Tonight, a Half Liter of Cortisol Will Get Released By Biologically Grown Men Watching Millionaires Play With a Ball 2025. Acrylic on cardboard, 11 x 14"
Please note that by “stupid”, I usually mean the patriarchal power hold that squeezes all the sweet juice out of life. Dear Ecenciens, during the half-talented, mostly-creepy halftime show, think on methods in your own life that will catalyst the eradication of nuclear annihilation. It will set you higher on a spiritual and moral plane than every person you imagine is more powerful than you sitting down with cheese sauce watching millionaires play with a ball. Brute power is stupid. It is all things connected to the Super Bowl. There is no feedback loop in brute power, therefore no chance to become a real human being while it weighs on you.
Push back the stupid.
Begin by dreaming an idea of freedom during the first commercial, no matter how vague. Then, fill every other 30 second time slot with alternating rage and solution imaginings. Save the grandchildren their lives. Watch the whole circus. Take it all in, but like an assassin casing the job. Kill the stupid Super Bowl and sleep tonight like your angelic children slept before they grew up into a world too dumb to want to keep them.