For anyone familiar with the Otway National Park in Victoria, Australia, you will know that Beauchamp Falls has been shut for over two years and has just re-opened to the public again!
The walk in isn't too bad, but as you descend down, you know that it is going to be a struggle coming back up!
Once I arrived at this waterfall, I could see a few comps that would work nicely and I started taking my images. Normally I wouldn't visit a waterfall in summer, but it had rained for the last couple of days and was in the low teens (celcius) so I decided to visit:
I use a NiSi square filter kit, as my Nikon Z14-24 wouldn't allow me to stack filtersm and as I was shooting one of my last comps, my square polariser slipped out of the holder and into the river. I started looking everywhere and couldn't find it, thinking it was gone for good. Then my dad swapped spots and was able to find it! I was stoked to say the least, as a replacement would cost me ~ $250aud
I have only edited one shot from the falls, as I felt it was definitely my strongest comp, which means I will have a couple to edit and post sometime in the future when I get around to it!