Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #19

in #hive-10928821 days ago

By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.

No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

Today in thoughtfulness....jpg

staying rooted by @olujay

Sometimes, it gets really tough on some days. Even though it's what I have known all my life here, it still baffles me how certain things are still problems where I am from. The past week, for example, was truly something. While I started something new and exciting, there were surprisingly many odds against progressing. I must have whispered to myself at some point, "I need to leave this country"

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕.. 𝑵𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆..𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒓! by @amiegeoffrey

Comparison is the stealer of joy, I mean it makes you feel like you're not doing enough or you're not good enough. It takes away your self esteem, demoralizes you and sometimes makes you cringe when people become successful. Comparison often time makes someone very competitive like they're in a tournament with another person, when unhealthy competition set it, anxiety sets in too, followed by depression and pessimism. If care is not taking one could begin to harbor resentment and also become frustrated when they feel they're not meeting up and gradually one begin to be less productive. Life isn't so, a quick reminder that life is life and too often how we plan life doesn't always go exactly, so please take it easy on yourself

Mi Diario: 25 agosto 2024 // My Diary: August 25 2024 by @palomap3

Hola, querido hiver. Esta ha sido una de las semanas más difíciles de mi vida. Adelanté mis preocupaciones en y confirmé la dura realidad en el . Hoy no me regodearé en el dolor, que por supuesto ahí sigue. El tiempo es el mejor aliado y estoy dejando que se ocupe

Individuality by @becca-mac

We're all individuals, our own selves, despite family connections, ancestry, partners, children and the general population around us; we are us and they are them. Of course, we as individuals, form society as we know it, we're part of something bigger than ourselves and are all connected in some manner be it through family, friendship or professional or social ties, by location, religion and in any number of other ways... But you are you, I am me, and everyone else is them. I took this image I was thinking today about how, through technology computers for instance each of us individuals see a way to express and demonstrate our individuality; not that I'm on social media, but I know enough to know that a quick glance will underline that point. I was thinking however, that the technology we use to express our individuality is actually causing the opposite to occur in many ways

My First Job by @owasco

My first job was easy to come by. I did nothing to get it actually. Nothing at all. One day I woke up without a job, and, by nightfall, I had one. The job that would go on to shape my life in a very significant way fell right into my lap


PHOTO BY ME Yesterday, I watched an interesting clip of a couple in therapy. In the video, the woman was crying profusely while explaining to their therapist how unwilling and unyielding her husband was to her demands for change. In her words, "he refuses to change". I did not watch the entire episode, but here are a few things I was able to deduce from that short clip. Before I go into the details of this post, I want to state that relationships of any kind are extremely complicated yet simple

Meeting up with the schedule Time by @repayme4568

Being thoughtful isn't easy, it involves up to date dealings, especially, when relating with all our daily activities to achieved great result. In some days, it is not doubting that I do not get all the result I need in my activities, but instead of me to feels that I have let my self down, I continue to embrace the good thoughts and stick to the fact that I have tried and on another day, I will continue to improve myself and get the better result I want to have. There was a day my friend mailed an assignment to me, it was on my field (management and administration) and he wanted me to assist him due to the fact that, he will have lots of activities to handle and he wouldn't want to missed the submission date. He sent it to me on friday and expected it ready on monday which I agree, so that he as well can see how the assignment was done and take note of it, in case of next time, he can do it for himself. But it turns out that, I was not able to deliver it to him on that day, when he called me on monday, that was when I remember about something like that, I wanted to do it from then, but I was having lots of personal activities to handle as well

Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #9//Points of View [Eng/Esp] by @mercmarg

Image by Pixabay Everyone knows the old saying.... “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”. I mean... just because it “looks” like someone else has it better, doesn't mean that's the case. I'm curious to know what this means to you

Emotional damage… It got to do with you. by @balikis95

I won't say it has been perfected, but what I do know is that I am doing so well at it. The internet can be crazily buzzing, and if you aren't careful, you'll cry so badly because you were not able to control your emotions to what was said by someone in general. I have come across posts, tweets, and lots more that merely reading them, the content infuriates me. How people get to think that way is saddening, but on no account have I found myself making a comment on that. I know I can, but I definitely would not because I refuse to put myself in that sort of spotlight by commenting and re replying to what the person or people like them has to say

A Married Life by @mrnightmare89

Life changes as the flow of time changes. No one stays forever, just like the age of a person and because of it; The understanding of life changes. Growing old changes the way we think about life. No more playing games because battling to survive has now become an individual responsibility. Hence, getting married is just an option, it’s not an obligation that someone should be desperate to be

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That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?

Delegations to @thoughtfulposts help to support the community, as well as giving back liquid Hive rewards in the process!


Thanks for the mention 😀