 DUO calls left. Learn all aboutluckystar1 in #leofinance • 44 minutes ago@luckystar1 "That is nice..."That is nicelolzbot in # • 45 minutes agololztoken.comWhats the nuttiest Band in the history of rock and rollThe Allmond Brothers.Credit:logen9f in #leofinance • 7 hours ago@logen9f " https://media.tenor.com/E8Z0zFRuUcsAAAAC/coffee-c..."lolzbot in # • 10 hours agololztoken.comWhat do you say to comfort a friend who's struggling with grammar?There, their, they're.Credit: <lolzbot in # • 10 hours agololztoken.comWhat did the priest get the altar boy for his birthday?A Praystation 5Credit:duo-tip in #dook • 10 hours agoYou just got DUO from @rainbowdash4l. They have 1/2 DUO calls left. Learn all aboutbrando28 in #leofinance • 17 hours agoYeah, and if they're only after upvotes, they'd get much more by creating a single, meaningful post.calebmarvel01 in #leofinance • yesterday@calebmarvel01 "Thats pretty cool to hear, palm plantation is a li..."Thats pretty cool to hear, palm plantation is a life time investment if well managed...neilamarcano in #hive-148416 • yesterdayWe must prepare ourselves, what better way is to prepare the heart, so that it can withstand the acceleration of our rhythm, it also works for me to listen to music at 182 bpm…anonymous02 in #leofinance • yesterday@anonymous02 "what's this front-end? ..."what's this front-end?bbhbot in # • yesterday@rainbowdash4l! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (7/100)bradleyarrow in #leofinance • yesterday@bradleyarrow "Awesome !BBH !DOOK https://media.tenor.com/hLuKVy..."Awesome !BBH !DOOKdantrin in #leofinance • yesterday@dantrin "Gn...."Gn.bbhbot in # • yesterday@rainbowdash4l! @master-lamps likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @master-lamps. (1/5)master-lamps in #leofinance • yesterday@master-lamps "Thank you for letting me know, just wonderful! !BB..."Thank you for letting me know, just wonderful! !BBH !PIZZA !MEME !LOLZhardyknight in #leofinance • yesterday@hardyknight "damn bro this is what we call rollercoaster in emo..."damn bro this is what we call rollercoaster in emotions. The FOMO is very real here. I like the experience you got thoughlolzbot in # • yesterdaylolztoken.comI can always tell if someone is lying just by looking at them.I can also tell if they’re standing.duo-tip in #dook • yesterdayYou just got DUO from @rainbowdash4l. They have 1/2 DUO calls left. Learn all aboutmonkmasters in #leofinance • yesterday@monkmasters "Good night!..."Good night!