Hive Changed My Life

in #hive-1679223 years ago

Hive is the best opportunity for me.

Some call this being a "maximalist". Is this true? For me, I can state that I do not think Hive is the only option out there. In fact, from a bandwidth standpoint, to convert even a portion of the traffic over from centralized entities is going to require a lot more than just Hive. I also feel there are other tokens that will do tremendous over the coming years.

That said, I also see the impact Hive is making in not only my life, but the lives of others. Either way, maximalist or not, I am very optimistic about where things are going.

As I write this, some are claiming we are in the middle of another Crypto-Winter. This could be the case. Nevertheless, let us look forward to the Summer of Web 3.0.


Hive Is Offering Abundance

Hive has something that very few projects offer in cryptocurrency. We see people showing up with nothing and getting involved. Thus, the journey into abundance can begin with zero start up costs.

Many point to Bitcoin and Ethereum, two coin I am also bullish on long-term. However, to realistically get involved, one needs to buy in. Thus, those with resources are able to partake; the rest, sorry about your luck.

Hive is a small but dedicated ecosystem. This is what sets it apart. It was founded in turmoil. Here we see a level of commitment that is not often present. For many, there is a mission to what we are doing here.

Will Hive ever be the biggest? I do not think so. That does not mean it will not be highly profitable for many involved. We are seeing some pieces falling into place which are very important. Those who are utilizing them now are going to see how powerful all this is down the road.

There is development. That is the most crucial thing at this point. There are still issues which are hindering the forward progress. It is not the end of the world since this is all a process.

For those who join in with the mindset of being part of something that is going to be life-changing, they will realize opportunities only a few ever have. Web 3.0, while still in its infancy, is going to radically change the entire world. Hive can be a part of that.

What is the financial value of that? We obviously cannot answer that but we do know, the last time this happened with the Internet, trillions of dollars of value was generated. This time, it could end up moving into the quadrillions.

That is why abundance is before us. Expansion and growth can be exponential. In a complex system like Hive, that means going in a lot of different directions. Yet, that is why it is a honeypot. There are many avenues being pursued. A number of them will hit over time.


From Wherever To Exceptional

It does not matter where one is starting from. The way I see it is Hive can take anyone's life to the level of exceptional. That is how much is being offered.

Community is an important concept and will keep growing as we transition into the digital world. We see how this exists on the likes of Facebook yet they can be cesspools of infighting and negativity. Hive operates on a different level. Why? It is hard to pinpoint. Perhaps this is an overall benefit of Web 3.0. People have options and if not happy here, simply go elsewhere.

That said, as engagement increases, relationships are forged. Money is not the answer to all of life's problems nor is it the most important thing. However, for those without any money, life can be excruciating. It is hard to be free when most of us have to trade our time for a paycheck that ends up going out as quickly as it enters.

This was my story. I was in a job that I really didn't like. Comfortable was a word that could describe my situation. Ultimately, it was like a chain around my neck. Comfortable does not equate to thriving nor is it very exciting. It was still a job.

Hive changed all this for me. I believe it can for most everyone else who is committed. For me, it was the transition from comfortable salesman in a mature industry doing enough to earn what got me by to looking at the future with "revolutionary eyes". What is happening in cryptocurrency (and blockchain in general) is going to change the world.

Hive is an expanding ecosystem. Every month we have more. This might not be the case when we measure against USD or some other fiat. However, that is based upon market pricing.

What is not subject to ups and downs is the numbers being achieved. Over time, more tokens are distributed. That means active people are seeing their wallets fill. At the same time, new projects bring out new tokens. Many cite how tokens just show up in their accounts. Airdrops are so regular in cryptocurrency that "Helicopter Ben" is jealous.


The Summer of Web 3.0

This is something that few are discussing, especially since people like Elon Musk cannot find Web 3.0. However, it is here and being built.

One of the keys is that we are getting ready for prime time. We cannot provide for all if they wanted it today. That is where development and overcoming issues is essential. Still a lot of work to be done.

That said, there is little doubt we will see a Summer for Web 3.0. This is not going away since it is the next generation Internet. Few who follow this will dispute that. In fact, we can look at the actions of many of the Web 2.0 companies to see how they grasp what is taking place. They see the threat to their business models.

It is hard for many to fathom how Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is going to be woven into everything online. Considering how things are now, that is a revolutionary idea. Focusing back upon Hive, we see that being the case. Our most recent addition, Listnerds, took an existing token and added another one. Both are applicable to that platform and a way to incentive the users.

Tokenization is a major disruption. This is a basis for Web 3.0. As the industry becomes more user friendly and the masses start to grasp at the potential, we will see the floodgates open.

The digital world is in the process of being monetized. Cryptocurrency made monetization and, thus, commerce native to the Internet. This is Web 3.0. We no longer need that layer between the base which became so popular under Web 2.0. The likes of Amazon and Facebook are now targeted. Their models will have to change a great deal or they risk disruption.

How Big Can Hive Get?

This is a question that is impossible to answer. We have a lot of areas that we can target and discuss the potential. There is one area that really fascinates me; one that can radically change the entire foundation of Hive.

That is the Hive Backed Dollar (HBD). It is a topic that we discussed a great deal. However, for the sake of this article, we will keep our focus very simple.

HBD is designed to operate as a stablecoin, pegged to $1 worth of Hive. We know the peg is floating a bit although the range is tightening. That said, in an age where regulation is being discussed, an algorithmic driven stablecoin has tremendous potential. Since there is no lab, company, or foundation behind it, the regulators are impotent against it.

Of course, to operate as a legitimate stablecoin, more than 12 million floating is required. How much is required to sustain commerce on a decent scale? A few hundred million? A billion? While the exact number is uncertain, we know it is much higher than it is how.

Once of the ways HBD is generated is by people putting it in savings. This presently pays out 12% APR. This is a number that could go much higher. At some point, if it is to be a useful stablecoin, we need many more in circulation. Increasing the APR will help to accomplish this.

For this reason, I expect the payout to increase over time. That means we could see 15%, 20% or higher as a return on a base-layer token with no 3rd party risk. There is just your wallet and the blockchain.

