Trying Out Diablo (It's Better Than I Ever Thought It Would Be)

in #hive-14021720 days ago

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

I Finally Did It!

I gave it the old college try! I am enjoying to say the least of it though! Now that is something I never thought would happen! The sis warned me about this and now I'm dragged into this relentless and endless battle of demon slaying! Laughs! It sure as hell never gets old, no pun intended!

Okay I was wrong! I was so wrong about mostly everything! The last Diablo I played was number 2 and for that I am ashamed actually! I might even try number 3 after this!
Now this isn't some review and all that and if it was it would be a crappy one at that too, this is merely just my thoughts and let me tell you it's all good!

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The Open Worldness!

This might be old news for everyone but it's new news for me! The open world? Loving that stuff! Absolutely loving it! I wont go as far and say that the the pc I play it on is a boss of a machine and can play it smoothly, I get these random lag spikes every now and then and it's not exactly the best to deal with but somehow Diablo managed to smooth them out real good on old systems.

I did try to record but that was an epic failure, I mean I can add the video but it's a hot mess of laggyness, it lags more than the actual game play but that might be because of the demand in RAM with the recording!

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I'm so tanky I can take on this world all by myself! Laughs! Not a demon soul that can stop me! I swear that literally is how this tank is making me feel! Insanely powerfull!

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This goes without saying and I think most that actually play Diablo would agree! A stronghold is a nice pick to bash a major amount of skulls in right! Okay I'm sure it gets a hell of a lot more gorey as the game progresses and I am still in the very early stages of that! Heck I'm barely level 25 yet and things are just getting more and more intense!

Now the trick for me is to clear as many strongholds out as I can possibly find! I need a explored map and I heard that the accounts are somewhat linked in gold and exploration. Not sure yet as I only have the one account so far!

Remember I didn't plan on playing this at all actually I just happen to have played it and happened to have loved it! Not my fault okay! Nobody wants to get addicted to drugs! LAUGHS!

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The silence effect is just absolutely whack I love it!

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This Is Mine Now!

Whelp I think this might be our little stronghold now Captain Ezmin! You are relieved of duty!

Okay on a side note... these fights might not be hard per say... I wont say that Diablo is a very hard game at all but dang these fights can get intense! Especially if you have a sorceress that doesn't know how to run away from all those demons trying to gut her up and open!

This might sounds stupid but she does add a fun element to the game because there is something that I have to protect and defend! Makes it so much more intense! And when those waves come running in! Heck it's a lot of fun!

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Now We've Got Some Villagers!

The darkness has faded and the light is shining on this new stronghold of ours! Heck it gives one the sense of achievement with being able to capture these stronghold and the fact that you can cross over from one to the other is a vile feeling xD Not one I am use to in Diablo! Well I might have a sit down with number three someday and see how that feels for me!

However I do think it might be something of a downgrade right? For now let's enjoy 4!
Next time I'll add the laggy riddled video!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Having to attack and defend at the same time is not easy from what I see in this game, I have never played it, I would like to try it.