Not So Favorable

in #hive-161155last year



Oops... I blew it again...

I am learning though.

Today I realised that you gotta watch the prompt and stop typing as it says: "Start again" and the words become highlighted in red.


Here's the final (and the first attempt) of my freewrite for @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2284: not so favorable


Not so favorable

I don't know why this app has told me to start again. But I will start again then. *Sigh

My meditation teacher, or his recordings anyway because he has left this world and gone off to uncover more of the Great Mystery, says, "Start again." at the beginning of each mediation session he has recorded and left for us to practice.

"Start again." It makes me smile every time. And now it has become a mantra of sorts in my own life and everywhere I go.

"Start again." When I've forgotten the lessons life has taught me and I've gone off into a place of judgement. Which always, in my experience, leads to suffering somehow.

So I will not judge this prompt telling me to start again as favorable or not. I don't like to judge things as favorable or not, these days, because some of the least favorable experiences that I have experienced have been the most favorable.

I mean... the most lessons gifted and learned, that is.

Truly unfavorable while they were occurring. I did judge them, of course. Until, some years later, I understood the value of walking through, or sitting with, the most unfavorable of things.

I have my favorite things. Of course. But are they favorable to my personal growth and - ultimately - true happiness and joy? No. They never were that. It's, ironically, the parts of my experience that I judged as the least favorable that should always have, probably been judged the most favorable.


Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 17.54.23.png


The first attempt and so failure is my best teacher, again

I wanted to plan this out but it defeats the purpose of this exercise because I find this prompt favourable to writing right now. I think too much, you know.

You probably know this already though.

This stream of conscious kinda thing
could really work to bring
something new to a table that maybe should be cleared.

If you can ever really clear a table with all that too much thinking we do.

There was a book I read, some years ago called "The Artist's Way" and one of the exercises, suggested by the author, was to write a stream of conscious diary each morning as you woke up.

No thinking required. Not favourable at all, in fact. The exercise was supposed to tap into your unconscious to release... what? I wonder? Release... oh here we go again and I was going to try and avoid this word today... Judgement.

You know me so well. But it's about this and mostly this at the end of the day, I think? Judgement. That confines us. Judgement. That halts us. Judgement. That makes us suffer unnecessarily.

So I'd say that labelling things, even, as favourable or not - becomes a problem in and of itself.

I mean... you kinda have to judge things, at times, to stay safe and sound. Sound as in sane. Perhaps that's what they meant when they came up with that expression. So yeah... judging things as favourable or not is necessary for our survival, I guess.

What I mean is that the judgement in and of itself is not necessarily helpful...

as in labelling things too much.

because our stories create our reality.


I found this on my wanderings before I cam to check the @daily.prompt today and it fits with the topic. But you gotta take the time to listen - and this post is about flash fiction while this video is not. It is about reality. Sharing it everywhere because... well... we're in the future now. And our stories, as it turns out, matter more than we may realise.

#Jung #Individuation #ThisIsPerfect


Eternal Seeker
Hardened Dreamer
Peaceful Warrior
Determined Dancer
and Stargazer


Beyond fear is freedom

And there is nothing to be afraid of.

To Life, with Love... and always for Truth!
Nicky Dee


All images my own. All photo editing done with GIMP.



What I mean is that the judgement in and of itself is not necessarily helpful...
as in labelling things too much.
because our stories create our reality.

Word. I love your freewrite. Have you been inactive, or have I just missed your fabulous stuff for a month or more?

Is that the most dangerous writing app? Diabolical! I use e.ggtimer. Less stressful! But also less exciting and surprising.

What a marvelous comment! Who are you?!!!

Why am I following you and hardly "see" you?!!

And hello. Noted on the egg-timer. Thank you. But I prefer to live a bit dangerously... I mean spontaneously ;)

I've been inactive mostly. Needed a break. And then got stuck. I guess as we writers do at times. Loving this initiative. It's very clever indeed. I'm going to do it every day now. Just to keep myself writing.

That's what all the great writers say, btw. When people ask them how they became great.

Write! Write every day.

And now I shall <3

I insist you tag me in all your #freewrites moving forward from this day, please.

lol. You know me. We think a lot alike.

I used to freewrite daily. I got really good at it! I could sit down, set a timer, and let a story I didn't know be written. It was such a rush!!! I got my expectations of myself up pretty high, and put up barriers to my imagination in the process. Now, I write most days, but the products don't seem publishable - who would want to read them? I hate to waste my readers' time. Maybe I'll write one today, maybe I will even publish it. I'll try to remember to tag you. I mostly write about freedom these days, I can't seem to help myself!

Well I'm all about Freedom so even more reason to tag me then, please.

No pressure though. Being Under Pressure never did anything good for creativity :|

Except this 👇 This worked pretty well!

Great tune! I don't think I've ever listened to it closely before. Thanks for it. Elevating!

Well that's Bowie and Mercury.

They certainly could elevate!

What is this app?

Just keep doing what you're doing, you're on the right track.

You probably know this already though.

It's not bad to think, not at all. Just don't let the first thought, the one that comes suddenly, like that... take control of you. The second and the rest are your responsibility.

When they tell you to start over, I think it's a way of saying to unlearn. We have many false preconceived ideas that we have to leave behind. To change them, just let them come to your mind and declare that you do not accept them and immediately put the best idea there, because the Universe hates a void.

The Most Dangerous app - it's a writing thing. Stream of conscious and it's super fun! :)

I like that. The first being what it is and the second and so on being a choice. Brilliant, really.

I think he means, literally, "Start again." As in we dream most of the time and the practice is seeking truth and staying "woke". And it's this that makes me smile because "living' is so much of this.... remembering. Yes. Remembering the truth instead of getting caught up in "the dream".

I guess it is the same as unlearning :)

I visited the Void. Once. Near death thing. I'll write about it one day.

And it does, indeed, not hate itself but just is itself. Also... it's where "life" and everything that comes with it... is generated from. Or by. Yes. So one would have to question whether "void" is the correct word then, I suppose.

Which your comment just made me think about. And this is a thought worth pondering... thank you <3

I think the most important thing in life is seeking, fulfilling that magnetic attraction of things that catch our attention, then being open and willing to letting those things change us. Wether it be meditation, journaling, education, or even a walk in nature. We must be seekers.

I kept a dream journal for years and came away with some weird and wonderful observations from that practice. I had a dream years before I moved from Ohio to Minnesota about the lobby of the insurance company I ended up working for in St. Paul, Minnesota for twenty-three years. I dreamt of the exact lobby without ever having even having been to Minnesota. That kind of thing makes you completely question not only time but what we understand as reality itself. We're so privileged to be living this life with our eyes open, aren't we?

Well... then you may not be a "seeker", my dear man, but a "seer"! ;)

And you do see a great deal. For sure.

My driving motivation is the same. Learning. Ever curious. Never satisfied :D

There's simply too much to learn.

I'm also going to study this year. And read more. This year I need to read tons more again.

You shall be one of my reads. Always.

Thanks for staying connected :)

I don't understand how anyone can be bored in this life. If they are, they just aren't paying attention. Thank you my friend. I hope you've had a good weekend!

I don't understand how anyone can be bored in this life. If they are, they just aren't paying attention.

Hey?! :D

Love this <3

You too and happy Monday, E