Think about the potential here. Hive, through the HBD savings program, can offer an outsized return on a very low risk token and does so because it needs to radically increase the supply. In other words, the inflation will be desperately needed.

Just to contrast, Tether has almost 80 billion and USDC is over 50 billion tokens. For HBD to get to 1 billion is going to require about a 100X increase in the number. Of course, there are other ways to generate HBD but this just shows how much room there is.

Just think of the potential if that was being offered to the cryptocurrency community. No threat of regulation; no rug pulls; no Mt Gox type situations. Would a high APR pull in a great deal of fixed income money to generate what the ecosystem desperately needs, more HBD? It seems likely.

Naturally, for anyone to transaction on Hive, one is going to need a bit of HIVE staked so as to operate.

Hive already changed my life and I believe it will continue to do so. My vision is that, two years from now, we are in a much different position with this ecosystem. Just think of how far things came in the last 24 months, a time when we were fighting with Justin Sun and the code for Hive was being worked on behind the scenes.

Did Hive change your life? Is it in the process of doing so? Let us know in the comment section where you stand on this.

If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


When I got here the inflation was in excess of 160%, but the lockup was 2 years.
It sure was nice hitting f5 and watching the number go up.
HF16 ended that.
I was saying then that there wasn't enough hbd to live up to its potential.
Of course, there was no guarantee that we would make it 6 years, either.
Hive is definitely a life changing technology.

That was before my time. I missed the 100%+ inflation days. That is why some have the massive stacks they do.

I was saying then that there wasn't enough hbd to live up to its potential.

That is true and it looks like your forecast was right. We will now have to address that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is by far one of the best crypto projects out there in so many ways (community, development, projects, etc). It is still a mystery why maybe have not jumped on the opportunity. I have said several times in the past that hive has changed my life and put me in the position to change other people's lives as well. It is a gift that keeps giving

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

hive also changed my life completely, before i didn't know how to generate income with the internet and i started on steemit, then i moved to hive. From here I have obtained great profits either through articles and games; Currently thanks to hive I do not depend financially on anyone and that is transcending.

Currently thanks to hive I do not depend financially on anyone and that is transcending.

That is great to see. Another success story for Hive.

I love seeing that. It is the pathway to freedom. Hive is changing lives.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not.

Changed mine as well and I believe it will only continue to change more and more lives as we continue to grow.

I can easily foresee a day when Hive is affecting millions of people for the better. We have so much potential and some of it is being realized. Even down, look at the difference Splinterlands made in people's lives. There are a large number who are pretty much on the path to life changing money due to it.

We can see this repeated a number of times.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is awesome and I always appreciate every part and contribution it has made in my life

Just signed up here and came across to you/this post. It's very inspiring and motivational knowing your journey and how glad you are being in this platform. I'm just new, and hopefully I will have the same fate as you being here. Congrats on nailing it!

Welcome to Hive and the ecosystem. We are glad you are here.

If you want, @leomarkettalk might be a friendly place to drop by. You can ask questions and engage with some dedicated people on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In my case, more than just money, Hive has changed the way I look at things, and the right way to invest money to produce more, which has been very useful at times when I've needed it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is one of the biggest boosts. It does change our outlook. It completely reframes what is possible in our lives, at least financially.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Specifically, how is your life different now that it was before you found HIVE. Different color of socks? New haircut? Different car. More money? What?

Havent had to work in almost 3 years due to what I was able to get into around the Hive ecosystem.

There are a lot of ways to have income flowing in. We are seeing more opportunities. There are some jumping to the head of the class on Listnerds which is only a month old.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can see why. Your posts are informative and entertaining. I wish you well.

yes and now ask how many people live has it changed? all i see is the same guys making money to quit their jobs posting everyday.

i created bitcoin myk to make it possible for everyone to make money on hive. not just the same 5 guys. Also keep in mind if they want to keep you from making money they can. you not exactly free to make money on your own merit like how we do on bitcoin myk. where nobody can stop you. it's merit only. on here if enough of the big guys making money wanna stop you.. or if even they wanna keep it so they can make money only and don't want you to. they can do it.

it's not so much hive but the applications. like the blogging applications. but there is nothing else really besides that.. with the exception of splinterlands.. but alot of people not gamers.

So that's nice some of the favored people can make money. is that the average person though? on bitcoin myk it's totally attention value. if you apply yourself you can make money and nobody can take it from you. here they can do whatever they want with their influence over you.

So exactly how many people lives have been changed? is it just a few? is it 5? how many users we got? in the 6 years this system has been up in running is it performing on par with other chains? or is it just the same guys making a few bucks always boosting it up? i'd like to know the answers to that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

"no one can take it away from you."
That's a sore point. I was extremely active on Steemit...until the vandals struck. I was extremely depressing to have all the money I made on a post be deleted by downvotes. I must have annoyed someone, free speech anyone, because at the end I couldn't post anything without it being inundated by downvotes. That got old pretty quick so I went away. So far I don't see that on HIVE, but unfortunately some of my old friends from Steemit say it still exists.

I haven't heard of myk. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

I must have annoyed someone, free speech anyone

Yes and there lies the problem. So there are good things about hive. how do you keep the good and remove the bad. we now have second layer tokens that can assist and do alot to correct the problems.

Their argument is the money on content is not yours until it's paid out and in a way that lacks democracy one person can come along and take from you what you feel is earned.

So bitcoin myk has created a system in the hive ecosystem that hopefully corrects this problem. here is some resources on how it does that

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No disrespect but that's clear as mud to me. I have no clue as to what you are talking about.

just gave you some tokens tied to your rep score

This post has earned BBD and Btcmyk tokens

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

thanks. Where would I locate them? Are they in my wallet?

yes sir same place as all these other tokens on hive engine

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

thanks. Where would I locate them? Are they in my wallet?

Keep it up, @taskmaster4450!

Thank you @taskmaster4450 for sharing how hive changed your life.
It helps me as a newbie here to stay strong in my faith in hive.
In the few weeks I have been here, I have seen immense value and I am so loving it.

Loads of things I knew nothing about are slowly getting clearer as I interact with the system... For this I am thankful.

