Celebrating My Mom’s 80th Birthday

in #story3 months ago

This past weekend I took a quick trip back home to Columbus, Ohio to celebrate my Mom’s 80th birthday. My brother and his family traveled from Canfield, Ohio and we all converged at my Mom's house in Johnstown.

Despite how long it's been between visits I'm always amazed by how enjoyable and effortless our time together is. We reserved a small private dining room at Ghostwriter Public House in downtown Johnstown for Saturday night and were all thrilled with the food.


All of the dishes we ordered exceeded expectations. My brother told me the chips and queso were the best he's ever tasted and that's high praise from him, he's a true queso connoisseur. My mom ordered the lemon basil linguini with shrimp (ohio city lemon basil linguini, wood grilled shrimp, new path farms lions mane, oyster & chestnut mushroom, asparagus, baby kale, black garlic butter, chèvre, almonds, scallions) and we were delighted to hear it was the best meal she'd ever eaten in her life.


She doesn't drink alcohol but we ordered her a mocktail called the Mound Builder which was a combination of coconut water, pineapple juice, and bitters, she enjoyed it.


Everything from the ambience to the service was top notch and made my mom's eightieth a birthday to remember. We were all absolutely blown away by our experience at Ghostwriter, this is such a rare thing in our post-Pandemic world. I've eaten at fine-dining restaurants all over the world and this is now in my top three favorites. As Arnold Schwarzenegger says, "I'll be back". True excellence can be found in the least likely of places and I hope they keep it up. If you're in the area be sure not to miss this gem.


I can't tell you how was great to spend time with my family. My nephew and brother and I had several Frisbee throwing sessions in the sweltering summer heat. There's only one problem with visits back home, they're always too short.

My brother and his family had to leave early on Sunday and my mom and I took a drive through the neighborhood I grew up in. It's been almost thirty years since I left for Minnesota and the neighborhood is nearly unrecognizable now (not in a good way).


The small grey house on the left, 586 Elizabeth Avenue, was where nearly all of my childhood memories were made. After all these years it still somewhat resembles the house my parents sold in 2004 but the neighborhood has deteriorated around it. I can so clearly recall riding these streets on my Huffy bike with my friends and walking down the street to the schoolyard to play. We celebrated every birthday, every Christmas, we even huddled in together during the huge blizzard of 1978 and countless tornado warnings. Now this little house is the stage for some other family's memories. I hope they're as good as ours were.

On Sunday we had lunch at my Mom's favorite restaurant in Columbus, Bendi Wok n' Bar.


After this we took a meandering drive through downtown Columbus, the Short North, and The Ohio State University Campus.

All Decisions, Even Good Ones, Have Consequences

I had a late afternoon flight out on Monday so Mom and I spent the morning looking through old photo albums. I hadn't seen some of these pictures for decades.


My Mom in her early 20's.


Me when I was eight years old.

Looking at these old pictures really made me realize how fast time passes. We're here on this Earth for such an incredibly short blip.


Me, my brother, and my niece and nephew (late 1990s).

I've made every effort to visit home throughout the last thirty years, sometimes driving fifteen hours straight just for a long weekend back home. This trip made me realize how much I've missed throughout the last decades. There were entire albums of family pictures that I wasn't in. School plays, birthdays, games, Christmases I wasn't a part of. Life has a way of distorting things, sometimes giving us amnesia.

I've been beyond blessed in my life and I don't have many regrets but one of them is I wish I could have spent more time with my family. Time is a tricky thing. When we're young we have no clue how fast it goes and despite our best intentions there are times when things aren't as easy or don't work out as you planned.

As I was driving away from 586 Elizabeth Avenue in the wee hours of the morning in July of 1995 with my Honda Civic packed with all of my stuff I had no clue what the future held for me. As I saw my parents shrink in the rear view mirror I was scared shitless, but more than that, I was excited for the adventure I was about to undertake. Decades later, I'm amazed by how well it all came together. However, all decisions, even good ones, have consequences and a big part of this phase of life is making peace with this.


As I took off from the Columbus airport I was still buzzing from a weekend of making great new memories. Before the wheels of the plane even left the ground I was already looking forward to the next trip home.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Be well and make the most of this day. Thank you for reading!

(Photos and video are original)

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Hello dear friend @ericvancewalton good afternoon
How great that you have traveled and will join your family for your mother's birthday celebration. It's true, a family reunion is always short of time, especially when we have a great time.
The part where you show us your childhood home is very emotional.
Have a beautiful day dear friend, it makes me very happy to know that you have enjoyed this visit very much.

Thank you my friend! Every trip home is good but this one stands out as one of the best. I hope you enjoy your day.

?>As I took off from the Columbus airport I was still buzzing from a weekend of making great new memories. Before the wheels of the plane even left the ground I was already looking forward to the next trip home.

