Nothing Matters

in #life3 months ago


The Summer holidays had arrived and I was chilling in the living room. The Little Lady was nearby hanging upside down like a bat from the back of the couch with a book in her hand.

Some random playlist was booming out from our Alexa and the sun puddled pleasantly on the floor from where it was pishing in through the window.

Ah, this was the life I thought. I too was reading, some nonsense about a man living in a stately home finding shit on his shoe and beating his servant.

It was good fun.

Whilst reading I hummed along happily to the music playing and occasionally the Little Lady did too.

My ears perked up at a particularly catchy song, it had some chick singing in a Kate Bush'esque haunted trilly way. A bit like a Budgie with a sore foot.

It built to a crescendo for the chorus and I nudged my vampire-like daughter and smiled. She smiled back and the music boomed on...

And you can hold he held her...

I aimlessly hummed along, damn this was a catchy one.

And I will fuck you like nothing matters....

I shot bolt upright and stared at Alexa from where the music was sounding then whipped my head around and stared at the Little Lady who was staring back at me wide-eyed.

Daddy, did she just say a swear?

What Fuck no!

I wanted to reply but I was sure she had. Surely not? It was practically the radio. The singer surely didn't just say the naughty F word in front of my daughter?

The chorus looped around again.

And you can hold he held her...

The Little Lady and I stared at each other and Alexa in a morbid swivel-eyed fascination.

And I will fuck you like nothing matters....


The music stopped and I breathed a stunned sigh of relief like an old woman after coughing and finding that half her giblets hadn't fell out her shrieking Shereen.
It's the second entry, fancy it not being top?

Daddy, did she just say the F word?

The Little Lady eyes sparked with glee.

No no, no no, no, no. Not at all. Definitely not.

I sputtered feebly like a Russian firework. It had sounded like such a nice song too?!

She did! She know, the duck word but with an F.

She mimed saying fuck and my inner Daddy quailed that my sweet innocent lass should end up a bad un, like me, hanging about down the rail yards smoking cigars with giant cartoon bears.

Ok, she might have said the F word but you know, that doesn't mean we have to go about saying the F word. You know the rules, no swearing in this house.

I folded my arms and tried to look responsible.

What does it mean though?

The Little Lady was not for letting me off the hook.

I gave her a long hard look. Never you fucking mind is what it means is what I was thinking.

It's a grown-up word. I'm not telling you.

I humphed with disapproval and hoped she would be quiet.

Aw. What was the name of the song? Can we listen to it again?

She looked over at Alexa as if willing her to burst into life.

No we fucking can't. I almost said.

No, we will never listen to that song again my darling. It is the devil's work. Let's listen to some proper music.

I looked over at Alexa.

Alexa, play Raining Blood by Slayer.

Fucking hell, this parenting lark is getting hard as fuck.


Congrats on changing that devilish music for some proper christian worship, top-notch parenting there 🎩


Haha, yes indeed. Gotta keep it wholesome 😀😀


I’m sure if Alexa was human, you must have sparked her for saying the F word in the front of your daughter. I’m sure you’re a responsible man because there are so many things you don’t want your daughter to learn in an early stage
It makes sense though

If she was human she would have got a slap!!! Heh heh 😀


Out of the mouth of babes, where did you learn that 'dirty' word now, you know it's in the Oxford’s English dictionaries! Don't allow the child to sway that good parenting, ever....



I will keep her in line, at least for a while longer. Although catching the gleam in her eye when she heard or I dare say she knows a lot more than she is letting on. I remember hearing all sorts at school!


Absorb everything around them like sponges, never put it past the children knowing exactly whats going on....

They really do take it all in. They always know what's happening!!

Especially little girls... 🤣

Yes indeed!!

Once upon a time I was that daughter...

We were all innocent little lambs!

Damn those feeble Russian fireworks! They can't get anything right lol. Oh, great save with Slayer :D I am thinking this issue will coming up again in the not too distant future lol

Good Luck!!

I can see it happening a lot more too. She bloody recognised it right away and got all mischievous! Ah well, we can cuss together like old dock workers waiting for the next ship! :OD

Well, she did spring from your loins, after all lolol

Exactly. I would be lying if I didn't have a secret smile when she knew exactly what was said. Add long as the Good Lady doesn't find out 😀

I could sense your chest puffing up with pride lol

I did the same the first time she told me to shut up! 😀😀

Oh I could see that too



Alexa shouldn't have said that word in front of your daughter 😂 however, you played your role well by convincing the little lady not to use the "F" around. You are a responsible father and even the good lady knows this

I am relatively responsible 😀😀 I think as long as you try you will get there!

Pantera would also have been an acceptable replacement.