Thanks once again.

It is a complicated system to learn the details about. Because of that, my suggestion is to stick to it no matter how frustrating it might be. The payout of well worth the effort to understand what is taking place.

Keep commenting and getting involved.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for all you do @taskmaster4450

Ahan, impacting some lives :)

To an extent it has changed my life. I think it has the potential to become something that can remove me from working and it can be an addition source of income in the future. I just so many benefits from being here on Hive compared to other crypto chances.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is a process and depends upon what your levels are. In the developed world, the bar tends to be higher. That said, it is just a matter of time coupled with consistent activity.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As a Nigerian, there is no doubt. Hive changed my life. Helped me in ways I never thought.

Comparing my life before and now has quite a lot of difference. The hustle back then and now, hive has given much more than any conventional job in my country would.

Countries like Nigeria can really be aided by Hive and what we have taking place. I love to see people coming in and having it change their lives.

Keep stacking those tokens. There is a lot more ahead of us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Though I have not benefitted from Hive but I know many people has gotten financial help on this hive. I believe Soon i will test the financial help other people are getting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

I make this comment only so that lots of people like my comment and I get rich :)

It changed my life, I was working with wordpress and getting frustrated with backend tasks.

Along the way it has opened my eyes to mnay ways we can use this tech to create a better world.

It changed my life, I was working with wordpress and getting frustrated with backend tasks.

I came to Hive partly because I wanted to drive traffic to my WordPress blog. After the first few posts I made here nothing happened. However, I haven't looked back, either.

While I know I could have done more with WordPress, the fact is that I hated using WordPress and I hated working with WordPress.

If I do anything with WordPress in the future, it will be on the theme side of things. As for blogging, I'll stick to LeoFinance and Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed, and more and more traditional industries are wanting to learn about crypto. I'm doing a newbie class for a real estate brokerage in a couple weeks so their agents know enough about crypto to serve clients that want to buy with bitcoin.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto winter is for short term traders. People that are interested in the tech being developed and what it can do, will over look anything the price will throw at them to utilize the time to get even deeper into the tech and thays where the fun is

Absolutely hive can give some income for me. That was very helpful in my actual life.

This is true, Hive really brings out the creativity in me and still reward me for that. I love it here!


"We see people showing up with nothing and getting involved. Thus, the journey into abundance can begin with zero start up costs."

This is the most beautiful thing about Hive. All you need is a brain and some kind of internet connection.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive changed my life. It put me in the front sit of many world changing innovations, Splinterlands is one of them, Leofinance is another.

I agree on both even though I am not heavily involved in Splinterlands.

Both have enormous potential as we both believe. This is something that is going to excite a lot down the road.

The opportunity for life changing money is ahead of us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive has definitely changed my life 🙌 It gave me a blogging home that nobody can take, when I lost my first one. I actually wrote a post about it, like six days ago for the Community Challenge.

There is a lot going on here. Glad you are a part of it.

We are going to see the expansion of Hive with all the developing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have no doubt it will expand :) ... It's just a question of which places to keep track of 😂 I already have some favorites

Very interesting perspective. I agree with your point about the positive influence Hive can have on individuals and on your perspective on stable paycheck Vs enjoyable experience.

I think to really drive user numbers further, we still need to learn some things from Web 2.0 like Twitter and Facebook on what kind of content is being displayed for users based on different search criteria and saved preferences to further utilize our reputation system for this.

But we are overal on a very promising trajectory towards a Summer 3.0😀

There is still work to do, no question about it. I am excited for #ProjectBlank because I believe that will bring the Web 2.0 experience to Web 3.0.

That is going to be a big moment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive change my entire life , I can't believe it. it help me to overcome my challenge .am so happy to be part of hive blockchain.

Waw good job 😊

I absolutely can't agree less, everyone's got a story...
I'm only glad that hive found me when it did because it's a breakthrough for me.

And the breakthrough can potentially get a lot bigger in the future.

Things are really getting exciting around here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Absolutely true

Yes, exciting time for HIVE right now with so much on the Horizon. I'm excited about a higher HBD Rate, hopefully that will be raised soon!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm excited about a higher HBD Rate, hopefully that will be raised soon!

I wouldn't expect it to take place before the hard fork. So we have some time to wait.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're a trailblazer in this field man, happy to have gotten to know you a bit on your journey!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are all on this journey. It is going to be a wild ride.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm here for it 100%

Most certainly Hive has changed my life and that of my family - my mother and my brother post regularly on the platform - and it has been a real life-changer for my 71 year old mother who posts regularly.

That is terrific. A family venture. It is something that you all can share while also supporting each other.

It is a remarkable thing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I enjoyed reading this article. It was really comprehensive and it spoke my mind in most parts of the writing.

I haven't been that long on Hive but it's wayyyyyy more than any other platform I've been on.

The firsthand information and knowledge I get is second to none.

I get to travel round the world right from my bed, meet great minds,interact with them.

I get to write my heart out and get rewarded just for doing that.

The list is endless, Hive is just limitless!

One is overwhelmed reading all of these and those life changing stories in the comments. For newbies like me, I am just glad to be a part of Hive community.

You know, I don't know how many others know, that Hive 100 percent changed my life.

It was ironic that when I went to do my typed blog post this morning, something was telling me to read my own post from one year ago.

I was not in a good place. But Hive enabled me to get into a better place.

It took me a year but I am back I am new and approved. I am all in. I am 1000X.

Hive changed my life, Hive improved my life. And that will continue into the future.

And when I say Hive that equates to the people and the communities that make Hive great.

Here is to Summer 3.0.



How? What are some examples of how your life was changed?

If you find the time to read or watch some of my posts... but quickly... Hive and it's layer two tokens have helped me supplement my income. And help in keeping my house hold running. If I was unable to liquidate when I needed it. I may not be here on Hive today.

The short answer is 'money'.

And is that a bad thing in your opinion?

No. To the contrary. I think it's an excellent idea. My concern was the weasel words. Why not just come right out and say it? "Hive has changed my life by allowing me to make a bunchaton of money".

There. I did it for you.

