My dream at the age of 7 was to be a doctor. At age 10 I wanted to be a lawyer. Age 12 I wanted to be a nurse. At the age of 13 I wanted to be a DJ. Age 15, I was certain I wanted to be a gynaecologist. Age 17, I just fell in love with the environment and wanted to become an Environmental Scientist.What I realized is all the dreams were influenced by people. I grew up around health personnel and that explains some of the dreams above. Don’t ask me about the DJ, it’s a long story for another day.
Eventually, I pursued that dream of being an Environmental scientist and achieved that goal. That was success for me.
@nhaji01 has loved books all her life,fell in love with microorganisms and science stuff and got to achieve her dream of becoming a Biochemist, that’s her own success.
@yahuzah has been single for so long and his dream is to keep on being single and he’s still single, that’s success for him.
If @george-dee also wants to become a billionaire and he actually becomes one, then that’s success for him.
If you want to gain or lose a weight at the end of the year and you achieve that, then that’s your own success.
If @trexane has dreams of marrying a Ghanaian woman and he ends up being with one and becomes happy, then that’s success for him.
If @kingsleyy works hard for his daily 2k and he gets it each and everyday, call that success as well.
If @moremoney28 decides to run for Nigerian president next 3 years to change the state of their economy and he wins, that’s premium success too.
If @olujay wants to rob a bank and he’s able to convince @kilvnrex with a little percentage and in the end they are able to do it, then that’s also success for them.
If @smariam wants to snatch someone’s boyfriend and she’s really able to do that at the end of the day.Then that’s success for her.
A poor man might see success as becoming rich and that’s fine because that’s what he wants.Why does he want it? It’s simply because he doesnt have it. A rich man might still be working to become richer because he might probably have a particular financial target and until he attains that height, he won’t really see himself successful.
So let’s be real for once. It really depends on people and their goals.Success is really not a big deal like how we see it. It is simply just accomplishing your dreams and aspirations.
I see people work so hard to become successful but their efforts amount to nothing. It is very important to make sure that at the end of the day you are not just working hard for nothing but your hardwork shows in your result.
Thank you for your time and I wish you all the best in achieving your goals.