Yes indeed, entirely acceptable!! 😀😀

Is that god-awful video representative of modern Britpop in general? If so, how the mighty have fallen.

It appears to be the latest thing in britpop. Times they have a changed!!


Next time open a song from 90s🍻😄

The 90s was safer by far... Mostly!


Lol, not that bad 😀

Reminded me of my niece talking about putting bananas in butts ( or worse. She sang: "put your 🍌 in my butt..." ), aged 7 and a half. This happened back when I was kidsitting my nephew and her, last October. 🙄

Oh man, they come out with some crazy nonsense!! I blame the stuff they see on TV. It's quite near the knuckle at times. I don't mind but I remember the Little Lady coming out with lots of butt type comments and I wondered where she was getting it from and then I watched some ridiculous cartoon and in it a character relentlessly made butt jokes!

You have to laugh 😀

I blame the stuff they see on TV.

No TVs here. I blame YouTube and TikTok with its auto play/ next similar crappy video option and kids having access to adult devices.

but I remember the Little Lady coming out with lots of butt type comments and I wondered where she was getting it from and then I watched some ridiculous cartoon and in it a character relentlessly made butt jokes!

Was it Beavis and Butthead? ;<)


Haha, no. I think it was Teen Titans or something. It was a mental show.

That's true with the devices and tiktok etc. One of the reasons we are still fighting getting her a phone although she is moving into three year before high school and I think we will have to give in when she starts back after summer. Le sigh.


Reading it, I know that you're a responsible father.😊 It's good to read about a real-life situation of handling a child in the unfiltered society we live in nowadays. Wishing you luck.😊 Should I blame Alexa? 😅

If in doubt, always blame Alexa!!! Although I have been getting moaned at to put the safe play filter on it for ages but I haven't because I want to listen to proper songs!

Hahaha, Alexa!
You just missed the right timing of listening to proper songs.😊 I think, it would not take long to listen to those songs since based on your post, your child is already knowledgeable enough to ask some questions.😁

She is indeed! I should vet the songs before I listen to them but I had thought that pop music would be relatively safe! lol

Based on that, No pop music is safe nowadays, and I should learn to read first the lyrics of the songs before my future child listens to them.😄
Thank you for the learning today.😊

It does seem that no pop music is safe, There was me thinking it was just the gangsta rap! :OD

Hahaha, songs these days hit different. 😁

They are all pumped up super loud!


Regretfully my boys learned curse words at a young age. Hell, they grew up around Marines so it was bound to happen. It was destiny almost. Now as adults they can work in profanity almost as well as I can. To their mother's dismay of course.

Of course I am sure I would think differently with daughters I am sure.

Hehe, yeah, I expect her to be fully swear worthy soon. It's her mother that goes berserk when she hears them. Which is ironic because she ended up with me the pottiest mouthed man in Scotland 🤣🤣

I am sure she will be a fine young lady.

Aye, me too!! Fingers crossed!!

There's a song just for instances like this..

Haha, aye. That might be over for the private listening!! Not in a hand shanky way of course! 🤣🤣

Oh that was precious and funny. I also grew up in a household where swearing was not allowed, and this brings back memories. We only listened from the radio back then, so only kid friendly versions were playing. Music these days make use of swear words a lot, and even long time Taylor Swift fans were shocked with her latest album. Goodluck in continuing to implement it, and you'll probably have to find out how to explain it in the future.

I used to really hate those radio versions with the good words removed!! It always sounded weird.

Yeah, I don't think ia am going to have much luck with the sheltering for long but you can buy try!! 😀

So, you believe in christian music 😊 I like that. That was a good parenting strategy you employed. I loved the way you set the story and make it interesting.

I believe in all music, but I do my best to parent well!

hehe I thought got taught the F word as part of the alphabet in Scottish schools now 🤣
We have a bloody hoolie blowing, sun beaming and wind howling what fluffing summer!!!

Aye, we had the same yesterday, it alternated between bright hot sun and torrential rain and wind. Nuts!!

I am ashamed at how different her school is from ones where we were young. It all seems very nice. I am sure high school will be different!

Raining Blood LOL, that other one is of finest Emo quality!

I was WFH yesterday, heated blanket around me, ice dripping from my toes. Fucking summer!

This summer especially is fucking awful!! I go up north next week. Whilst I am looking forward to the time of work I am dreading the weather!

I'm a total hypocrite with music. The daughter used to always ask me about the satanic references and demonic shit in the metal music I listened to. Then I get precious about a wee swear!! 🤣🤣

The daughter used to always ask me about the satanic references and demonic shit in the metal music I listened to. Then I get precious about a wee swear!!