I can't say Hive did that for me yet, but it did lead me to Cub Finance. Investing in CUB-- especially at today's fire sale prices-- will change my life. However, I would not have discovered CUB without Hive.

After another year, I want to say that Hive changed my life because of money I earned after starting with zip. Last year I aped into what I have. This year I want to be more systematic in what I do here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol. Thank you. 😊

You're welcome.

Money is neither good nor bad; it's just a tool we need. Our use of money determines whether it is good or bad. Most of us haven't learned to master money in the sense of being masters of money. Instead, we've been taught to be slaves to money. Along that path we've acquired love of money (never mind an unhealthy love of money).

Hive has helped many of us put a pause on that sort of thinking, and it has helped many of us make a paradigm shift into what our relationship with money should be like. It may not be obvious as we rot in RC Jail at first, but it becomes obvious once we pass dusting threshold and begin seeing notifications of curation rewards and author rewards. In that way, it's like a few scattered rubber bands clumping together to form some odd shape before enough join to form a sphere of rubber bands.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Absolutely awesome reply. You should expand that into a full post 😉




That's another post to add in the queue! Thanks for the suggestion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@magnacarta! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (9/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

The short answer is 'money'.

I'm all in favor of making money at home. Another thing I'm all in favor of is social interaction at home. Unfortunately I haven't seen that much when I was on Steemit (since 2016) or lately on hive.

I recall before I got kicked of facebook for saying thing positive about Trump, that several hundred comments on post were common. Like entire conversations.

It was never like that for me on Steemit. I haven't seen much of it on Hive either.

I remain hopeful and optimistic.

I am glad you are "hopeful and optimistic".

One thing that has happened to me on Hive is that I have found people and communities that share in my same ideas and dare I say beliefs.

That is another thing I love about Hive. Once I found were I belonged on this online world it made posting and interactions easy.

"where I belong".
Speaking frankly I've wondered about that my entire life. Discovering where I belong on Hive hasn't happened yet either.

Keep searching, took me 50 plus years myself.

hope springs infernal.
I'm 71

Saw your reply, and thought I would say that you just keep on showing up daily and comment. To me a person finds their place by where they enjoy commenting the most. What gives you the most joy in your life? Make a blog post or comment about in communities that are of the same mind set you are. You don't have to find it over night. It takes time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What gives me the most joy in life? I'm sad to admit that it's not the same as it was when I was younger. Right now I sleep a lot. I suspect that wouldn't be very interesting to blog about.

When I'm not sleeping I read. I wonder if 'book reports' would be very interesting?

Awesome story!! Keep at it. Well done. Go Hive!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you 😀



@yogajill! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (15/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

I love reading stories about this. We are seeing enormous potential with Web 3.0 due to the monetization of the Internet in a native form. That is what cryptocurrency is doing and it will continue to spread.

With the development taking place here, we are in a good situation. As long as we keep expanding things, there are going to be more opportunities for people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

No doubt about. Best ride I ever got on. And never got off.



I have a feeling it is going to be an even better ride going forward. We have a lot taking place right now. It is fun to watch the evolution and to be involved in something that is expanding and growing.

Lives are being changed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have no doubt 😀

@taskmaster4450le! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (14/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

@taskmaster4450! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (12/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

The zero start up cost is why ane new community, project or startup endeavor can begin on Hive and can harvest the power of established communities and users from here. Thus it can bring an advantage from the gecko as it opens up to an existing user base that is hungry to invest in promising projects. I simply cannot keep pace with everything on Hive and in how many projects I want to get involved in...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is a lot more rolling out which is exciting. We are seeing a great deal more which is appealing to many of us. However, we cannot be in everything.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have jumped into crypto at a very early stage and before that I dealt with some other centralized virtual currencies. I run some faucets and really enjoyed the fact to be able to send coins to somebody simply with a wallet address. Then I discovered this blockchain and what I liked is that I could do so many things without coding things. I created my own tokens and started some tokenomics experiments. The more time passes, the more time I pass on hive. It was a hobby at first but now I see it as a real plan B also financialy speaking. To say that hive has changed my life would be an understatement. I would say hive has become a big part of my life :-)

Just looking at my time, I can say it is the central part of my life.

As the potential grows, it is only going to provide more opportunties.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This post brings to mind very unique properties of hive network. I strongly believe in the great future of this network.

Hive is truly changing people's life and has also changed my life in many ways. With hive I have make new friends who has support me and has also mentor me. I will forever be grateful to hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The best decision I made last year was to reignite my interest in this platform. I have gained so much, and am not just talking financially.

Great to read it changed your live so much 😎
As I’m sure it also did already for many others.
I’m glad I found it a few months ago and can say I’m part of it 😊🐝

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm sure hive has changed many people's lives, just like yours has changed mine too. I was in a state of near depression, but I started posting, I started to put out my lyrical side and I met so many nice people that little by little my days started to shine again.

#hive is not just crypto or tokens, I think there is something more, it has feeling, companionship and joy!

Very nice reading of your experience!
It definitely changed my life too, on many levels and I actually wrote a short post about this last month.

Also, I totally agree on the importance that the HBD savings can have in our ecosystem. At 12%, it is already on par with Nexo highest tier for instance, without needing to hold an additional token (except for a bit of HP) and without having to trust a 3rd party.

I really dont think people realize how big that is. HBD savings checks a lot of boxes and is truly in line with the "not your keys not your crypto". Being on the base layer of a chain run by 20 consensus witnesses and another 80 or so non-consensus is very powerful.

Personally I think the fixed income market holds great potential for Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I plan to slowly grow my HBD position this year. The only risk I see is that because the volume is quite low, you ll need to make a conversion to sell, and a big price change during the 3.5 days could hurt.

I have a feeling we will see the liquidity issue resolved by the end of the year. We are going to see some use cases arising which means there is going to be a lot more HBD to hit market.

For this reason I believe we will see an increase in the interest rate to get more produced naturally.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Being someone not successful on other online platforms, Hive is something that did pay me and hopefully will continue to pay me :)

...hopefully will continue to pay me

Stay active and consistent and it will continue to pay you. In fact, if you do that, it is impossible not to. Your own curation will keep a steady flow of crypto coming in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive opened my mind to more. Aside from the earning part, I have learned alot from hive and the people in here. Hive is actually my home. I am just working towards more stability here and giving back to the ecosystem by building something great on this chain.

