Don't Worry! You're Not Late in Life

in #hive-1664082 years ago

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We sometimes tend to feel a sense of jealousy toward some people who we believe are running ahead of us and who we think are reaching new milestones in life. We often compare ourselves to people, measure the gap between distances, and differentiate successes without realizing that we have a timeline of our own. Questioning ourselves from where we are standing as of now becomes a habit wondering if we can make a progress or if we can attain and experience other people's accomplishments.

"Every person has their own timeline of success. Others succeed sooner others later. As in everything, both timelines have both advantages and disadvantages." - Maria Karvouni

Things you don't need to be worried about

"Why you still don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend? It is sad to be single." — Aunt Marisol

You might be at an age wherein you can see your colleagues having a healthy romantic relationship already but you on the other hand stays single which leads you to feel pressured and ask yourself questions. "When is the right time for me to have that?", " Is there someone who likes me?", "Will I be able to experience that in the future?".


Original Image from Pexels by Andre Furtado

Remember that their timeline is different from yours and your timeline is different from theirs. It goes both ways. Not because they already found someone means you need also to find yours. It is a matter of time. You don't need to rush things especially if you know that you are not yet ready for commitment.

In addition, being single is just okay you don't have to worry about it. Some people are still single in their thirties but that is alright with them because they believe that if the person that will love them will come, it will come.

"You are already twenty-seven (27) but you are not yet graduating? Some people who are younger than your age already graduated. What happened to you? " —Aunt Marites

Not because someone finished the race first doesn't mean that you can't do the same. There are just reasons why some people's journeys stopped and why some continued because we don't have the same privileges.


Original Image from Pexels by Bradley Hook

Some people graduated at a very young age but they are having a hard time securing a job while other people graduated late but successfully were hired. It is not always about who finishes first, it is about the journey, your willingness, the lessons you acquire, and your perseverance to finish the game despite the things you encountered along the way.

Not because you are late, not because you are behind others, meaning you can't win the race. Everything is possible to a person who believes the goal is achievable.

"Your batchmates are now successful businessmen, how about you? What do you become? Still at the point where you are right now?— Aunt Maricar

Being successful takes a lot of failures. The successful people that you admire became successful because they overcome their failures and learned from them. In able for them to live a life they dreamed of for a long time, they are also like you who struggled to fight.


Original Image from Pexels by Sebastian Voortman

You may not consider yourself a successful person right now or perhaps you are still in the process of building yourself and learning new things to make you the successful person you imagined yourself to be but always remember that whatever you are doing is part of your progress. The progress that you will soon call a success.

Consider your life a very long road. You are inside the car holding the steering wheel while driving, expect that some drivers will drive their cars faster than you drive yours. Traffic lights will serve as your reminders of when to stop, when to continue, and when to slow down.


Original Image from Pexels by Dids

Red for stopping for a moment if you feel like you are exhausted or if you feel like you need to rest. Stopping doesn't mean that you will stop trying, you just need to think, breathe, then fight again.

Green indicates continue and it is safe to go a little faster. It reminds you that you are on the right track and you don't have to worry about anything.

Yellow is a signal for you to slow down. It reminds you not to rush everything in your life. Rushing will sometimes result in failure and disappointment. Sit back, think carefully, go with the flow, enjoy the ride, and always remember to relax.

Lastly, accidents may happen all the time that may prevent you from reaching your destination for a while. You need to be patient and the time to go again will come.

"You may feel sometimes that you are being left behind but don't worry you're not late as long as there is life."


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uWu this is so 💯✅
I agree! Before I used to think like this - I mean in regards to marriage, but then after realizing a lot of stuff and learning my lessons, I stopped comparing myself with others. We all have different paths, we may have cross paths with others but everyone has their own pace and timing.

@wesphilbin what do you think of this? I think he could be a great addition to the #ThoughtfulDailyPost. 😉


Thank you for thinking of me, and my community! I also agree with you... this would fit wonderfully with my TAG or community!!


You nailed it! Sometimes we found ourselves being left behind to the point that we want to keep up with them. Not knowing that our paces are different. Thank you for stopping by ate @wittyzell and recommending this post to #ThoughtfulDailyPost !



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Yes, we are never too late to attain success. Everyone has his or her own time to attain greatness and their dreams as long as they keep working everyday towards it.

Thank you for your encouragement

According to what I had read online...

"There's no one who is being too late and there's no one who is too early in life."

So just relax, don't rush, then enjoy the ride. You will get to your destination no matter what.

The trick is, stop comparing yourself to others. We have different races in life. Just focus on your lane and do your best. 🙂

Your lane, your pace, your journey, your timeline. You don't have to compete and compare yourself with others, you need to compare and compete with yourself.

Ita normal to feel jealous and its given to feel pressured we are just human. I do compared myself to others, I feels like hypocrisy when we said no. But yeah we are all have times, accept the fact that life is unfair haha.

Jealousy is just a normal reaction of people. It's part of being human. It sometimes reminds us to build ourselves and do better or it can be a destruction of one's self.


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This speaks to me, I can relate on so many levels. I don't worry too much for falling behind; I know what I had to go through, I know I'll "catch up" or "make it" one day, but getting pointed at every damn time just makes things harder and harder.

I agree with all the points you've outlined! Turned 30 this year and whilst everyone else from my batchmates "seem" to be living the life, I had to hit rock bottom in all areas of my life (career, romance, health, etc)! A clean slate for me and I don't ever regret this! For I am now following what my heart truly desires and doing the things that make me happy. I also learned that the true meaning of "success" is the amount of joy you have and experienced in life.

I'm practicing the art of deadma so I don't anymore get affected with what other people say. So live your life the way you want it to.

In our life, the most important thing that we need to consider is not for us to get to the end of the finish line as fast as we can but rather to find ourselves genuinely happy as we make a long step forward to finish the race.

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Hello, my friend! Thanks to @wittyzell, I am here to comment on this wonderful post.

We sometimes tend to feel a sense of jealousy toward some people who we believe are running ahead of us and who we think are reaching new milestones in life. We often compare ourselves to people, measure the gap between distances, and differentiate successes without realizing that we have a timeline of our own. Questioning ourselves from where we are standing as of now becomes a habit wondering if we can make a progress or if we can attain and experience other people's accomplishments.

This is a comment thread amongst many... yes? You have taken an issue that is felt by all of us, and given a positive, and meaningful solution to remedy it! I do feel this content would fit well in my Thoughtful Daily Post community. I will leave you a link, so you can look through the content, and see if you might find another home to post in. Not a shameless plug mind you! Just trying to share love and positive energy!


!giphy Wonderful

Oh! Thank you so much for dropping by and being interested in this article of mine. I hope you enjoyed reading this :) It's my pleasure to check the Thoughtful Daily Post community to broaden my perspective, be inspired, and be reminded every day. It's nice meeting you here as well as your community!


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You are most welcome! It is a pleasure to meet you, as well!


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