A Timeless Truth....

in #photography4 days ago

Principle; ...'He who does not go forward, goes backward.'

(A Roman Maxim...'Qui non proficit deficit' is the Latin for 'He who does not go forward, retreats.')

...original photography by Bleujay...







'Autumn's Surprise Bounty'



Greetings Dear Readers;

Hope you are well.

This Principle of ...'He who does not go forward, goes backward.' should give us food for thought...bringing any number of queries to mind.

Such as ....What does 'going forward' signify?....What does 'going 'backward/ retreat' mean? Some would say 'learning' is a forward motion. How about 'backward/retreat'.... could be as simple as losing one's edge or as devastating as forgetting important answers for an examination. Of course, there are many such illustrations and hopefully you will apply your own to the Principle.

Let's give this Principle a think.

Thank you for dropping by. ^__^

Kind Regards,



Principles are synonymous with maxims, proverbs, and axioms presented here for our ponderance. Many a great man of history has lived by Principle and we have opportunity do so as well.



...original photography by Bleujay...



'From Simple to Complex back to Simple'


Information regarding the 'Icing' (the photographs)...

All photographs were taken by Bleujay by means of an iPad Pro...edited using iPad Pro features in the photography adjustment options. Still life arranged by Bleujay. The flowers are David Austin Roses from Bleujay's Rose Garden....'Jude the Obscure', 'Comte d'Champagne' and 'Crown Princess Margareta'.


Really amazing creative and art, A photography to admire

Greetings @mdkironkhna ,

You are too kind.

Thank you for dropping by. ^__^

Kind Regards,


Most welcome

For me, moving forward means feeling joyful. I've recently started studying homeopathy, real medicine that cures, and I am obsessed! I had thought, until a few weeks ago, that I had lost the capacity to become obsessed with learning that required that kind of studying, but I simply had not come across my true vocation. These last few decades (I intend to live to 100) will be much more interesting, and joyful, now that I have embarked on becoming a homeopath.

I love those roses. Are they fragrant? Your smashing photos make me believe they are, I want to smush my nose into the blossom that is on the table. Do you know the variety?

Greetings @owasco ,

Appreciate you dropping by with your lovely comment.

Learning is great fun....indeed...may you never stop. ^__^

To answer your query; The rose blossom on the table is the David Austin Rose...'Crown Princess Margareta' and she has a lovely fragrance...white wine, apricot notes. The others, 'Comte d'Champagne' and 'Jude the Obscure' have lovely scents as well...just not as fragrant as 'Crown Princess Margareta'.

Kind Regards,


Why thank you! I planted a white rosa rugosa last year that has yet to bloom (I keep moving it into greater sun) and I am hoping it will look like that one. I know it will be fragrant. What is the point of roses that are not fragrant?

Do you grow all of these? If so, your garden must be astonishing.

It's true that roses do require quite a bit of sun in order to bloom although White roses can take less ...so they say. ^__^

Indeed the scent of a rose is hard to beat....and surely is one criteria not to be missed when selecting a rose.

Thank you for your kind query. Oh yes...I would hope never to be without at least a few roses. These are from Bleujay's Rose Garden....this garden is exclusively Roses as it seems anything I plant with roses thrives and stifles the roses....so a Rose Garden it is.

Here's wishing you success with your Garden and any Roses especially. ^__^

Cheers, Bleujay

Moving forward is the opposite of going backwards. Sometimes we have to go backwards to move forward. Let me explain. When we make mistakes, we learn. So, with this as a basis, we resume our march (we move forward) with this learning and we even learn a lesson. Our progress is much better, we improve by learning.
A hug with much affection and respect.

Greetings @lupega ,

Thank you for dropping by.

Your statement is correct and so is the Principle....yes when we make mistakes...I always like to ask myself the query...What can we glean from this..or what did we learn?

What is the saying...One step forward and two steps backwards...that is how it appears sometimes. ^__^

However, as long as we are learning...we are in forward motion. Always appreciate opportunity to discuss the Principle.

Kind Regards, Bleujay

ah, moving forward can require hard work and dedication but it seems that slipping backward can be achieved effortlessly just by standing still

Greetings @eolianpariah2 ,

Yes...that very idea indeed.

Thank you for dropping by.


good day friend @bluejay everything depends on the context but in most cases we must continue and move forward in search of our dreams. Greetings and happy weekend

Greetings @hjrrodriguez ,

Appreciate your kind comment and good wishes. ^__^

Kind regards to the familia,


Beautiful flower my friend, and the vase is also awesome. I notice how the flower you put at the base of the vase create an illusion of being the vase decoration, but in fact it is the reflection of the said flower.
so beautiful.

