I think we often underestimate the presence of things that are not visible. Like the presence of stress.
I have also underestimated stress, unfortunately, pppfft. I thought my body was too strong to ward off the presence of stress. Then the fact was very surprising me, that I was susceptible to stress.
Work in the technological era that focuses more on work that relies on the mind actually creates a greater presence of stress. It doesn't mean we are not stressed if we don't use a lot of energy.
In my opinion, stress can be a silent killer. Because it causes many deadly diseases to start. We can find out the cause of stress by being able to realize the presence of stress. Then, start looking for solutions to reduce the stress.
In this new year, I have indeed determined to live a healthy lifestyle from before. There are so many self-improvements that I have to do for a better life. I realize that my life in previous years was not good in terms of health. But it is never too late to improvise on that.
I also bought a smartband to monitor health-related matters, especially the most important ones are physical activity, sleep patterns, and stress management.
Since having this smartband, I have realized that stress can actually trigger various diseases. At first, high levels of stress will disrupt our sleep patterns, also affect appetite, and many more.
Screenshoot from apps
My smartband which is connected to the health application on my cellphone, (I use Samsung Health) offers many free options to control stress. Such as meditation music, relaxation music to help improve sleep scores, and breathing training.
Screenshoot from apps
I am very helped by the many free features provided. This smartband will remind me of meditation schedules, even stretching when I wake up, and physical activity time, all of which directly contribute to the presence of stress.
Stress is how our bodies respond to things that happen in our lives, especially work pressure. So we must be able to adapt to those things.
In my opinion, learning about calmness is the main key. Currently, I am also practicing breathing techniques.
In this era of technology, we can easily do many things at once but it will actually trigger high stress because the brain is constantly used to think. Even before, I could sit in front of a laptop for hours. No wonder, my sleep schedule became messy.
So now, I'm trying to organize my working hours. I go out more often, especially enjoying a calming space with water and garden elements.
Maybe right now we think we are still strong and not sick. But it's not the present that we only think about. Because we are today what we invest in the future.
I want me in the future to be better and be able to manage stress well. I want to fill myself with peace. In fact, it is very difficult to get peace, so learn to do it.
Drink tea, listen to music, do hobbies that we like, and don't forget to exercise even if it's just walking around your city. Keep up the spirit to be healthier!
Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari
Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.
Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009