I'm guessing she's very young, and we try and keep them away from the bad stuff as long as possible. I remember @dismayedworld freaking out on my for playing Opeth too loud years ago, and she made the mistake of telling her friends 'Dad' was into Death Metal.

Not a good move!

She was about seven or so when she started noticing what the songs were about. I had to explain it was all an act. Much confusion!

Now we have a chuckle listening to some of them. I am hoping I bring up a metal kid!

It seems like you're doing the devil's work, so you will suffer unless you change your wicked ways and try to make amends. However, we understand that you cannot undo all the wrongs you have done.

You have driven people to mental institutions, made people not want to live anymore, and ruined people's lives. That's why we are here. We are here to help. Just remember, we are all human.

It seems like you're doing the devil's work, so you will suffer unless you change your wicked ways and try to make amends. However, we understand that you cannot undo all the wrongs you have done.

You have driven people to mental institutions, made people not want to live anymore, and ruined people's lives. That's why we are here. We are here to help. Just remember, we are all human.

Nice conclusion. :P

I am glad I'm not parenting anymore. I think my son is old enough to cope with swear words.

Was talking to my osteo the other day and he said he was at a fish and chip shop and the Beach Boys were on. So he thought, well, that'll be fun, I'll play them to the girls on the way home, you know, nostaglia and music history education and all of that. Then he realised how misogynistic the lyrics were. Damned whatever you do.

That's right that's assorted good awful trap you can fall into. We have played songs which I have been horrified at the misogyny in and it was just seen as standard back then!!

Haha, I am afraid no radio song can compete with my wife explaining everything at the dinner table because she think it belongs in some funny story she's telling. Both our daughters knew from early on how things were done, even though they did ask her to shut up on more than one occasion.

Raining Blood... Ok, that's on me.

My wife is a bit similar. Oft times I keep thinking, stop telling them all this stuff they're only little! :OD

Wow, how old is she? Her mom is going to be having fits from now on 🤣

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She is 11 now, It is definitely becoming more challenging! :oD

Oh, then pretty soon she's going to be the one shocking you, instead of her acting shocked!!! Have fun 😂


Haha, somehoe I doubt that will be the case! lol

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It would be so difficult to keep them away from the profanity these days!

I know, it is everywhere. Not least from me when I am driving in heavy traffic :OD

That brings it out in me too!

It's a strange universal truth!!

ahaha. I am having the same problem. When my little one was 2 we called any swear words "Dublin words" and only evil people from Dublin would use them (We are culchies in the sticks ). So now Dublin word is part of her vocab and shes there to the teachers going on about Dublin words etc. 😂

Heh heh. She calls them swears. Its fucking horrifying because every time she says one I feel dead proud but have to pretend its not a good thing! She said the Tories were dicks last night and I nearly fell off my chair. The dam has broken!

She's Scottish , I was under the impression it's part of the school curriculum up there. 😄

Aye, the shitey schools but I didn't move to the posh burbs for nothing!!😀😀

Those leafy suburbs are dangerous in Autumn. You could slip and let out a swear. The curtain twitchers will be onto you and banish you from the burbs 😂

They will never banish me. I will unleash my inner schemie and lay waste to all they hold dear!

Or at least kick over their bins the next time they put them out :OD


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I didn't listen to Slayer for a while. I like raining blood and the other old songs.

I like to give them a listen to every now and then. Great stuff, shame they had to retire but probably for the best

Most good old bands who are still here after dacades got worse. It's not like they are really bad but the freshness and expiremental art they took into their early songs are gone. I could list many bands where the debut album was a feast for the ears but the second album was already slightly worse. Don't get me wrong, it was still a huge banger but the bite of the first album isn't there. Maybe it's just me. 😂

It's always the case I think. When you are young and hungry you are beginning with creativity. After that you really have to work too capture it. I have a fondness for old metal balls who have kept going but there are some who should have chucked it in 😀

You are right! Some of the old rockers will be driven from the stage with a wheelchair or they will die live on there.

They certainly won't go willingly!!

Probably not.

Well glad it wasnt WAP by Cardi B...😦

Haha, hell, perhaps I got off lightly!! 😀😀

Im not a prude in the least, but the lyrics in that tune even make me blush! 😊

Yeah, they are well extreme in that one!!

My granddaughter age 4, recently turned to us and in a very matter of fact way said, “It is rude to say fuck, it’s a bad word”.


We were stunned but ended up laughing our heads off once we had taken her home.

They are funny when they correct you. My son is who is six started saying dammit and I got in major trouble from the missus!

There are songs and songs... and there are also words and words.

Alexa may have just wanted more attention. Already these things are getting so clever that we don't know where they're going to go... or we know where we're going to go.