Hive is actually my home.

This is how a lot of us feel. It is truly something that attracts a great many of us on a daily basis.

It is a good thing we are seeing a lot of things develop.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive has absolutely changed my life. Not just in a monetary aspect, because that will continue to grow. More in a way that makes me feel like I have something constant. Something that I am 100% committed to. Something to give me purpose.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is true that we are part of something bigger than us taking place here. That is something that helps to bring me back each day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Best post of the year and the year just started. Hive is a blessing to me, I found Hive in my lowest point of life. Thanks to Hive I have a reason to wake up each day set a goal and achieve it. The joy of interacting with people, engaging with them and earning from it is something that still sounds like a fairy to me.

For this reason, I expect the payout to increase over time. That means we could see 15%, 20% or higher as a return on a base-layer token with no 3rd party risk. There is just your wallet and the blockchain.

I can’t imagine how much fun I will have when this happens, imagine how much fun am having with 12% APR currently, now make that 15% or 20%.

WE Have the perfect name HIVE. The slogan should be The Honey Money. Is so sweet to earn some token while you make new friends.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL Honey Money.

We are certainly at the forefront of the Magic Internet money era. It will be fun to see where this goes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

"Magic Internet Money" sounds much better than "Helicopter Money," and it's closer to the truth.

Helicopter Money is money spread too quickly to be processed properly. It's supposed to bring abundance to all, yet everyone ends up at status quo but with inflated money.

Magic Internet Money is more like mana: we all get it every day, and mana is meant to help us survive long enough before we reach the Promised Land.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've been around for only about a year, and I've been actually active on Hive for less than that but I can say that it has already changed my life. Not so much financially, not yet, but it definitely changed my mindset completely.

I couldn't consider the abundance mindset and now, more than that, I actually see the ways we can build it.

I have no doubt that the financial change will also hit my life at some point, but the mindset shift alone has been revolutionary.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Along the way, you even found some cats to type during your sleeping hours!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hahah yes
They are the ones that keep the machine spinning

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is pretty amazing to think about how far we have come in just a small amount of time. I think some of that can be attributed to the overall acceptance of crypto, but more so I think it speaks to the power of the community and the dedication of the developers. I never would have guess four years ago when I started that Hive would be this close to becoming big-time!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is pretty amazing to think about how far we have come in just a small amount of time.

Imagine where you will be in a long amount of time.

What will this place look like in 5 years? It is an interesting thought process.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For sure! I can probably only fathom 30% of it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, digital world has to be monetized and Hive made that simple yet powerful and effective.

And like many others, my journey in Hive started out of curiosity but now I'm more than involved. It really has changed my life.

It is a matter get involved. That is a point I try to keep stressing. Get busy on a consistent basis. So few seem to buy into this sadly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Involvement may not fascinate many of them, but monetization will. And I notice a good number of people join every day and fade away after a month or two as they lack involvement, they can't find the enjoyment within.

That monetization won't arrive on its own.

  • Make ZERO comments, you earn ZERO HIVE, therefore you make ZERO HP and ZERO HBD.
  • Make ZERO upvotes, clock to reaching dusting threshold stays frozen. Once again, ZERO HIVE/HP/HBD.
  • ZERO engagement guarantees ZERO upvotes. You know the rest.

It may take a while with even minimal engagement (say, 10 comments a day along with 10 upvotes a day), but the day will come when the rewards arrive. Do nothing, and you get nothing.

For this reason, engagement is vital for account growth and retention.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.

Hive is indeed a life changer, I'm bearily upto 4month on the blockchain, but what I've earn in those period is beyond what I'll earn if am still at my former place of work, Though I've made a withdrawal since I joined, but that's because I've this believe that hive will skyrocket pretty soon, and I won't want to bit fingers in regret for selling at the wrong time.
Thanks for sharing this Masterpiece, I look forward to expanding my knowledge about hive, blockchain games and Crypto generally.

Welcome. Glad you are already seeing the impact in such a short period of time. That is a huge boost to your motivation already having the financial benefit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly, I am super excited I found hive.

Hive no doubt have change my life to some degree, not where I want it but am working consistently on where I want to be with Hive.
The past year was a very tough one on me, Hive and its second layer tokens came through for me financially giving me a glimpse of what is achievable.

Talking about HBD, lets not forget the sink Ragnarok will be impacting on HBD, that is an angle am excited about and looking forward to.

The future looks bright on Hive the way I see it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

...Hive and its second layer tokens came through for me...

Layer 2 is where I began to see the changes to my account and to my growth here both as a Leo and as a Hiver. When Splinterlands began to carry Hive on its back in August 2021 I realized that dApps were going to take Hive places where Hive at base layer could not. Either way, Hive was going to benefit, and that meant we would all benefit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol I like the way you said Splinterlands carry Hive on its back.
We can't ignore the power of second layer tokens, am looking at Actifit and hoping they really pull of the DeFi on BSC, I own 90K of the token even at $0.1 per token it is a big win, 10% of that channeled towards my HP will be awesome.

Over time opportunities will keep showing up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

With so much at Hive Layer 2, we may not ever have a need to go outside for investment opportunities. That's how much Hive has to offer us. We can still go outside for whatever we want, but we have options.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly, to be quite frank I don't have the time to look out there for opportunities, there are so many things happening on Hive it is not even easy to keep up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's 100% OK. With so much happening at Hive, there's bound to be something for us to support as investors. Even the long-time veterans from the Steemit days keep discovering things on Hive which help them earn more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I spoke about Actifit minutes ago, I just read an update now the Bridge to BSC is live lol, awesome.

Hive is a small but dedicated ecosystem. This is what sets it apart. It was founded in turmoil. Here we see a level of commitment that is not often present. For many, there is a mission to what we are doing here. — classical case of a precious stone found in midst of rubbles. The mission is loud and clear ; create a user friendly token earning platform with no iota of control from any single or central authority. Effortlessly Spectacular if you ask me !

