Principle; .....'All reaction to reality is irrational.'
....Original Photography by Bleujay...
'The New Ones'
Greetings Dear Readers;
Hope you are well and your weather favourable.
Let's have a look at this principle....'All reaction to reality is irrational.'
For example many times in the media ...they will present a query to the interviewee ....'What is your reaction?'...when the word used should be 'Response'....'What is your response?'
'Response' is a more objective word whereas the word 'reaction' implies subjectivity.
There are things that happen that can cause us to react, but what if we ask ourselves ....'How should we respond to this situation?'
This is a principle we should keep in mind, as it gives us pause and helps us remain objective....Let's give it a think.
Thank you for dropping by. ^__^
Kind Regards,
Principles are timeless truths as relevant today as they were yesterday and will be tomorrow.
...Original Drawing by Bleujay
All original photography and editing is by Bleujay by means of an iPad Pro, The flowers are arranged by Bleujay and from Bleujay's Garden...Dahlias; Chick-a-Dee, Cafe au Lait, Roses;Crown Princess Margereta, Mary Rose, etc. ...The Dahlias are new to the Garden...Thus the title for the photographs...'The New Ones'. The drawing of a rose is by Bleujay using a 6B Graphite pencil on sketch paper.