I mean, this kind of says it all, doesn't it? The past, present and future blend here, your trip has warped time. I love this post.

I have to go to that restaurant!

And what is that in your mouth? A musical instrument?

It really does say it all. It's a miracle we've managed to stay this close throughout three decades of being apart. I'm extremely thankful for that.

It's worth a trip to experience this place! It's such a surprise to find a restaurant of the caliber in a small town. I want to try everything on the menu. In today's economy this place could be gone tomorrow but I hope it's around for a long time.

I think I was drinking cola from a shot glass in this old picture. I have no idea why my friend and I were doing that, practice for the future maybe? Lol.

Happy birthday to your mom 🥳🥳
Looks like a lovely celebration. My mom had her 90th bd this earlier this year.
Treasure the times together 🥰

Thank you! Wow, 90! Happy belated birthday to your Mom. Do you live close to her?

You are welcome 😊
Thank you!
No sadly I do not… being an expat living abroad is not always easy.

I've wanted to move away from the U.S. for years but that part of being an expat would be tough.

I soooo understand.
Living in my 8th country of residence now. Trying to find the place to settle… as I have really no ties anywhere… really. Except my mom, but i visit whenever I can 😊
She is still living alone, although her health isn’t that good lately.

Your words ratiate warmth, love, and a bit of nostalgia. Mom's birthday is a great chance to get together, remember old days and make new memories.

I wish I could have spent more time with my family.

I feel the same way. Sadly, those time cannot return.

I was surprised by how much looking at those old photos effected me. All the memories came rushing back. We're lucky to still be able to make more memories and I intend to make the most of the opportunity. Thank you @zirochka. I hope you and your family are hanging in there. My Mom reads your blog regularly and is a big fan of your writing.

OMG, your Mom reads me?😬😊 I am very pleased and it's an honour. 🙏

Old family photos have strong effect. When I was younger, looking at them was interesting and cognitive, but as I am getting older, it is rather sad... But it's just me, I hope.

My Mom turns 80 in September. I wish I could visit her more often.

Thank you for your kind words, and have a wonderful day!

She not only reads your posts, she loves them. I always send them to her via text.


Your writing reminds her of her grandfather who was from the Ukraine.

This is the first time the old photos have have evoked this strong of a reaction in me. So many relatives have left us, so many places have changed.

Pretty amazing that are parents are so close together in age. I hope you can be with her for her birthday.

She not only reads your posts, she loves them. I always send them to her via text.

You are both too sweet 🥰 Is she on Hive?

Sending you the warmest greetings and hugs from Ukraine, and wish your Mom long life!


Dear @ericvancewalton, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @zirochka.

She's not on Hive, unfortunately. I've tried to get her to join but it's just too daunting for her. Thank you @zirochka! I wish the same for you and your family.

Wow this is a big birthday. She grew with so much grace.. Spending time with family is the best, especially for such a special occasion. This was definitely a wonderful celebration, and the food looks amazing too

It was a milestone, for sure. Thanks!


You're most welcome brother and I'm wishing for more of this for the family.


Happy birthday, Eric's Mom <3

From the outside, it sounds like you're there for a lot. Think of all the things you missed, but all the things you caught. :)

Thanks, my friend! Nice little rhyme there! : )

Hadn't even noticed it xD

Happy Birthday to your mom!!! So sweet! ❤️

Thanks Silvia!

Your post very much reminds me of myself, my travels and leaving home and visits back home. This really sums it up - every time

Before the wheels of the plane even left the ground I was already looking forward to the next trip home.

Happy birthday to your mom! May there be many more for you and your family to celebrate together.

It fills you with so much melancholy, doesn't it? It sometimes takes me a few days to recover. I hope you're able to make it home often. Thank you!

Melancholy is a good word for it. Just too much of melancholy is not good for leading ones own life but sometimes it's easy to loose yourself in it. With my mom's recent passing it sure is. I don't know when I'll be making it back home to Germany again. I will I am sure, I love visiting my sis and her fam but with mom gone we'll see when this will happen.

Maybe a a bit of melancholy today is the reason why I came back to MemoirMonday - I did see and reblog your original post but then - things happened, life happened. Hopefully, I'll get to post for the next installment. Thank you for the opportunity.

Dwelling in that melancholic place isn't good, I agree. I'm usually good after a day or so, once I immerse myself in my regular routine. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom's passing. Hopefully your sister and family can make an effort to come see you as well. This makes it a lot easier. Hoping to see your Memoir Monday entry. Take care!

Best meal ever for your mom, the mocktail, family time including throwing frisbees and visiting your old neighborhood and leafing through photo albums. It all sounds bittersweet ( especially that mocktail! )

Loved to read this.


Happy birthday to your Mom ❤️🎉 So happy to hear you celebrated her birthday with the entire family and you had a wonderful time. These are some of the most precious memories and experiences in our human lives.