Greetings @ekavieka ,

What a lovely comment....happy to hear your observation and that you enjoyed the photography. ^__^

Kind Regards,


Beautiful flower pictures again @bleujay, it's such an uplifting sight. I really should get into flowers, plants, gardening and nature more.

Turning to the principle of the post 'he who does not go forwards goes backwards' - such food for thought. I initially found myself agreeing and I think for the most part the maxim is accurate and true.

But what of those times when we may not be necessarily moving forward as such but we are perhaps pausing for a while? Sometimes we do need to pause, reflect and take stock so we know how to move forward. But do you know what I think I might have just answered my own question, because in that moment of reflection to help us decide which way to go next that is all part of the process of moving forward, is it not?

A lovely thoughtful post again @bleujay.

Greetings @peaceandmoney ,

Happy to hear you enjoyed the photography and the cake.

Thank you for the smiles with regard to your excellent ponderance....it's true.

'Time for Tea' is that time...that pause for many....wouldn't you say.

Kind Regards,


Regards friend and blessed this weekend

Greetings @ferod23 ,

Kind Regards,


I’m a big fan of simple black and white reasoning like this.

Is this helping me? Or is it harming me? There’s no in between.

Of course, it’s not so easy to put into practice.

Thank you for the reminder.

Greetings @boxcarblue ,

As is always the case ...it sounds simple but it is not easy. ^__^

Happy to hear you can appreciate Principles.

Thank you for stopping by.

Kind Regards, Bleujay

Yes, principles are a wonderful thing.

Hey @bleujay, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Thank you @barski !

Greetings @bleujay, have a blessed day!

The arrangement with roses in combination with this vase looks great and I will wait to see the embodiment of this in watercolor by you, I am sure it will be magnificent.

As for the phrase, then I, in my personal life, or, relying on life experience lol, will say that this phrase has no meaning, or will not lead from point A to point B, if we do not learn to stand still.

Yes, it means to stand firmly in place and this is an intermediate phase between moving forward and retreating.

Standing still in obedience to God, having His revelations, and He often points to our state of rest, when everything around explodes and collapses, can be much more difficult than trying to advance or retreat.
Something like that :)

Why didn’t the mathematician travel?
He could never reach the city limit.

Credit: reddit
@bleujay, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of barski



Greetings @barski ,

Thank you for dropping by...appreciate your kind complimentary words with regard to the still life photography....maybe a painting someday..^__^

So very true....Stand still and watch the deliverance of the Lord...

However, we have the Apostle Paul exhorting believers to press on toward the high calling of God...and this is the context of how I would apply doctrine to this Principle. We are also mandated to Grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ....many times in the Epistles....that being said in order to do so...we must take in the Word and that is done sitting down...being still and yet we are growing...pressing forward as we do so.

Perhaps another way of looking at it...The Ecclesiastes concept of time could be applied here...as in there is a time for standing still and a time for pressing forward.

As always, dialogue with regard to the Principle is appreciated.

Thinking of you and your family,


Hey @bleujay, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Sometimes, such a concept as movement, even within the Church, is perceived somewhat... you need to find a delicate word so that no one from other Christian denominations gets offended, lol... let's say this concept looks like an underfed rabbit.. Have you seen such rabbits?

Not fish and not meat, skin and bones, there is not enough meat in it to slaughter, but there is no point in feeding it, this is how what we understand in the word movement, based on the Apostle Paul, may look like. He, I believe, primarily means the movement of the Holy Spirit, and if its manifestations are not taken seriously by someone, to put it mildly, then the movement that we observe is a hysterical throwing of a rabbit around the cage in the hope of getting his carrot and not ending up overboard this ship. :)

It is impossible to accept the gifts of the Holy Spirit deliberately, because either you rule over the Spirit, or you let the Spirit lead you, otherwise, you will not receive most of the gifts, there are no gifts, there is no movement that Paul spoke about, but there will be movement in such a matter as literalism, and the letter and the Word are different matters in such a process as movement and they may not intersect at all :)

In a nutshell... so. !BEER !LOLZ !ALIVE

Thanks for sharing. Good to be reminded to think more consciously and mindfully.

Greetings @kaminchan ,

Hope things are improving.

Thank you for your kind comment...yes...indeed.

Kind Regards, Bleujay

Things are getting better. Lots of mud to be cleaned up. Many trees and plants would have already perished. But people and cats are safe!

Thank you @kaminchan for the update....sounds like loads of work ahead.

Lovely to hear people and cats are safe.

Thinking of you.


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