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My bike was close to what this one looks like without the backseat and front rack, I think the tires were wider and the frame from the seat to handlebars was different
This is my post for #memoirmonday #28 hosted by @ericvancewalton
I do not remember how I learned how to ride a bike but I remember my first bike. This man was a fisherman who came to the inlet to visit with my dad, his name was Raymond Murry. The thing I remember most about him was seeing him pull into the east of the dock with his boat full of bikes.
He pulled in right where this boat was sitting, that is me and one of my sisters, I do not recall this man. Murry's boat was about the size of this one, he had 5 bicycles loaded on it, one for each of us kids. I will never forget my first bike, it had a metal emblem with something that looked like a coat of arms on it that said made in Germany it was just below the handlebars, it had an alternator that stayed charged from peddling and a headlight. I rode that bike everywhere, there was no more having to walk to the beach. I wish I could remember learning to ride, I imagine it would have been my oldest brother who taught us to ride them. I think I was ten or eleven when we got the bikes.
It was the only bike I had ever owned until a few months ago when I bought an electric bike. When I was 14 my Dad bought us a mini bike and who wanted to peddle a bike after riding one of them. When I was 15 he bought us a Yamaha motorcycle it was smaller than a regular motorcycle and the younger brothers and sisters rode the minibike, I was all about riding the little motorcycle.
photos are mine