It is really spectacular when you think about it. Of course, this is going to require a great deal more effort. Basically, it is up to us where we go from here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Mhmm! The ball is in our court.

I totally agree. Just like you say and I feel too, I'm very optimistic about this ecosystem and about the web 3.0. The crypto winter can't be here forever and the crypto currency will be passing through many changes and I'm exciting to see what is coming up

Winter does lead to Spring.

The key is to not get discouraged and keep building. It is how we benefit from the bull runs.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think that during these formative stages it is probably a good thing that Elon cannot find Web3...the time will come. Encouraging journey... but that's just it, it's a journey. Some get stuck in when they hear the word journey, while others duck in search of a quicker outcome. To be honest, whenever I write or think about Hive, the term BUILD is always present...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Too many want the quick hit and overnight success. They are not willing to keep building. Journey is an awful word to some people.

But that is how Hive works. It is a compounding situation that requires time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For some people, the destination is all they care about, so they will do whatever they need to do to get there as quickly as possible. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it comes at a cost. What that cost is will depend on the person.

So on reaching the destination, what then?

For others, the journey is far more interesting than the destination:

  • Who do we meet along the way?
  • What do we learn on this journey?
  • How do we grow and develop during this journey?
  • What adjustments or changes do we make along the way?
  • Can we keep the journey going?

It may take us a while to reach our destination, but then we go on another journey and begin the process all over again.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

hive has changed so many things for me from the way I focus on projects and how I break things down. I have had to think out the box with my business and Hive has enabled me to tackle problems differently just by changing things up. Knowing how to grow an account is not easy on Hive and is the most challenging thing I have ever done and is still my pet project. Financially yes when the time is right and comfortable at where I am and still have another year before I plan new targets. This is not a get rich quick scheme and takes years of dedication.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The key is you have targets and a plan of how to get there. That is crucial. We see a lot who have goals yet no means to get there.

Hive is already pushing us forward towards abundance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

hive changed my life by accident and gradually and continues to change it . I just invested in it in the form of a hamster without looking 2 years ago in order to sell it a little more expensive, but then I saw a huge potential in it and now I'm here in the community with 100% hive nutrition, I'm very happy about it. although my life is still the same offline, with the same job, but I know that everything will change soon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive did change my life. While taking initiative to physically travel, meet and visit other countries, I met many who are currently still residing on this blockchain. I can't describe how we are a very special flock of people with a very specific understanding, when grasping the concepts of creating value and respecting ownership. But I can write here, that it takes the very few that make the difference, because our consensus creates a standard. No one willing to risk the reputation they work on, I have a high level of trust in many I dealt with. I sent HBD to someone in advance for a service for the common good of the hive Network recently and I was able to appreciate it many additional ways. When it comes to content such as art vs HP size, I still see a lot of room for cleansing that will inevitably take place, as clearly visible in the past few months. We will also see this as power is being delegated to better content curators. In a dPoS system not all actors with huge wallet sizes have their best interest at heart. At hive the majority does. I still must admit, I think some of the imperiousness of big accounts deserves my sympathy for not understanding this. Even if one assumes certain rights according to ones stake, I rest assured that only good actors prevail in the long run. @dan might have been lucky because of a community metamorphosis that turned into hive? Not everyone who has a lot of money necessarily produces a lot of value and great original content. I strongly believe hive is the dPoS exception where a community can make a difference and not end up as a social class system, based on reputation and voting power due to what is powered up? I feel it moulds a narrative?

On a broader scale I would never dare to express any discontent with any of the above. Hive changed my life for the better. I read amazing content here, learn every day and so many such as you have become my best teachers. For this I am profoundly grateful - @yangyanje

Hey, buddy!

Are you okay? I hope so.
Hmm, I got here it's going to be two months.
And I'm very excited about my progress.
I am involved in projects in two communities: Music Hive and Skate Hive.
Already managing to reap some fruits of my labor.
I was very inspired by your text!
I know what we're doing here is great! I trust hive's success!

And thanks for the words,

just reblogged!

Hive is the best opportunity for me.

Some call this being a "maximalist".

Hive already changed my life and I believe it will continue to do so. My vision is that, two years from now, we are in a much different position with this ecosystem.

Amazing post. You just penned my mind. I'm all in for Hive and the possibilities here are just tremendous, if at all, we can imagine it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto winter...

I've considered this, and I think that if we are in another it shouldn't last more than a year and a half, likely less, since everything seems to double, or half, at such intervals in this space.

"The regulators are impotent against it."

I love this so much, but I don't think it's impotence. I think it's obsolescence. Obviously the latter leads to the former, but obsolete tends to fade away over time whereas impotence can linger around and fuck shit up indefinitely so I'm leaning optimistic. !LOL

And Hive hasn't just changed my life. It's changed me. I've learned to see perspectives here that have changed the way I view almost everything. I make better financial decisions, now. I gained the ability to see things from farther out and take advantage of it.

Honestly, I've fucking levelled up. I'm not just dicking around with cantrips anymore. I'm a full on wizard... like a superhero.

And not just any super hero. I'm a hero of my own design. Who, TELL ME WHO, gets to pick their own superpowers? No one in either popular cinematic universe that I know of. Hive Power is more than just stake in the network. It's stake in oneself.
DANG! I made myself a little weepy. I gotta go.


How can you tell if your smartphone is good at playing music?
By the number of gigs it has.

Credit: reddit
@taskmaster4450, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @sinistry
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/6)

@sinistry, sorry! You need more $ALIVE to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 1000.0 ALIVE staked.

More $ALIVE is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

Honestly, I've fucking levelled up.

This is what want for each of us: to be better in as many ways as we can be. It can happen in many ways even for us. But inmany cases, it began with Hive

And not just any super hero. I'm a hero of my own design. Who, TELL ME WHO, gets to pick their own superpowers?

Kal-El-- THE Superman-- would just be Kal-El had he stayed on Krypton (never mind the short lie span he would have had). Only the yellow sun Sol gave him the powers which made him Superman on Earth. He didn't choose his superpower.