Maybe that's it. I should start getting kinder to ole Alexa, I am a bit of a stern monster to her 🤣🤣

Greetings @meesterboom ,

Oh, dear...She's very fortunate to have boundaries provided ... they always test the boundaries as you well know ^__^

However I do have an acronym explanation of the 'F' probably won't like it...but far better this explanation than that it is anything legitimate like the union between man and wife... well here goes...F.U.C.K.....Forced Unlawful Carnal other words 'Rape'.

Did not for a moment think I would be discussing this is a legitimate concern though....Bleujay has heard of a wee one who watches her father whilst gaming and next thing you know at four years of age she has a vibrant Sailorish vocabulary.

Enjoyed reading your tall tale of Fatherhood.

Kind Regards to you and your good lady,


Hola milady!

You do indeed have to have them boundaries as kids just love to push push push!

I am not even going there, lol. Not for some time. It can remain a grand mystery at least for a while longer.

I make sure she is out of the room when I am gaming, in fact usually in her bed so that she doesn't hear me and my sailorish antics! :OD


Hiya.. I popped over to commend your artistic rendering of your post opening.....we all need to see the Arctic gear, snow, cool bleu and dogs with spectacles...of cours!

Should I inquire about the there anything anyone can do?

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Thank you @isnochys

You have perfect timing!


I was very happy to put my glasses on the dogs! Them I had to do my eyes too as the glasses looked silly with the dog eyes, hehe.

Och, just ignore the downvotes. Most people do, mute and move on! 😀


Summer vacations are going on here too but the temperature is 50 so we can't go anywhere to hang out inside the house when the work is on then these adventures keep happening and the fun goes on.

It's 12 here, just a touch of a contrast!

I remember about the first time, as an adult even, hearing some rap blaring from a car next to me while stopped at a stop light and OMGoodness, Swear City ! I couldn't even believe it myself at the time, but then, there it was, ALL over the place.

I have antenna tv that I don't watch a lot, but I'm always surprised about what is on some of the shows AND commercials in prime time and remember back when so much wasn't allowed during those times because "the children" might be watching ! Not anymore, let them watch at your own risk.

I've been exposed so much I go right over it mostly, but if I had children around, good lawd!! That thing would have to stay off ! It's not that they one day won't know about all those things, but honestly, there is such thing as being exposed too young.

She wasn't letting you off the hook too easy it seems, from how you told it. ha

I had to remove all my gangsta rap CDs from the car, grrr. That might have horrified the missus!

It's everywhere right enough though. Especially in older movies. We watched gremlins 2 the other day and there is a bit where the dudes lady boss sticks her for in his crouch when on a dinner date and I'm like, oh lawks!! 🤣🤣

Explain THAT !! Right ?

Nothing is safe anymore. LOL

I know, I was like, how the fuck to explain that! It the ghost giving Dan Ackroyd a BJ in Ghostbusters 1, smdh!

That made me laugh !

Now everybody wants a ghost in their house.

Like a night light you just switch on :OD

Oops. It's a nice song and I've heard of the band, but didn't know their music. My kids grew up before streaming became a big thing. We had a compilation CD in the car that had some censored lyrics. I don't know where they would have heard the 'bad words', but there were probably some films they saw with some. I'm sure they saw Paul with Simon Pegg fairly young. We just didn't make a big deal of the swearing.

I first heard this song recently. I think it was a hit, but it drops an F-bomb in the chorus.

Its a catchy song and I do like its originality. It did take me by surprise! Although I do think that it uses the F bomb well!

Ha, I have heard that song in the background before but never listened enough to notice the big sweary chorus!

What a fantastic song and amused by the language tbh!!

I first heard it when someone did it at the pub. It does have the same sort of chords as Creep by Radiohead, but that's okay.

Maybe Creep was an inspiration?

There's that fine line between inspiration and plagiarism, but as far as I know you cannot copyright a chord sequence.

Triggered sad fuck.

You are so obsessed with pedos. Which is kinda odd isn't it? Kinda weird this obsession?

Almost as if you are trying to deflect...

I guess we know why you're scared of going back to the States eh. 🤣

Congratulations. I'll be your new top commentor on all your new posts going forward.

Yes, I'm still bitter about how a bunch of satanic pedophiles destroyed my name and reputation on the Hive platform via "their" downvote button.

Yes, I'm happy to see the price down over 95% from where I cashed out.

Yes, those who happily ignored the situation in return for handouts from pedo whales deserve their massive losses.

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Yes, I'm still bitter about how a bunch of satanic pedophiles destroyed my name and reputation

You did this yourself so that makes sense that you are referring to yourself?


Yay, lucky me! We will work well together you and I.

I can see great things ahead for us Danny boy! 😀


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