Today's Timeless Truth.......presented by Bleujay

in #life2 months ago

Principle; .....'All reaction to reality is irrational.'

....Original Photography by Bleujay...







'The New Ones'



Greetings Dear Readers;


Hope you are well and your weather favourable.

Let's have a look at this principle....'All reaction to reality is irrational.'

For example many times in the media ...they will present a query to the interviewee ....'What is your reaction?'...when the word used should be 'Response'....'What is your response?'

'Response' is a more objective word whereas the word 'reaction' implies subjectivity.

There are things that happen that can cause us to react, but what if we ask ourselves ....'How should we respond to this situation?'

This is a principle we should keep in mind, as it gives us pause and helps us remain objective....Let's give it a think.

Thank you for dropping by. ^__^


Kind Regards,



Principles are timeless truths as relevant today as they were yesterday and will be tomorrow.



...Original Drawing by Bleujay




All original photography and editing is by Bleujay by means of an iPad Pro, The flowers are arranged by Bleujay and from Bleujay's Garden...Dahlias; Chick-a-Dee, Cafe au Lait, Roses;Crown Princess Margereta, Mary Rose, etc. ...The Dahlias are new to the Garden...Thus the title for the photographs...'The New Ones'. The drawing of a rose is by Bleujay using a 6B Graphite pencil on sketch paper.



Excellent still life photography, my friend @bleujay, I see that you like to surround yourself with flowers, they deserve it.
As for the topic of your reflection, it seems to me that now is such a time that anyone who asks a tricky question about my opinion should remain in ignorance. As they say, if this is not an easy, not stressful conversation, then let it pass in complete silence lol.
After all, for example, defending the faith, you kindle even more hatred, what can you do if you are ready to burn bridges and go to the end, in this case, it will not be irrational, you understand that, although the death of Jesus in the eyes of many people was irrational, then in the eyes of Christians it was the path to salvation and the only correct path.
Blessings and interesting reflections to you!

Greetings @barski ,

How very kind of you to drop by.

Appreciate your complimentary words regarding the photographs...thank you!

It is true especially where opinion is concerned...better to keep peace, by not speaking one's opinion. Choosing words wisely...what does Proverbs say...'A soft answer turns away wrath:But grievous words stir up anger. 15.1 However as you say..complete silence works as well. ^__^

As far as the faith goes...if someone should query after salvation, the good news of Jesus Christ is the only answer, He is the issue...and as you say the only correct path. If they should desire to discuss more, it is then the time to direct them to those Pastors who teach from the Word...especially the original languages of Greek and Hebrew. This verse seems relevant,...From John 'If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.'15.18 and 'Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.'1John4.4

Thank you for your kind words...enjoyed the opportunity to speak on these things.


Kindest Regards,


Just look at the flowers, they are different, opinions about their beauty can be different, we call it "preference", someone likes some flowers, someone likes others, and flowers, they are silent, they do not care about disputes, the Creator created them like this. !VSC

First of all the photographs are beautiful. I really like the view of nature and everything that it is in, these flowers are beautiful. !Indeed

You are also right about the difference between reaction and response, I think if there is a need we should use the word responses in order to get to the objectivity of the matter. It is because, the human nature, we are irrational beings. However, we have a choice To be rational and choose objectivity over subjectivity.

Thank you for sharing your insights, it made me think of our deeply about how I will respond to others as well. Have a great day ahead :-)

Greetings @curamax ,

Thank you for your kind words regarding the photographs of the fleurs.

It is a subtle difference to be sure..however as you say...we are naturally irrational...yet we have volition and can choose the high ground of objectivity.

Happy to hear you enjoy the Principles.

Kind Regards, Bleujay

Well that's a good way to look at the difference between response and reaction. Honestly I just think it's the world we live in. Many people are expected to have reactions more than response

Greetings @josediccus ,

Appreciate you dropping by.

Thank you for your kind reply to the Principle. It is is the world we live in today....we are expected to we do. ^__^

However a gentle reminder that we have a choice, just maybe we will choose objectivity over subjectivity....because 'What goes up must come down.'..emotions can be quite wearing.

Kind Regards, Bleujay

So cute flowers friend

Greetings @hjrrodriguez ,

Thank you for your kind reply...happy to hear you enjoyed the fleurs. ^__^

Cheers, Bleujay