Even if we consider "being rich" a superpower, people like Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne were born into wealth. These guys didn't choose their superpower, either.

Can it be said that Hive Power is a superpower? I won't say that today, but maybe next year I can. But Hive Power benefits from something else which is a superpower: the power of compounding interest. Even Albert Einstein knew this, and he wasn't known to be some stupid little man (a player, yes; a stupid man, no).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wasn’t saying rich is my super power. I’m not rich by a long shot. Not in money at least. I do have a wealth of useless knowledge 😁.

I was pointing out that finding my real life flaws and mocking them here as super powers has indeed transformed them into super powers. Sure, they’re only effective here but the results still have real world impact. The time I spend here projecting lunacy pays a bill from time to time.

I wasn’t saying rich is my super power. I’m not rich by a long shot. Not in money at least. I do have a wealth of useless knowledge 😁.

That makes 2 of us!

I didn't mean you you said it. That was Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) in Batman v. Superman when The Flash asked him what his superpower was. It takes a lot of money to have the gadgets and vehicles he has (not to mention the bills he has to pay).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah! Now I see. I remember that scene. One of my faves in the movie. I really like the kid who plays the flash. I think he’s a great fit for the character.

For those who join in with the mindset of being part of something that is going to be life-changing, they will realize opportunities only a few ever have.

This in particular really resonated with me. When I first joined Hive, I was skeptical about it because of all the crypto stuff that I still didn't understand. Now, having been part of a community whose purpose is greater than just "rise and grind and squeeze everyone for all they're worth" like so many Web 2.0 platforms are these days... I am learning more and more that Hive is something truly special.

Even if I never "make it big" on Hive, the value I get from it is more than just a little bit of crypto here and there - it is the assurance that I'm an active part of something bigger than myself, something bigger than a soulless corp, an ecosystem built on valuing diversity and freedom of speech and the exchange of ideas and worldviews for the purpose of growing together as individuals and as a community.

I came for the potential to earn (and still hope to do that, of course), but I stayed for the community and its vision. Can't imagine going anywhere else.

The proverbial snowball is just starting to roll down the hill. With splinterlands starting to make big waves and countless projects setting themselves up to do the same... SPK, LEO, CUB, Ragnarok, LVL, ListNerds... the list goes on. Things can start to really get crazy (in a good way) quick. I will be here for it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are seeing a lot of development taking place. That is going to relate to a lot of growth. The games are starting to gain a bit of traction with Splinterlands leading the way.

We will see what PsyberX brings to the table. There is a lot to be excited about with that one.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is a great opportunity and it can increase your wealth dramatically. I am also looking forward for Web3.0. It is like during the Gold Rush - and we are part of it. Maybe not all of us, will be millionaires in some years, but I guess, that Hive can help us to accumulate some wealth. Maybe just some little, but who knows.
Consistent work pays off.
At the time of me writing this comment 857 people liked this post and got the payout to 126 Hive. Not everyone is getting this much, but even myself I am sometimes getting a few buck out of a post.


So yes, it is possible for everyone. The dream of Web 3.0 can be your dream. You can do it, if you are constantly working on improving yourself and producing some great work. In time your Hive Power grows and so will your payouts. With great work, great votes will follow.

And what seems like not a lot right now, can also be big money in some time, if the Hive price will rise.

I am really bullish on Hive and what is going to come.

Thank for doing this amazing post and keep up the great work!


Hive has something that very few projects offer in cryptocurrency. We see people showing up with nothing and getting involved. Thus, the journey into abundance can begin with zero start up costs.

Many point to Bitcoin and Ethereum, two coin I am also bullish on long-term. However, to realistically get involved, one needs to buy in. Thus, those with resources are able to partake; the rest, sorry about your luck.

SO MUCH THIS. This is what I'm always trying to tell people. I've never been able to buy in, since I struggle with the basics of survival, but I've earned on Hive and started from zero. I've even withdrawn several times to help with rent or groceries or bills, and still my account is growing (I do try and do that as infrequently as I can, because I really want my account to grow). People only seem to know about "the big coins" like BTC and ETH and so think all crypto is the same, and I'm in there telling them that no, it isn't. And not only my "rich nation poor" self can make my financial situation better, but also people who are way poorer than me are helping themselves with just their smart phone to post here and building their futures, too. If people who don't even have reliable utilities can start building here, then really that's proof that this is a system that works for all. That's why I believe in Hive.

As you say, everything may not be perfect, but it's a process - and we will bicker and argue about it with the passion of people who really give a sh*t until we get it right. That gives me hope, too.



Read how this all have started with Toruk

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I too agree that hive has changed my life too. As you mentioned about Hive and HBD and its true that its an opportunity we have got with hive. I learnt a lot here including, Blogging, vlogging, play 2 earn gaming, investing etc and I am learning everyday here. Thanks for this wonderful post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can truly say that Hive changed my life for many reasons, 1 is the monetary reason, there is no way to deny that Hive doesnt have opportunities to grow in its platform and outside, as I can say that one of the reason I could move to a better country was because of the income I was having in Hive.

Other reason was because I started as a writter and I found creativity when writting in here, so its easier for me to get ideas to create my content and its something I can use in some other job as well.

I got many investment ideas because of what I read in Leo Finance and I also started to be motivated to learn about coding because of what I see the developers can do with blockchain.

I can also say that I know many other stories like mine, so it can be that there are plenty of options, but I´m commited to hive because of what it dit to me in these 2 years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

agree on hive I can interact with others and get to learn a lot about life and crypto

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 94 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

and is changing mine too!! so good to finally save some money for my family :)

It is good to see that it is changing your family. Glad to read that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive has something that very few projects offer in cryptocurrency. We see people showing up with nothing and getting involved. Thus, the journey into abundance can begin with zero start up costs.

Can confirm, Hive is lightyears ahead of the crypto game. It was always about giving a chance to those that never got it and Hive is the ONLY blockchain that enables this.

While others are still debating what Web 3.0 will look like Hive gives you a chance to try it out right now. It's already here.