Thank you Krisz!

A very big happy birthday to your mom
She looks so young and looking fresh
It is really a great age anniversary worthy to be celebrated

Wow! So sweet! Happy birthday, Grandma. We are happy to celebrate you

How time flies! A very belated happy birthday to your Mom. 80 years, and she still looks so good! Her pasta dish sounds beyond delicious.
Special times are so precious!
Life has a way of pulling us in other directions, but always great when one gets together with the people who matter in our lives!
Have a great weekend further Eric <3

Thank you Lizelle! Time flies, indeed. It's hard to believe our celebration was a week ago already. We made some wonderful memories over that weekend. I hope you enjoy your weekend as well!

Happy Birthday to your mom! We celebrated my mom's 80th birthday in December.

Thank you! Amazing, happy belated birthday to your Mom! I hope she's doing well.

You are welcome and thank you! She is doing well!

I'm very glad to hear that!


Highest regard for Moms and 8D


happy Birthday MOM!

Peace Love and Bacon Bruv!

Thank you!

Happy Birthday to your Mom! Wow, she sure doesn't look 80 years old. She is quite lucky to have a family who loves her like you guys. Her Mound Builder sounds delicious and I'm sure the food was delicious as well. Nice to see the old photos and the drive around the neighborhood is always good, though mostly never as nice as we remember it in our mind's eye. You did right by your mom!

Thank you Tamara! We're lucky to have been blessed with healthy DNA on both sides. My Dad would have lived many more years if it wasn't for Alzheimer's and Covid. We all enjoyed our time together so much.

Looks like it was an awesome time! My brother in law just had their anniversary dinner at that place and he said it was amazing. I'm always afraid I would get kicked out of a fine dining place.

It really was! Oh man, you should try it. This is not a pretentious place at all, it's very relaxed. They even have a nice back patio. We ordered take out during the Pandemic and were impressed but dining in gave us the true experience of how excellent it really was. It was also 1/2 the price that we'd pay here in the Twin Cities for similar food.

That is really cool. A lot of places have went downhill since Covid. I'll have to keep this one in mind!

Yes, even many restaurants that used to be great have slipped since Covid. It's nice to find a place that still cares and is passionate about what they do. If you try it let me know what you think!

Okay, will do!

As Dorothy says in The Wizard of Oz, "There's no place like home." I can imagine your mother's joy, having her children celebrating her and looking at pictures. I've always believed that after a certain age, what makes us happiest are memories and photographs are a nice way to remember. It's 80 years!!! God bless you. Also how beautiful your mother was, makes me remember an actress but the name doesn't come to mind. Also the menu looks delicious and interesting.
Thank you for sharing that intimate and familiar moment with us!!!! From me, I leave you a hug and a smile over here. Take care of yourself and keep smiling.

Thanks Nancy! That quote is more true than most people realize! It's so much fun to reminisce, I'm finding I enjoy it more with each year but don't like to dwell in the past for too long. Despite her beauty my Mom was (and still is) the most humble person imaginable. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!

Likewise, Eric. Hugs

Happy birthday!

Thank you! : )

Your mum is still pretty even at her age. And look how strong she is, wow. I can imagine how excited she was about the celebration. Wishing her all the best.

Thank you! I think she really enjoyed herself, we all did. I hope your week is going well!

You're welcome, and yes my week is moving smoothly.

80th birthday? That's awesome and your Mom doesn't look a day older than sixty.... I am always happy to see children celebrate their well deserving Moms on occasions like this.

Happy belated birthday Mom.

Thank you! If my hair turns any more gray she'll have more dark hair than me. : )

😅... You look older!

Some days I feel older. 😂

You people are lucky that your mother is alive because life without mother is not good at all. My mother left this world in 2018. It is so good that you all have traveled and brought her to her mother. The day is made special because no other person in this world can love as much as a mother can.

We are very lucky! Thanks my friend.

Happy birthday to your mom!

Yep, it's amazing how fast it all passes. Blink and you miss it. Of course I could go all Buddhist on you and talk about how each moment is forever. And it is. But at the end of the day, it sure does seem to go fast anyway! When we first met, 20 years ago, I told me wife that before we know it we are both going to be 90, sitting in a rocking chair, and wondering what happened. (I know—I make odd dating conversation)


I celebrate with you @ericvancewalton. Happy birthday to Mama🎁🎂

I appreciate it!

Happy birthday to your mother, Eric. May God always bless her. She is a great mother.

She definitely is a great mother. Thanks Eliana!

From the photos it is very clear, how well you all enjoyed your day. Your mom should have been the happiest person on this day. Taking her out, spending time with her, buying food of her choice......what more she can expect. Just lovely. Visiting your childhood place should be a memorable experience. Wishing your mom a healthy and comfortable life,on this birthday.

Thanks much Shamis!