Kinda insane when you think about it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

It has changed my life in so many ways. Given me the opportunity to learn and grow as a person, meet awesome people like you, have fun and make money! 💟 This is what I have always wanted. I have to grow my stake enough to have sustainable income coming from different directions. Hive is the perfect place for me to achieve something like that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have to grow my stake enough to have sustainable income coming from different directions.

That is true. The fortunate thing is that is what is available for all on Hive. We can develop that income what is sustainable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive has really grown from scratch, the active users being the backbone of this community. It has changed the picture of a blogging site by presenting some compounding and staking strategies. Now everyone will only buy Hive, no one will sell haha! This story can change the future days of Hive.

I'm too gonna buy some Hive and Leo, just waiting for the right funds, so I can buy and forget it for the next 10 years.

That is a great time frame. We are so early and people forget how fast 5 years goes. The compounding effect of a decade is truly amazing.

Good luck adding what you desire. These seems like good choices to me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks, gonna implement it soon.

Web3.0 is a bit alien to me. H I still dis not feel the cahnge that Hive did yo my life, I'm still oj the process of posting so i could power up and have a good vote on others but my retirement plan changed as soon as I knew Hive. I wanted to fovuse here more that I did now, and that will happen someday. Thank you for the inspiration.

I don't have very large accounts. However, they do allow me to automate some earnings via leasing and curation trails. Any interaction and content creation is added income to the autopilot. I can definitely see that in a few years my situation will be much different. Even if my HIVE income remains the same, the price of HIVE will have increased, making the HBD equivalent greater. All of this is building on itself and compounding.

My life has not yet changed. But, my future life is prosperous thanks in part to Hive. It is difficult to be excited with what I have now. However, a little bit of extrapolation can show exciting times ahead.

HBD, like UST and Terra, has a great deal of potential to increase the value of Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

HBD, like UST and Terra, has a great deal of potential to increase the value of Hive.

I see this 2 months later, and the world has changed so much since then, especially regarding UST. Now we get to see how HBD separates itself from other stablecoins. Thanks to the safeguards designed into HBD, perhaps it will get a more favorable reception from people looking for better stablecoins.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is also the layer 2 tokens that you earn from your activity. So there are a lot of ways to be rewarded. They also can go on their own upward curve. So it all compounds.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, hive is changing lives. Coming from a poor developing country, it is an important gift to us. A gift that can help me break financial barriers and also help others.

Yes, as you stated money isn't everything. However, money for a Nigerian, is everything lol.

Am new here and am still finding my way around, but according to my Hivestats,in the last 30 days, I've made 6-7x of my country's monthly wage. That's crazy, considering that I had this hive account being inactive for years and i was struggling with my chess career and chess coaching job.

I find this article very interesting as it covers so many areas to hive. Thanks for taking your time to share this.

Hive definitely changed my life for the better! I know that people are always looking to “get in early” with various products and projects and although I was a year behind the launch of steem, I am glad that I got in when I did! I don’t know exactly how hive will grow but I know it will grow and mature as well as hopefully bring in all kinds of new users.

I’m glad for all of the different learning opportunities I’ve had on here! That’s one of my favorite things, reading and learning something every day of the week.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Quite interesting post which conducts to imagine what the future could be. I am too young in this environment to have a reliable idea regarding how Hive may possibly change my life. Feelings only. I am really convinced on the tremendous potential of web 3.0 through to social and eco impacts but I wonder also how many people will be excluded from this progress.

METAMUSK team is launching the first token Airdrop of 500 000 000 METAMUSK (2.5 BNB). Get on official website -

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's in the process! I've certainly had a lot of fun, and made a few pennies in the process. It opens up a different way of living for all. Fascinating to see what transpires over the coming years!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great read. I can definitely relate to most of it. But to answer your question, yes, Hive has changed my life. Actually been changing it since the very first day I registered here back in November 2017. Cheers from another fulltime Hiver :)

This article resonates with me very much.

I came into Hive with zero start up and have earnt quite a bit being involved with the community, as well as making video content.

I was struggling a lot with it at first, until i came across this very excellent article (make sure you read the comment section too for many gold nuggets) where I learnt the secret to success on Hive: engagement.

I have to honestly save Hive has surpassed my expectations and continues to give, to grow and welcome others into the fold.

The opportunities here are endless as long as we keep our wits about us and put in the time and labour.

Thanks again Task Master! I always learnt so much from your expertise!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Engagement is vital. For anyone starting out, that cannot be stressed enough. The key to anyone just beginning is to get involved. Commenting is crucial.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations @taskmaster4450! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):

You received more than 1250000 upvotes.
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Your next target is to reach 54000 replies.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from February day 20

Congratulations @taskmaster4450! Your post has been a top performer on the Hive blockchain and you have been rewarded with the following badges:

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from February day 20

I really do learn a lot from your articles and comments. Many times, you've open my eyes to stuffs I never knew and equally made me unlearn to relearn stuffs. I hope someday, I can get to your level of knowledge and even beyond. I'm still in the learning process though.

Speaking of Hive, it has changed my overall life. Some days ago, I shared a post about a friend who messaged me and started advising me to begin job hunting being that I'm almost rounding-off my first-degree programme. Little did he know that, with Hive, I have a job already. So, I just smiled over it.

I know I'm not earning big on Hive but what I have been earning so far, from just sharing my unpopular opinions is what some people don't get for working tirelessly every month. Why I would I abandon such a better place and begin applying for jobs you may not even find. Hive is a life saver!

The amazing thing about Hive that makes it more attractive is being able to build something from nothing. Anyone can just create wealth from Hive. Yes, it's not that simple but the possibility is what endears me to Hive.

I can't write it all but I'm always grateful for Hive and crypto in general. It's given me freedom.

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I firmly believe brighter days are ahead for Hive. We have a few hiccups here and there that need to be worked out. Some require development, other more people. Either way, there is a lot taking place and many people who are fully dedicated. That, to me, makes it all worth it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My goal and aim is to be a beneficiary of the expected better days. Which is why I'm resolute on being consistent and putting in more effort irrespective of how challenging it gets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is the key. Getting the consistent activity is what people miss. Having the desire to be successful is one of the first keys. It is what gets overlooked.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta